The Welsh Kennel Club 2017

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mr D P R Rigby


BEST OF BREED : 3032 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth (Imp)
Dog CC : 3024 FRENCH Ms A Ch Breckamore By Design
Res Dog CC : 3030 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Final Countdown
Bitch CC : 3032 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth (Imp)
Res Bitch CC : 3021 FLOWER Miss S Breckamore Butterfingers
Best Puppy : 3036 LOADER Mrs G & Mr A Coneypark Countdown For Allangill
Best Veteran : 3039 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Sparkle



Class 921 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3036 LOADER Mrs G & Mr A Coneypark Countdown For Allangill

Class 922 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3036 LOADER Mrs G & Mr A Coneypark Countdown For Allangill
2nd: 3038 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Bow Regard

Class 923 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3019 DENTON Mr R J & Mrs J M Brackenhaye Fields Of Gold

Class 924 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3030 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Final Countdown

Class 925 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3024 FRENCH Ms A Ch Breckamore By Design
2nd: 3018 COLE, Mrs D A & KINSEY Mrs & Mi A Ch Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
3rd: 3026 GAY Mr R C & Mrs D J Ch Yagane's Blue Mist

Class 926 VB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3039 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Sparkle
2nd: 3016 COATES Mrs K E Alopex Blue Moon



Class 929 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3021 FLOWER Miss S Breckamore Butterfingers

Class 930 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3020 DENTON Mr R J & Mrs J M Brackenhaye Shape O'my Heart
2nd: 3028 GLOVER Mrs B & Mr R Oakestelle Indie Rock At Stormsett

Class 931 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3025 FRENCH Ms A Breckamore Blossom
2nd: 3042 SWEENEY Mrs J L Plaisance Blue Belle
3rd: 3029 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Sh.CM
Res: 3040 MOORES Miss D J Tomalca Buttons'n'bows At Manordeifi
VHC: 3017 COATES Mrs K E Seanua Scotch Mist

Class 932 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3032 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth (Imp)
2nd: 3027 GAY Mr R C & Mrs D J Yagane's Lavender Mist
3rd: 3037 LUSTY Miss A G Blamorder Just My Luck
Res: 3035 KINSEY Mrs & Miss A & K Ryecombe Jovial Jasmine Of Sturtmoor
It was a pleasure to judge this very good entry of quality dogs. The standard was very high and the exhibitors were to be congratulated on the presentation of the exhibits. My thanks to my stewards who enabled me to get through in very good time.  One observation that gave me a little concern is the amount of white which is creeping up on the bodies of some of the exhibits; a point that I think wants watching. 

PD (1) 1 Loader, Coneypark Countdown for Allangill. A dog very well developed for its age, with pleasing head and nicely placed ears which he used to advantage. Good depth of body, ample length of neck and tail co-operated well with handler. 

JD (3,1) 1 Loader, Coneypark Countdown for Allangill. 2 Moores, Manordeifi Bow Regard. Not as mature as first placed. Head is well proportioned with flat skull, just having a little problem with ears today. Good legs and feet, moved with drive. 

PGD (1) 1 Denton, Brackenhaye Fields of Gold. Well constructed sable, head although a little strong is well proportioned with nicely placed eye and neat ears. Good length of neck and tail, good depth of body and good angulation front and rear. Moved well but a little gay with his tail. 

LD (2,1) 1 Hayward, Foxearth Final Countdown. Sable with many good qualities. Well proportioned with good angulation front and rear, head handles well, with flat skull and well rounded muzzle. Nicely placed eye giving the desired expression. His big white collar did not detract from his overall make and shape. Moved and showed very well RCC. 

OD (3) 1 French, Ch Breckamore By Design. Dog of good size, without being coarse. With good bone and depth of body. Good length of neck and tail and angulation front and rear. Stood four square on good legs and feet and showed and moved to advantage. Pleased to award him the CC. 2 Cole and Kinsey, Ch Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn. Another good upstanding dog. Close up on first. I liked his head and expression and well placed ears. Good depth of body with plenty of heartroom. Angulation was good and moved with enthusiasm and co-operated well with handler. 3 Gay, Ch Yagane's Blue Mist. 

VB (2) 1 Moores, Manordeifi Silver Sparkle. Well constructed blue, is very well balanced with a good outline. Good legs and feet and depth of body. Correct outline, moved and showed very well. 2 Coates, Alopex Blue Moon. I preferred the colour of this blue merle but she let herself down on showmanship and movement. She is well balanced with good depth of body and angulation front and rear. Did not put her best foot forward today. 

JB (1) 1 Flower, Breckamore Butterfingers. Although she stood on her own in this class, she stood out of her overall make and shape. She has a very pleasing head which is well balanced, with very good ears, which she used non-stop. Her coat is of good colour, although not a big bitch everything is in proportion and excelled in movement and showmanship. RCC. 

PGB (2) 1 Denton, Brackenhaye Shape O'my Heart. Tri of good make and shape, which is well balanced, good legs and feet, moved with drive fore and aft. Ample length of neck and tail, good depth of body and angulation front and rear. Co-operated well with handler. 2 Glover, Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett.
Another good coloured tri who is well proportioned with good angulation front and rear. Stood four square and showed well. Just a little reluctant to stride out on the move. 

LB (7,2) 1 French, Breckamore Blossom. Shaded sable who is well proportioned. Good depth of body, correct outline. Good length of neck carrying a well balanced head and neat ears, which she showed to advantage. Good under jaw. Moved very well fore and aft and co-operated well with handler. 2 Sweeney, Plaisance Blue Belle. Well broken blue merle, of ideal type. I liked her make and shape, with pleasing head which is well balanced and she has neat ears, which she used non-stop. She has a good depth of body and spring of rib. Moved and showed very well. 3 Hartley, Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Sh.CN. 

OB (4) 1 Hayward, Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth (imp). An excellent example of the breed; she has so many fine points. Standing, her outline is a picture, very pleasing head on a good length of neck. Correct topline and depth of body. She is well angulated front and rear, standing on good legs and feet. Moved with drive fore and aft, and co-operated well with handler. Pleased to award her the CC and BOB. 2 Gay, Yagane's Lavender Mist. Another nice bitch, which has a lot to like as she is well proportioned, standing four square on good legs and feet. Good angulation front and rear and depth of body. Moved very well and co-operated well with handler, showing off a good well balanced head. 3 Lusty, Blamorder Just My Luck.