Collie Club of Wales Championship Show 2018 - No CCs


Judge Lena Newman



Best of Breed Cole's Ch Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn & Reserve Best in Show

Best Dog Cole's Ch Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn

Reserve Best Dog Beeney's Coneyparl Black Sabbath
Best Bitch
Kinsey's Ryecombe Jovial Jasmine of Sturtmoor

Reserve Best Bitch Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
Best Puppy - Benton's Oakestelle Artemis & Best Puppy in Show

Best Veteran - Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle



Special Yearling Dog (3,0)
1st Beeney's Coneyparl Black Sabbath

2nd Moore's Manordeifi Bow Regard

3rd Westbridge Blue Field



Limit Dog (2,0)

1st Denton's Brackenhaye Fields of Gold

2nd Kinsey's Sturtmoor Khaos of Kaswyn


Open Dog (2,2)

1st Cole's Ch Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn


Veteran Dog/Bitch (3,1)

1st Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle

2nd Moore's Manordeifi Silver Sparkle


Special Yearling Bitch (2,0)

1st Flower's Breckamore Butterfingers

2nd Benton's Oakestelle Artemis


Limit Bitch (7,0)
1st Kinsey's Sturtmoor Kurious Kadence

2nd Sweeney's Plaisance Blue Belle

3rd Benton's Oakestelle Asteria

Res Beeney's Brackenhaye When We Dance

VHC Moore's Manordeifi Summer Magic


Open Bitch (3,0)

1st Kinsey's Ryecombe Jovial Jasmine of Sturtmoor
2nd Denton's Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo

3rd Beeney's Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark


I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Collie Club of Wales for the invitation to Judge Smooths at their Championship Show and for their kind welcome. It was a very well organised and friendly show and I would also like to thank my stewards and all the exhibitors for their entries and for accepting my decisions with good sportsmanship. It's a long time since I have judged Smooths and I was pleased with the quality of the dogs, in particular, a large number of dogs had correct head planes with correct balance of head, correct stop, flat and well filled skulls. In contrast, I thought there were quite a few very lightly built dogs, too refined and almost 'whippety' with a shorter shallower ribcage and long loin. I also noted quite a few tricolours with brown undercoat which did not give the desired jet black look. Inevitably, there is always a range of good and not so good points but on the whole some very pleasing dogs. *SpYD *(3) 1 Beeney's Coneypark Black Sabbath, an upstanding and impressive looking tricolour combining elegance and substance, well balanced head with parallel head planes and well filled back skull, good ears which he used well, a little deep through in head and his foreface could look a little 'vainy', good eye, lovely reach of neck, strong ribcage and good length of back, correct front assembly and corresponding correct hind quarters, moved very well, well presented and showed well, tight fitting coat of good texture and colour, moved as well as his conformation suggested, a very smart looking dog, reserve Best Dog. 2 Moores' Manordeifi Bow Regard, sable of good size, masculine and well balanced head, I would prefer a little better filling of foreface, good head planes and pleasant eye, adequate neck, good front and hind angulation, well developed in body with well sprung ribcage and deep chest, good length of back and moved quite well. 3 Kinsey's Westridge Blue Field. *LD* (2) 1 Denton's Brackenhaye Fields of Gold, a very attractive shaded sable, masculine and strong, well built with good body proportions and good reach of neck, excellent ears and good ear carriage, well balanced in head with correct head planes and well filled back skull and a nice eye giving a kind and gentle expression, adequate angulation front and back, firm topline, moved well from all angles. 2 Kinsey's Sturtmoor Khaos of Kaswyn, attractive male who impressed with his overall balance and shape, well moulded head with good head planes and pleasant expression but ears rather heavy, slightly lighter in build than the winner but well constructed and moved well. *OD* (1) 1 Kinsey & Cole's Ch Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn, elegant golden sable, lovely overall shape enhanced by his very attractive markings, balanced head with correct head planes, a little broad in skull but a nicely shaped eye and pleasant expression, neat ears which are well placed, I would prefer his foreface a little better moulded, lovely neck and topline, well angulated front and back, good ribcage, adequate length of back, moved freely and effortlessly with drive and purpose, Best Dog, Best of Breed, reserve Best In Show. *VD/B* (3, 1) 1 Benton's Aleopex Marionette of Oakestelle, an elegant blue merle bitch with a look of quality, very feminine head with excellent head planes, flat well filled skull and correct stop, I would prefer her foreface a little better filled and her eye is a little round, she uses her ears to her advantage, good reach of neck, well angulated front and back, moves very well from all angles covering the ground well, reserve Best Bitch. 2 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Sparkle, blue merle bitch with substance and a good colour which was very well broken up, well balanced head with pleasant eye, ears a little heavy, in excellent coat and condition, adequate neck, well sprung ribcage of correct length and deep chest, well angulated front and back, moved well. *SpYB* (2) 1 Flower's Breckamore Butterfingers, attractive tricolour of good make and shape, balanced head although slightly deep in backskull, excellent ears, a little round in eye and I would prefer a slightly better filling of foreface, good length of body, adequate angulation front and back, moved effortlessly and with drive. 2 Benton's Oakestelle Artemis, blue merle who needs more time, her head is clean but very fine and needs to fill in foreface and skull, stop slightly sloping, light ears, pleasant eye, adequate angulation front and back, moved effortlessly but needs to mature, for me her white body marking detracts from the overall picture. *LB* (7,2) 1 Kinsey's Sturtmoor Kurious Kadence, I was attracted to this tri when she came in for her overall shape and balance, her head is balanced although a little broad in backskull and eye rather full, ears a little wide set, good neck and topline, adequate angulation front and back, good depth and spring of chest, coat not the clearest in colour but a good texture, moved well. 2 Sweeney's Plaisance Blue Belle, blue merle with a nice head and eye, ears a little light, adequate neck, overall she is well constructed although does not stride out as well as the winner, well broken up markings and quite clear in colour. *OB* (3) 1 Kinsey's Ryecombe Jovial Jasmine of Sturtmoor, golden sable with attractive shape, feminine and well balanced head with correct head planes and well filled backskull although a little strong in backskull, correct stop, nice eye giving a feminine expression, ears a little light and wide set, well angulated front and back, good ribcage, moves well although tends to cross over slightly in front, Best Bitch. 2 Denton's Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo, feminine shaded sable with a very nice eye giving a soft expression, ears a little heavy, slightly straight in front angulation, excellent hind angulation, good deep ribcage and good length of back, adequate neck and firm topline, well fitting coat in excellent condition, moves quite well although front tended to dip on the move. Best Puppy In Breed came from the limit class in the form of Benton's Oakestelle Asteria, an 8 months old tricolour bitch with a pleasing shape and outline, her head is clean but needs to fill in foreface and backskull, quite a pleasant eye, good reach of neck, strong and level topline, quite well angulated front and back, needs to develop in body, moved well, a promising baby, I was pleased to see her win Best Puppy In Show.