City Of Birmingham Canine
Association 2017 |
Collie (Smooth) |
Judge: Mrs S
BEST OF BREED : 3798 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Final Countdown
Dog CC : 3798 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Final Countdown
Res Dog CC : 3792 FRENCH Ms A Ch Breckamore By Design
Bitch CC : 3796 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Sh CM
Res Bitch CC : 3793 FRENCH Ms A Wynele Alice Bluegown
Best Puppy : 3793 FRENCH Ms A Wynele Alice Bluegown
Best Veteran : 3784 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
Best Junior : 3793 FRENCH Ms A Wynele Alice Bluegown
Class 1145 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3817 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan
Class 1146 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3825 VICKERY Mrs E Blamorder Bero Bear
Class 1147 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3783 BELL, Ms D & COWLING Ms E Koczkodan Nostromo
2nd: 3807 LOADER Mrs G & Mr A Coneypark Countdown for Allangill
3rd: 3789 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L Natalain Star Lord At
Willowhurst (Imp)
Res: 3811 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Bow Regard
Class 1148 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3789 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L Natalain Star Lord At
Willowhurst (Imp)
Class 1149 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3802 KINSEY, Mrs A & KINSEY Miss K Sturtmoor Khaos Of Kaswyn
2nd: 3814 NORMAN Miss C Seanua Signature
Class 1150 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3798 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Final Countdown
2nd: 3792 FRENCH Ms A Ch Breckamore By Design
3rd: 3787 COLE, Mrs D A & KINSEY Mrs & Mi A Ch Sturtmoor Dream Of
Res: 3823 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Blamorder Back To The Future
VHC: 3805 LEACH Mrs C H Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
Class 1151 GCD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3825 VICKERY Mrs E Blamorder Bero Bear
Class 1152 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3784 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
2nd: 3820 SEWELL Miss J Ch Foxearth Dressed To Frill
Class 1153 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3793 FRENCH Ms A Wynele Alice Bluegown
2nd: 3824 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Juniperwood My Dream
Class 1154 JB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3793 FRENCH Ms A Wynele Alice Bluegown
2nd: 3815 PLETZ, Ms R & KAZANTZIS Mr S Foxearth Fandella
3rd: 3810 MEACHAM Mrs P A Blamorder Curlywurly Girly At Zellamere
Res: 3809 MCARDLE Mrs M Blamorder Jelly Bean Queen For Slievemac
VHC: 3818 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Koczkodan Serenity
Class 1155 PGB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3819 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Breckamore Bittersweet For Koczkodan
Class 1156 LB (8 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3796 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Sh.CM
2nd: 3808 LUSTY Miss A G Blamorder Just My Luck
3rd: 3791 FORT Miss J M Shulune Imperial Storm
Res: 3821 SWEENEY Mrs J L Plaisance Blue Belle
VHC: 3790 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L Natalain Kilkenny At
Willowhurst (Imp)
Class 1157 OB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3822 TIMMINS Mr & Mrs D & M Ir Ch Brackenhaye Desert Rose At Kynan
Jun Ch
2nd: 3799 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth
3rd: 3806 LISTER Mrs P E Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp
Res: 3795 GAY Mr R C & Mrs D J Yagane's Lavender Mist
VHC: 3785 BENTON Miss M Oakestelle Venus De Milo
Class 1158 GCB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3786 BROWN Mr & Mrs G & MM Blamorder Back In Town
VHC: |
VD (1) 1 Russell, Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan,
8 and half year old felt he looked his age, he had an attractive head,
parallel planes and tipped ears, he stood wide in front and bit heavy over
shoulder, but good depth and substance. Oval feet and tad flat and down on
pasterns. Good rear angulation and rounded croup, well set tail and moved
out steadily.
PD (1) 1 Vickery, Blamorder Bero Bear, handsome young
baby, with tipped ears, parallel planes and good back skull with dark almond
eyes, good straight front, and bone, tight oval feet, level topline, a
little short in ribbing ,rounded croup with moderate angulations low set
hocks and tight oval feet, he was very bouncy on the move.
JD (5,1) 1 Bell & Cowling, Koczkodan Nostromo,
attractive head with lovely tipped ears, medium sized dark eye, good planes,
pleasing overall shape, good depth of body, good angulation front and rear,
level topline rounded croup well set tail and carriage, tight arched feet
and moved easily. 2 Loader, Coneypark Countdown for Allangill, another
lovely head with dark eyes, well set tipped ears, tight lips and good
pigment, good reach of neck and depth of body and front and rear angulation,
level topline, well ribbed back, rounded croup, pleasing tail set and
carriage and tight oval feet, moved out steadily. 3 Forbes & Forbes,
Natalain Star Lord At Willowhurst (Imp).
PGD (1) 1 Forbes & Forbes, Natalain Star Lord At
Willowhurst (Imp), attractive head with tipped ears, pleasing dark almond
eyes, good muzzle and pigment, this boy is at the inbetween stage with some
maturing to do, moved out steadily.
LD (2) 1 Kinsey & Kinsey, Sturtmoor Khaos Of Kaswyn,
smart happy boy, pleasing expression with mobile well set ears, reluctant to
stand them up, clean blunt wedge head with well filled in muzzle with good
reach of neck well ribbed back with nice straight front and good angulation
front and rear, rounded croup, well set tail and carriage and moved out
easily. 2 Norman, Seanua Signature, heavier type with well filled in head
giving good wedge shape, well set ears, very mobile, nice straight front,
tight knuckled feet, moderate bone and depth to body. Plenty of substance,
needs more strength to rear and stands a tad cow hocked. Moved out
erratically and bouncy.
OD (6) 1 Hayward, Foxearth Final Countdown, loved this
dog, such quality, he just caught my eye, so well put together standing four
square, with his gentle expression his tipped ears and dark almond shaped
eyes along with super pigment, he was so handsome, such a beautiful overall
shape, with his strong quarters he moved out with drive with easily
and effortlessly. DCC and BOB. 2 French, Ch Breckamore By Design, so
masculine, this boy had the most gorgeous head shape with his dark eye,
tipped ears, his good pigment and his calm expression. Good depth to body,
level topline, ribbed well back, lovely rounded croup and tail set. Good
substance and strong quarters Well angulated front and rear. Harsh coat and
in super condition today moved just a tad close but with reach and drive.
RDCC. 3 Cole & Kinsey, Ch Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn.
GCD (1) 1 Vickery, Blamorder Bero Bear.
VB (2) Two lovely old ladies both so happy to be out,
moving out well and soundly, first just had that more of a flowing outline,
both really cheeky ladies. 1 Benton, Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle. BV. 2
Sewell, Ch Foxearth Dressed To Frill.
PB (2) 1 French, Wynele Alice Bluegown, the most
beautiful baby girl, such quality, a pleasing shaped head, with lovely dark
eyes, tipped ears, tight mouth and good head planes. Pleasing balanced
overall shape with good depth of chest, reach of neck and outline, rounded
croup, well set happy tail, tight arched feet. This baby moved with a waggy
happy tail, such promise for the future. BP and RBCC. 2 Trundley,
Juniperwood My Dream, 11 month baby, very feminine stands a tad wide in
front, very pretty merle with dark eyes, lovely ear set and tip, and tight
oval feet. Good depth of body and substance, rounded croup, pleasing tail
set and moved out easily.
JB (8,1) 1 French, Wynele Alice Bluegown. Best Junior.
2 Pletz & Kazantzis, Foxearth Fandella, a tri with lovely head qualities and
planes, dark almond shaped eyes, lovely tipped ears, very mobile, straight
front, tight arched feet, good depth of body, pleasing angulation front and
rear, so well-constructed, rounded croup and tail set, moved easily. 3
Meacham, Blamorder Curlywurly Girly At Zellamere.
PGB (1) 1 Russell, Breckamore Bittersweet For Koczkodan,
lovely blunt wedge shaped head with good planes and dark almond eyes, tipped
ears and gentle expression, nice straight front, knuckled tight arched feet,
good reach of neck and depth of body, level topline, pleasing angulations,
well ribbed back, rounded croup and well set tail.
LB (8) 1 Hartley, Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
Sh.CM, pleasing girl of 2 years the prettiest of heads with parallel planes
and good back skull, dark almond shape eyes somewhat obliquely set, mobile
ears, pleasing overall shape, well balanced and constructed. Super bone and
tight arched feet, moved out easily. BCC. 2 Lusty, Blamorder Just My Luck,
another 2 year old, lovely shape and type so well balanced, nice straight
front, tight arched feet, good reach of neck, good depth of body and ribbed
well back, pleasing angulation front and rear, rounded croup, low set tail,
moved out with ease. 3 Fort, Shulune Imperial Storm.
OB (7,2) 1 Timmins, Ir Ch Brackenhaye Desert Rose At
Kynan Jun Ch, 18 month old girl with a lovely head shape, dark almond shaped
eyes well tipped ears, good planes such a pretty expression, arched of neck,
well knuckled feet and good bone, pleasing depth of body, and overall
angulation, rounded croup, level topline, pleasing tail set and carriage,
once settled moved really well and effortlessly. 2 Hayward, Ch Clingstone's
Hot Shot at Foxearth (Imp), this delightful well known lady 6 year old, who
has a lovely flowing shape and is so very balanced, with her blunt shaped
head arched neck, depth of body and substance, for me today, she certainly
looked her age and was not her normal sparkling self although she moved out
soundly she just seemed tired. 3 Lister, Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp.