Manchester Championship Show 2013

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Miss M J Blake 



BEST OF BREED : 5814 WHITE Mrs B A Ch Foxearth Frappuccino 
Dog CC : 5814 WHITE Mrs B A Ch Foxearth Frappuccino 
Res Dog CC : 5805 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Ch Macgee's Street Spirit at Plaisance (Imp) 
Bitch CC : 5801 MANNINEN, Mesdames M, H & M & ENLUND Mrs P EE JCH Est Ch Kangasvuokon Venice 
Res Bitch CC : 5806 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Plaisance Betty La Belle 
Best Puppy : 5807 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Breckamore Snowberry at Plaisance 
Best Veteran : 
Best Breeder : 

Class 1395 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 2 

Class 1396 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 5789 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (imp Rus) 

Class 1397 PGD (7 Entries) Abs: 4 
1st: 5789 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (imp Rus) 
2nd: 5781 BARDILL Mr & Mrs M Plaisance Fenton Le Beau 

Class 1398 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 5 

Class 1399 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: 5814 WHITE Mrs B A Ch Foxearth Frappuccino 
2nd: 5805 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Ch Macgee's Street Spirit at Plaisance (Imp) 

Class 1400 VD NO ENTRIES 

Class 1401 PB (5 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 5807 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Breckamore Snowberry at Plaisance 

Class 1402 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 2 

Class 1403 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 3  

Class 1404 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 5806 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Plaisance Betty La Belle 
2nd: 5800 LISTER Mrs P E Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW 

Class 1405 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 5 
1st: 5801 MANNINEN, Mesdames M, H & M & ENLUND Mrs P EE JCH Est Ch Kangasvuokon Venice 
2nd: 5790 FORT Miss J M Ch Mighty's Spring Meadow Gift For Shulune (Imp) 
3rd: 5808 NEFF Mrs V Hightri Until 

Class 1406 VB NO ENTRIES  

I was really looking forward to getting my teeth into a lovely entry of 39 smooths - and then the panic over the dreaded British snow decimated it - as it did with every breed on the day. Such a great pity for all involved. My thanks go out to those brave enough to make it - as well as to my stewards, and the hospitality of the society. I may have only had 10 turn up, but thankfully they were top quality - with some stunning exhibits, which certainly made my day. Thank you.

(1) 1 Forbes' Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (Imp Rus). Upstanding, glamorously marked rich red sable 14 month old. Super balanced shape, with excellent front and rear angulation. In excellent fit body condition, with harsh jacket. Super reach and drive on the move, though I would prefer a lower tail carriage. His head is clean, with a lovely dark eye and excellent alert ears, giving an appealing expression. I would like to see him in a couple of years, when his head has finished.

(7,5) 1 Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (Imp Rus). 2 Bardill's Plaisance Fenton Le Beau. Tri with a lovely molding of foreface, excellent dark eye, super ears and masculine expression. He was well angulated and balanced throughout and moved with reach and drive. However I felt he was too thin and lacking general body and coat condition - a pity, as with that fixed he could give the top dogs stiff competition.

(4,2) 1 White's Ch Foxearth Frappuccino. I have greatly admired this lad when I have stood next to him when challenging against smooths with my roughs, and I've been desperate to get my hands on him! He certainly did not disappoint - he exceeded my expectations. He has the ring presence I was hoping to find today. Add that to his balanced outline, powerful yet effortless movement, superb body and gleaming coat condition, he could have taken on any competition and given them a hard time. His head is balanced, with a pleasant dark eye, molded foreface and excellent alert ears, giving him a noble expression. Super forechest, powerful arch of neck, correctly angulated shoulder, and a rise over his loin, leading to correctly angulated and well-muscled hindquarters. I loved his rear action. Delighted to award him the CC (his 9th) and his powerful hind action won him the BOB. 2 McKenna & Bardill's Ch Macgee's Street Spirit At Plaisance (Imp). Lovely tri I remember awarding the Limit class when I judged at NW&PB in 2010. At the time he just needed a tad more maturity to achieve the top honours, and I was so pleased to see him back today. I love this dog's head - I find him a touch more finished in skull than the winner. Super parallel planes, correct stop, moulding of foreface and clean through the cheeks. Gorgeous expression. He is balanced in body, and perfectly sound - a pleasure to watch round the ring. However, he just lacked the body and coat condition of the winner - which affects his overall presence. A well-deserved Reserve CC.

(5,4) 1 McKenna & Bardill's Breckmore Snowberry At Plaisance. Pretty, feminine b/m with a sweet head and expression. Very sound round the ring. Her colour needs to clear - although the poor lighting did not help. She is a little overbuilt at the moment, but that should disappear. A pity she was the only puppy today - but I was happy to award her BPIB.

(2) 1 McKenna & Bardill's Plaisance Betty La Belle. I see that this s/w is a daughter of the dog RCC winner, and she has certainly inherited his outstanding head qualities. Beautiful balanced, molded and clean head without any depth or coarseness. Flat skull and correct stop. Super dark eye and perfect ears, giving her a sweet expression. She is well balanced in body shape, with correct front and rear angulation. Very sound around the ring. I would like a touch more condition on her coat, just to add extra polish to the picture. Pleased to award her the Reserve CC. 2 Listers' Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp JW. Top quality young tri, who was just out-matured by a bitch who had an extra year to develop and finish, particularly in head. This lass, though, had the gleaming coat and condition that the winner lacked; possibly a little too much condition, as she was beginning to toe in behind. I really liked her overall balance, bodyshape and topline on the move. A lovely bitch whom I'm sure will have a great future.

(8,5) 1 Manninen & Enlund's EE JCH EST Ch Kangasvuokon Venice. Stunning s/w with the most beautiful expression I have ever seen on a smooth bitch. Such a perfect head, a joy to handle. So clean, smooth and molded. Absolutely perfect parallel planes and no depth in back skull, and yet it was perfectly flat. Correct stop, beautifully placed and shaped dark eyes, alert ears giving a wonderfully melting expression. Correct front angulation and reach of neck, but I found her just a little over long in second thigh, and this was evident in her rear movement, although her side movement was a joy to behold. A larger ring would have suited her better. Delighted to award her the CC - and her Finnish owners certainly put the absent exhibitors to shame! 2 Fort's Ch Mighty Spring Meadow Gift For Shulune (Imp). Lovely elegant tri with the best body condition and muscling of the day - excellent loin muscles. Not quite the quality or finish in head of the winner, but nevertheless a top class bitch. 3 Neff's Hightri Until. Pretty b/m with a top quality head - super parallel planes and back skull. Lovely eye shape and correct ears. Sound mover. I would prefer more front angulation.