Ladies Kennel Association 2016

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mr Brian House (Fivejays)


BEST OF BREED : 3895 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
Dog CC : 3911 HILLS Ms V M Devern Denmam
Res Dog CC : 3921 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan
Bitch CC : 3895 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
Res Bitch CC : 3904 FORBES Mrs D A & Miss F L Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp)
Best Puppy : 3913 HOWARD Mr & Mrs M A & C J Summer Shadows Shandlmain
Best Veteran : 3895 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle

Class 837 MPD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3902 FORBES Mrs D A Natalain Star Lord NAF TAF (Imp)
2nd: 3912 HOWARD Mr & Mrs M A & C J Pesquero Premium Blu From Shandlmain

Class 838 PD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3900 DENTON Mr R & Mrs J Brackenhaye Fields Of Gold
2nd: 3902 FORBES Mrs D A Natalain Star Lord NAF TAF (Imp)
3rd: 3898 COURT, Mrs E A & Mr R K & COURT E Shulune Imperial Rebellion

Class 839 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3898 COURT, Mrs E A & Mr R K & COURT E Shulune Imperial Rebellion

Class 840 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3918 NORMAN Miss C Seanua Signature
2nd: 3928 VICKERY Mrs E Oakestelle Sebastian Bach

Class 841 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3914 LEACH Mrs C H Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
2nd: 3899 CZYZAK Mr & Mrs K Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks (Imp)

Class 842 OD (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3911 HILLS Ms V M Devern Denmam
2nd: 3897 COLE Mrs D A Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
3rd: 3906 FRENCH Ms A Breckamore By Design
Res: 3896 BENTON, Miss M K & WOOD Miss M L Ch Oakestelle Vivaldi
VHC: 3925 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Blamorder Back To The Future

Class 843 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3921 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan

Class 844 GCD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3897 COLE Mrs D A Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn
2nd: 3928 VICKERY Mrs E Oakestelle Sebastian Bach

Class 845 MPB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3913 HOWARD Mr & Mrs M A & C J Summer Shadows Shandlmain

Class 846 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3901 DENTON Mr R & Mrs J Brackenhaye Shape O'my Heart
2nd: 3893 BEENEY Mrs S M Brackenhaye When We Dance

Class 847 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3922 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Breckamore Bittersweet For Koczkodan

Class 848 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3924 THEOBALD, Mrs K & NORMAN Ms C Seanua Softly Soflty
2nd: 3910 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Sh.CM
3rd: 3903 FORBES Mrs D A & Miss F L Willowhurst Vanity

Class 849 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3904 FORBES Mrs D A & Miss F L Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp)
2nd: 3905 FORT Miss J M Shulune Imperial Storm
3rd: 3926 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Juniperwood Joyful
Res: 3915 LUSTY Miss A G Blamorder Just My Luck

Class 850 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3894 BENTON Miss M Oakestelle Venus De Milo
2nd: 3919 NORMAN Miss C Fin N Ch Seanua Serendipity
3rd: 3927 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Juniperwood Jubilation

Class 851 VB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3895 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
2nd: 3916 NEFF Mrs V Ch Hightri Until Sh.CM
3rd: 3923 RUSSELL Mrs K & Mr R Manordeifi Satin Doll Of Koczkodan

As mainly a Rough Collie specialist I feel that after awarding CC's for over 26 years in Smooths and having judged them at Championship show level in 12 different countries, judging over 600 smooths in the process. I feel confident in saying that, the breed in recent times has greatly benefited by the influence of imported stock. I was lucky enough to have been around when the likes of Draught Guinness/ Jubilant/ Flourish/ Silver Moonbeam/ Blue Movie, were being shown. Looking at the bitches I judged today the breed has benefited from stock from Scandinavia. Having said that both my CC winners were English Breeding.

MPD 1 Forbes's Natalain Star Lord. Well grown 8months S/W mature puppy, correct eye & ear set giving a nice expression, excellent shape, moved very well, carried tail correctly. 2 Howard's Pesquero Pemium Blu From Shandalmain. 6mths old good coloured B/M nice head & eye, only his first show unfortunately unsettled on the move.

PD 1 Denton's Brackenhaye Fields Of Gold. 9mths old S/W excellent shape, correct head pattern, good ears, nice eye moved very well. 2 Forbes's Natalain Star Lord. 3 Court's Shulune Imperial Rebellion.

JD 1 Court's Shulune Imperial Rebellion. 10mths old tri with a lovely jet black coat, moved well, would prefer a sweeter eye.

PGD 1 Norman's Seanua Signature S/W good sized dog with a nice head & eye, excellent shape, harsh tight fitting coat, moved very well. 2 Vickery's Oakestelle Sebastian Bach. Tri smaller than first, nice eye, would like a touch more stop, excellent movement.

LD 1 Leach's Manordeifi Dinoysus At Hiltarn. Very nice B/M correct size , nice head & eye giving a lovely expression good shape, moved well. 2 Czyzak's Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks S/W Lovely shape, excellent mover, Lovely eye & expression just too big all over for me.

OD 1 Hills's Devern Denman. Tricolour, judged him at Crufts 4 years ago and really liked him then, he has now matured into a lovely collie, As a Rough collie specialist I am always going to appreciate a Quality head, looking for that little bit extra, this dog really has that. Nicely set ears giving a Beautiful eye & expression, excellent shape, correct size and lovely movement. Dog CC. This win gave him his Champion title. Later I was told that I had awarded his mother her 1st CC. Congratulations to his owner. 2 Cole's Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn. 2yr old S/W Lovely shape , nice eye & expression, good shape, moved well. 3 French's Breckamore By Design.

VD 1 Russell's Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan. One of only 2 Smooth's here today carrying the famous Foxearth name, For a breeder who has done so much for the breed , I hope there are more of this type of collie to come. A 7year old Shaded sable with lovely head, he has a lovely eye set giving a true collie expression. Excellent shape which allowed a really good movement. I really liked this lovely dog. Res CC.

GCD 1 Cole's Sturtmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn. 2 Vickery's Oakestelle Sebastian Bach. Mpb 1 Howard's Summer Shadows Shandalmain. A happy 6mths old tri baby at her first show, standing and showing her head off for her owner. Nice head & eye, moved really well, she certainly enjoyed herself, coming back at the end to take

BEST PUPPY IN BREED. PB 1 Denton's Brackenhaye Shape Omy Heart. 2 Beeney's Brackenhaye When We Dance. I knew as soon as I saw these 2 tri girls that they were litter sisters, so little between them. Both dad excellent shapes and they moved well the winner had just the better eye.

JB 1 Russell's Breckamore Bittersweetfor Koczkodan. Petite tri bitch, excellent shape, Super movement, Jet black coat in wonderful condition, lovely sweet eye and expression. I feel that she will win many more classes and go on to top honours in time. Really liked her.

PGB 1 Theobald & Norman's Seanua Softly Softly S/W Lovely headed bitch, correctly set sweet eye, good ears, excellent shape, liked her harsh tight coat, moved well. 2 Hartley's Foxearth Finnish Spirit At Jimjack Sh.CM Tri bitch lovely head, nice eye & expression good shape, moved well. 3 Forbes's Willowhurst Vanity.

LB 1 Forbes's Natalain Kilkennyat Willowhurst (Imp). Heading a really good class of 4 lovely bitches. My choice for first was this beautiful 2 year old S/W bitch with a wonderfully moulded head, With her almond eye shape (not all the smooths have them) good ear set, Flat skull, all giving a super expression, topped off with a swan like neck, rare these days, Her shape is excellent , Moved well. Unlucky to come against a superb Blue merle today. I am sure she will go on to greater awards than the RESERVE CC I awarded her today. 2 Fort's Shulune Imperial Storm. Lovely 3 year old petite Tri bitch, lovely eye & expression, good shape, moved well. 3 Trundley's Juniperwood Joyfull.

OB 1 Benton's Oakestelle Venus De Milo. Beautifully coloured Blue merle wonderful clear colouring. Excellent shape, good neck, lovely eye & expression, well handled, super movement. 2 Norman's Fin & N Champion Seanua Serendiity. Quality S/W bitch, lovely head super eye & ear set giving her a lovely expression. Excellent shape and movement. 3 Trundley's Juniperwood Jubilation.

Vb 1 Benton's Alopex Marionette Of Oakestele Without doubt the star of the day only 7 years young, she seems to have been around forever. I gave her first in limit at Crufts 4 years ago, and commented then that she needed a litter to mature her into something special. Well she's done that now. Such a Beautiful bitch with a Wonderful expression, lovely sweet eye, good ear set, good neck. Clear blue colouring and wow that superb flowing movement. Her 2nd CC today it surely won't be long until she gets made up. I must also thank her owner for her dedication to the Breed for never being afraid to
enter under all judges be them specialist or non specialist. 2 Neff's Champion Hightri Until. Nearly 10 year old blue merle, lovely headed bitch, lovely expression, good shape, wonderful flowing mover, shows lovely for her handler who she obviously loves. Easy to see why she has her title. 3 Russell's Manordeifi Satin Doll Of Koczkodan