Manchester Championship Show 2016

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mr Steve Hall


BEST OF BREED : 6652 COLE Mrs D A Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
Dog CC : 6652 COLE Mrs D A Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
Res Dog CC : 6669 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Blamorder Back To The Future
Bitch CC : 6662 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Plaisance Betty La Belle
Res Bitch CC : 6666 NEFF Mrs V Ch Hightri Until Sh.CM
Best Puppy : 6667 NORMAN Miss C Seanua Signature
Best Veteran : 6666 NEFF Mrs V Ch Hightri Until Sh.CM

Class 1464 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6667 NORMAN Miss C Seanua Signature
2nd: 6653 EKE Miss L Foxearth Flagday (Taf)

Class 1465 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6652 COLE Mrs D A Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
2nd: 6664 KINSEY Mrs A R Sturtmoor Khaos Of Kaswyn


Class 1467 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6669 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Blamorder Back To The Future

Class 1468 OD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6663 HUTCHINGS Mrs F Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You

Class 1469 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6670 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Lilymead Agamennon

Class 1470 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6660 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack

Class 1471 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6671 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Sturtmoor Klarissants Kiss
2nd: 6665 KINSEY Mrs A R Sturtmoor Kurious Kadence

Class 1472 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6650 BENTON Miss M Oakestelle Venus De Milo
2nd: 6654 FORT Miss J M Shulune Imperial Storm
3rd: 6672 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Junipertwood Joyful

Class 1473 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6673 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Juniperwood Jubilation

Class 1474 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6662 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Plaisance Betty La Belle
2nd: 6651 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle

Class 1475 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6666 NEFF Mrs V Ch Hightri Until Sh.CM

I don’t know if this is a representative entry of this breed today but one or two thing I feel need saying with regards quality of some exhibits, this is by no means a dig at any particular dog or exhibitor, it is to give you food for thought from someone who looks into your breed for the day, heads I feel needs to improve particularly in underjaw, some with pinched  muzzles which does not lend itself to strong underjaws, the Standard askes for well blunted clean wedge, being smooth in outline, this is another department I had trouble with somewhat rather narrow bumpy skulls.

Feet I found in some could have been much tighter; the foundation of anything is the structure it stands on, without good feet a working dog inevitably fail or at least struggle to work all day. Running at 100mph does not impress or improve a dog, a nice steady gait is much better both for the dog & the judge to evaluate, however, this breed is not alone with running as fast as you can.

PD (2) 1 Norman’s Seanua Signature, good sable dog who is well up to size, strong head with good eye & ears, ample neck with good bodily parts, needs to firm up more on the move, presented in good order. BP; 2 Eke’s Foxearth Flagday, smaller framed tri dog who needs to project himself a little more to gain advantage over others, pleasing skull & expression, enough neck, good forehand, well covered body, slightly better reach on the move than winner, well presented but fidgeted a lot for the handler. JD (3,1a) 1 Cole’s Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn, smart sable dog with a good clean skull, nice ears & eye, ample neck, excellent forehand, quite a mature body for age, excellent mover in both directions, presented in very good order. CC & BOB; 2 Kinsey’s Sturtmoor Khaos of Kaswyn, litter brother of the winner & very similar both in type & quality, the same applies to this dog, however, not quite the forward reach the winner produced today. Very well presented. PGD (0). LD (2,1) 1 Trundley’s Blamorder Back To The Future, b/m dog, would have liked him a bit more all-round to make him look more masculine, wall eyed with good shape, ample neck, good shoulder layback but a touch short in upper arm which caused him to have a little too much lift in front, good bodily parts, presented in good clean condition. RCC. OD (1) 1 Hutchings’ Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You, quite a substantial tri dog with regards substance, however, was rather lethargic on the move & paid the penalty. Strongly headed with good ears & tight eye, enough neck deep ribbing, steady mover both directions. VD (2,1) 1 Trundley’s Lilymead Agamennon, 10 years old & this dog sets himself up well, my belief is if a dog sets up well on its own most probably it is built right. Again no weakness here, good outline, good mover for his age.

PB (1) 1 Hartley’s Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack, quite a feminine bitch in lovely condition & good deportment, very feminine headpiece with good eye & neat ears, good body length, nice topline, moved OK when settled but tends to pace at times, presented in very good order. JB (2) 1 Trundley’s Sturtmoor Klarissants Kiss, both these bitches are from the same litter as my BOB winner, what a lucky litter for the breeder. On evaluating these two bitch heads they were exactly the same not a fraction of difference, not as advanced as the dog BOB but very nice nevertheless, hard to split. Both well presented; 2 Kinsey’s Sturtmoor Kurious Kadence. PGB (3) 1 Benton’s Oakestelle Venus De Milo, quite a nice bitch who gave the best performance on the day, pleasing head & good eye, neat ears, ample neck, pleasing bodily parts with a good rear. Presented in good order; 2 Fort’s Shulune Imperial Storm, tri bitch, touch smaller framed, but with a slightly better headpiece, good neck & forehand, deep ribbing. Good mover both ways & prepared in good order; 3 Trundley’s Junipertwood Joyful. LB (2,1) 1 Trundley’s Juniperwood Jubilation, nice tri bitch which very sound, strong head, good eyes, strong neck. Good forehand & deep ribs, good rearquarters, prepared in very good clean order. OB (5,3) 1 Hayward’s Plaisance Betty La Belle, substantial shaded sable with plenty of substance, strongly headed yet still feminine, good eye, neat ears, excellent bone, good feet, deeply ribbed, nice overlay firm action but in the challenge for BOB would not give as much as in the class on the move. CC; 2 Benton’s Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle, another mature bitch with lots to like, feminine headpiece, good ears, enough neck, needs to be firmer in pasterns, good outline. Presented in good clean order. VB (1) 1 Neff’s Ch Hightri Until, a good type, well made & very sound, strongly headed yet feminine to view, good ears, ample neck with a good front assembly, very good bodily condition, portrays a good outline, could have moved with more zest, but I imagine none of us move like we use to, I would have thought she was quite stunning in her earlier days. RCC.