Lancs & Cheshire Collie Championship Show 2016
Judge : Hughie Jones (Seafire)
BEST OF BREED HAYWARD Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth
FRENCH Breckamore Blushing Groom
RESERVE DOG CC BENTON Oakestelle Vivaldi
BITCH CC HAYWARD Ch Clingstone's
Hot Shot at Foxearth
Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
BEST PUPPY - FRENCH Breckamore Blossom
Puppy Dog
No Entries
Junior Dog (1,0)
1. COLE Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn
Post Graduate Dog
No Entries
Limit Dog (3,1)
1. BENTON Oakestelle Vivaldi
2. LEACH Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
Open Dog (3,0)
1. FRENCH Breckamore Blushing Groom
2. HAYWARD Ch Foxearth Flintab
3. NORMAN Easy Listening at Seanua
Puppy Bitch (1,0)
1. FRENCH Breckamore Blossom
Junior Bitch (2,0)
1. HARTLEY Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
2. NORMAN & THEOBALD Seanua Softly Softly
Post Graduate Bitch
1 Entry - Absent
Limit Bitch
2 Entries Absent
Open Bitch
1. HAYWARD Ch Clingstone's Hot Shot at Foxearth
2. RUSSELL Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan
3. NORMAN Fin/N Ch Seanua Serendipity
Many thanks for the invitation to judge at this prestigeous show. Not a large entry, but what exhibitors did produce was quite made up for in quality. I was very pleased to have the BIS judge award BIS and BPIS to the Smooths. JD (1) 1 Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn. Good head pattern, nice dark eyes and enough reach of neck. A little narrow in front, good topline and well developed rear quarters. Moved out well. LD (3,2) 1 Oakestelle Vivaldi. Pleasing head and expression, well boned front and a good reach of neck and level topline held on the move. Well presented and shown. Res DCC. 2 Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn. Good eye and ear placemewnt, enough reach of neck. Nice depth of ribcage and well developed rear quarters. Moved out with drive. OD (3) 1 Breckamore Blushing Groom. Very appealing dog who certainly looked his sex. Nice dark eyes, ears on top. Straight front and good reach of neck, level topline, croup could be better. Well presented and shown. CC. 2 Ch Foxearth Flintab. Good head pattern and dark eyes. Good reach of neck, level topline, a little long in back. Good turn of stifle and moved out well. 3 Easy Listening At Seanua. pb (1) 1 Breckamore Blossom. Very appealing young lady who has all the qualities to get to the top. Feminine expression, good reach of neck and correct straight front. Well turned stifles, and moved out in unison with owner. Best Puppy and BPIS. JB (2) 1 Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack. Very promising tricolour, correct head and expression. Dark eyes, ears on top. Correct straight front, enough reach of neck and well turned stifles. Moved out well and was well presented and shown. Res CC. 2 Seanua Softly Softly. Another nice bitch, having a good head pattern and dark eyes. Enough reach of neck, level topline held on the move and had well muscled hindquarters. OB 1 Ch Clingstones Hot Shot at Foxearth. The star of the show. Very nice tricolour with an excellent head and feminine expression. Straight, well boned front, good reach of neck and nice depth of ribcage. Level topline held on the move and her excellent rear quarters ensured good movement. Well presented and shown and will no doubt win many more certificates in this condition. BOB and went on to win BIS. Congratulations. 2 Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan. Appealing had and expression, good reach of neck and level topline. Would have liked a little more turn of stifle. 3 Finn/N Ch Seanua Serendipity.