London & Provincial Collie Club 2013 |
Judge: Stella Clarke
Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore JW
Dog CC : FRENCH Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore JW
Res Dog CC : Forbes & Forbes Ch, Int Ch & Ir Ch Pelghart Paint it Black
at Willowhurst
Bitch CC : SEWELL Foxearth Dressed to Frill
Res Bitch CC : CAMPBELL Ryecombe Dolly Mixture
Best Puppy : NORMAN Seanua Serendipity
Best Veteran : Forbes &
Forbes Ch, Int Ch & Ir Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst
Veteran Dog
1st: Forbes & Forbes Ch, Int Ch & Ir Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at
Puppy Dog
1st: No Entries
Junior Dog
1st: Absent
Yealing Dog
1st: Ryecombe Jaffa Cake
Post Graduate Dog
1st: No Entries
Limit Dog
1st: HILLS Devern Denman
2nd: LEACH Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
3rd: FORBES & FORBES Natalain Veni
Vidi Vici at Willowhurst
Open Dog
1st: FRENCH Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore JW
Veteran Bitch
1st: Absent
Puppy Bitch
1st: NORMAN Seanua Serendipity
2nd: SWEENEY Foxearth Fine Beauty
Junior Bitch
1st: No Entries
Yealing Dog
1st: No Entries
Post Graduate Bitch
1st: CAMPBELL Ryecombe Dolly Mixture
2nd: BEENEY Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil
at Coneypark
Limit Bitch
1st: SEWELL Foxearth Dressed to Frill
2nd: BEENEY Kingrock Bathsheba at Coneypark
3rd: Kingrock Adriel for Kevranna
Res: CAMPBELL Glencorrie Dusky Diva
Open Bitch
1st: FORBES & FORBES Multi Ch Kangasvuakon Venice
2nd: BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
3rd: FRENCH Foxearth Finger Print
Best in Show Report Below
Smooth Collies I would like to thank the officers and
committee for the invitation to judge the smooth collies at this well run show,
what a lovely atmosphere and everything ran smoothly. The only disappointment
was the depleted entry, there is a saying if you don't go, you won't know. Every
dog is judged on the overall performance of the day. Many Smooth Collies were
lacking sound strong hindquarters and of course this shows in the movement.
Some, looked good standing only to be let down by poor movement. It saddens me
to say that very few Collie's gave the correct ground cover so important to this
breed. Exhibiting a dog is an art and it is the exhibitors job to make the best
of the dog they are handling. Coming into the ring with a dog hanging on the end
of a lead is not enough. Movement could have been improved if the handlers were
to have proper control over the dogs lead and the way they conftol the dog when
moving. VD. (1). 1. Forbes's, Ch Int/Ir Ch. Pelghart Paint it
Black. He is a strong upstanding tri colour in good condition both body and
body. Now 8 years old he stil retains good muscle throughout. His head is a
trifle strong for me but he has good ears and nice expression. Strong neck and
shoulder. Good length of back. He makes a pleasing picture. RCC. YD.
(2,1). 1. Denton's, Rycombe Jaffa Cake. Strong back skull, but neat ears and
pleasing expresion. Good length of back but lacks substance in hindquarters
showing poor movement. Overall in excellent coat and shown in pristine
condition. LD. (3). 1. Hill's, Devern Denman. Tri colour of
good substance. Nice outline. Lengthy neck and good body length. Deep chest,
well sprung ribs. Well muscled hindquarters. His head is of good length but for
me slightly flares in the back skull. He has a nice expression and neat ears.
Needs to put more effort in on the move. 2. Leach's, Manordeifi Dionysus at
Hilltarn. So much to like about this blue dog. Very pleasing head and expresion
but looking very rangy in body as he needs more weight. He has such good bone
that he needs to fill out to match it. Nice colour, showing well. Lethargic on
the move. 3. Forbes's, Natalain Veni Vidi Vici at Willowhurst (Imp). First
impression as he came into the ring I thought he would be my winner, as he
looked very smart and in excellent coat. But further inspection I found his head
rather short and for me he lacked expression, he also insisted in moving out at
the elbow. OD. (1). 1. French's, Foxearth Flockmaster for
Breckamore JW. Upstanding tri colour all male throughout. He has excellent bone
and strong feet. Would have liked more bend of stifle but he has strong hocks
and good feet. Good body length and tail set. Shown in excellent coat and
condition. Alert and attentive to his handler. Neck is well muscled with the
correct crest behind the ears, although his head is a trifle strong for me he
does have a nice expression and well placed ears used to advantage. Took jis 3rd
CC on the day, BOB and RBIS. PB. (3). 1. Norman's, Seanua
Serendipity. Richly coloured sable who was my little star of the day. What a
beautiful head on this pretty feminine bitch. She has the most dreamiest
expression you could wish for culminating from the correct eye and ear
placement. Loved every inch of her. She could have made more of herself but this
was her first show and she was rather in awe of herself but this was her first
show and she was rather in awe of everything. I contemplated her for the RCC but
this let her down. I am sure we will hear more of this pretty bitch. BP. 2.
Sweeney's, Foxearth Fine Beauty. Very slightly built, a blue of siuper colour.
At 11 months I would like to see more of her as she lacks substance. Rather
round in eye, she lacked expresion for me. Movement needs more work. PGB.
(2). 1. Campbell's, Rycombe Dolly Mixture. Very feminine sable shaping up well.
Pleasing head and expresion, very neat ears. Shown in excellent coat and
condition. Shows a good outline with correwct length of back and good tail set.
Shows good second thigh, well muscled. Would like to have seen more dribe in the
hindquarters on the move but she went quite well. RCC. 2. Beeney's, Rycombe
Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark. Darker sable who has pleasing head and expresion.
Needs to fill in forechest and rib up. Would like to see stronger hindquarters
and she lacks dribe on the move. LB. (8,4). 1. Sewell's,
Foxearth Dressed to Frill. Very feminine tri colour bitch with no exaggerations.
Her head handles well, good flat skull and neat ears, just the right amount of
bone but I would like to see her carry a bit moe weight. Shows non stop. In good
coat. Pristine presentation. I wish she had that bit more to give on the move,
but did enough to gain her 3rd CC on the day. Well done. 2. Benney's, Kingrock
Bathsheba at Coneypark. Pretty sable. Has much to like about her. Pleasing head
and expression. Good overall outline, in excellent coat and condition. Would
insist on throwing left elbow out on the move. 3. Rice's, Kingrock Adriel for
Kevranna. Well up to size tri colour. Rather masculine but has a good outline.
Good body length and strong hindquarters. Was in excellent coat and condition.
OB. (3). 1. Forbe's, Multi Ch. Kangasvuokon Venice (Imp). A
really pretty sable and white with the best of coat I have seen for a long time.
Head and expression could not be faulted and the best ear placement ever. What
she had was the correct crested neck that is so missing from the breed, but
there it ends as her hind movement left so much to be desired, what a shame. 2.
Benton's, Alopex Marionetteof Oakestelle. Pretty blue. Tight jacket of excellent
colour. Sweet head and expresion, perfect ear carriage and shows non stop.
Lacking condition on the day and for me I would like more substance. 3.
French's, Foxearth Fingerprint.
Stella Clark
Ch Show:I enjoyed my day at the L& P ch show and thank
the committee for the invitation to judge BIS. Best in show I awarded to the BOB
rough collie an enchanting tricolour puppy Ladnar Harvey Moon, a super well
grown dog, in good coat of great texture and deep black colour, well balanced
shape with good angulation. Fantastic temperament, lovely head with well moulded
muzzle and flat skull, very nice eye, well placed and used ears. So active on
the move and so sound. I loved him would have loved to taken him home. Res BIS
was the smooth Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore tri dog good outline and
bone. Well balanced throughout in body, head a little deep but a pleasing
expression and moving and showing well. BOS the tricolour smooth bitch Foxearth
Dressed to Frill. Best veteran in Show Takhisis High Voltage
Pat Lister