Darlington Ch Show 2014

Judge Bridgette Bodle

BD RUSSELL Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan

BB RUSSELL Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczodan


OD (1) Russell’s Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan, 5 year sable, clean in outline & lovely to go over. He has good a head shape with flat skull & well set ears, straight front to good feet, looking balanced in profile, movement is smooth & true, just gave way to the smarter bitch for BOB, but still much to like.

OB (1) Russell’s Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan, really lovely 4 year tri girl with such a beautiful flowing shape, feminine head with a sweet expression, clean neck & well laid shoulders, super topline & shapely quarters. I enjoyed  watching her on the move as she has such ease of stride but still displaying good reach & drive. Liked her very much. BOB.