East Anglian Collie Ass Championship Show Aug 2016 - No CCs
Judge Brian Hull
Best of Breed FRENCH Breckamore By Design & Reserve Best in Show
Best Dog FRENCH Breckamore By Design
Res Best Dog BENTON Oakestelle Vivaldi
Best Bitch BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
Res Best Bitch FORBES Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp)
Best Veteran LUSTY BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle & Best Veteran in Show
Best Puppy - Breckamore Besotted
Veteran Dog/Bitch
1st BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
Puppy Dog/Bitch
1st Breckamore Besotted
Graduate Dog/Bitch
1st FORBES Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp)
2nd Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett
Limit Dog/Bitch
1st FRENCH Breckamore By Design
2nd BENTON Oakestelle Vivaldi
3rd FORBES Willowhurst Vanity
Res BENTON Oakestelle Venus De Milo
VHC KENNEDY Ryecombe Deb n Air
Open Dog
1st Denvern Denman
2nd KENNEDY Ryecombe Deb n Air
Open Bitch
1st LISTER Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW
J (1) 1 French's Breckamore Besotted. Tri. 8mth old puppy, good foreface correct eye stop and ear placement, well used ears good reach of neck and topline good length tail, a nice steady mover with reach and drive, well handled BP. G (2) 1 Forbes Natalain Kilkenny At Willow Hurst (imp). Bitch. S/W A bit deeper though in head than I would prefer but had a good foreface, correct eye, flat skull, good well used ears, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, good topline good bend of stifle, was the best mover of the two in this class. RBB. 2 Glover's Oakestelle Indie Rock At Stormsett. Bitch. Tri. Nice clean head, good eye and ears, good reach of neck and shoulder angulation. Good topline, well bent stifle, not very animated on the move or when standing in profile. L (5) 1 French's Breckamore By Design. Dog. B/M Lovely masculine head, good foreface and under jaw, correct eye placement, flat skull, well placed and well used ears, lovely reach of neck, good topline, good bend of stifle and good length tail. Moved with the reach and drive that his construction would suggest. Was pleased to award him BD and BOB. And later in the day was pleased to see him go RBIS under Lene Newman BIS Judge. 2 Benton Oakestelle Vivaldi Dog. Tri A dog that I have admired since he was a puppy, a lovely clean head good foreface .correct eye placement ,flat skull good well used ears, good reach of neck into well angulated shoulders, good topline well bent stifle and good length tail, Moved with reach and drive. Was unlucky today to come up against one who I thought had slightly the better reach of neck and bend of stifle, a lovely dog never the less who I am sure will soon get his 3rd ticket. RBD. 3 Forbes Willowhurst Vanity Bitch. OD (2) 1 Hills Devern Denman. Dog. Tri 5 years old. Nice clean head ,good under jaw ,good reach of neck, well angulated shoulders, good topline, good length tail well bent stifle. The best mover in this class of two. 2 Kennedy Ryecombe Deb"n Air. S/W Good full foreface, correct stop, flat skull, good reach of neck and topline , good length tail. Would have liked more bend of stifle, and when moving tended to throw one leg out. OB (1) 1 Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW. Bitch. I must admit that this bitch was my biggest disappointment of the day. She is a lovely bitch that I have watched and admired many times from the ringside, she has a lovely head, good foreface correct stop and eye setting, flat skull, good ear placement all giving a lovely expression, good reach of neck and topline, good length tail but today she was overweight, having said this it did not spoil her movement much but did spoil her outline when standing in profile