Lancashire & Cheshire Collie 2013

Judge: Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)

Best of Breed : HAYWARD Ch Sandcastles As You Like It at Foxearth

Dog CC : HAYWARD Foxearth Flintab

Reserve CC : FRENCH Foxearth Flock Master for Breckamore

Bitch CC : HAYWARD Ch Sandcastles As You Like It at Foxearth

Reserve Bitch CC : LAILA SEHLIN Nu/Dk Ch Clingstone's Sounds Good

Best Puppy : MOORE Tomalca Buttons 'n' Bows at Manordeifi


Puppy Dog (2) Abs 1
1st RUSSELL Koczkodan Nosblyth

Junior Dog (1)
1st FORBES Natalain Veni Vidi Vici at Willowhurst

Post Graduate Dog (4)
1st MCKENNA & BARDILL Plaisance Fenton Le Beau
2nd FORBES Natalain Veni Vidi Vici at Willowhurst
3rd RUSSELL Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan
Res HOWE Dawcher Dawn's Sunrise

Limit Dog (6) Abs 1
1st HAYWARD Foxearth Flintab
2nd FRENCH Foxearth Flock Master for Breckamore 
3rd FORBES Natalain Veni Vidi Vici at Willowhurst
4th WILLIAMS McClelland Hotter Than Hell
5th MOORE Manordeifi Shadow Chaser

Open Dog (5) Abs 1
1st WILLIAMS Foxearth Forward Thinking for Mcclelland
2nd MCKENNA & BARDILL Ch Macgee's Street Spirit at Plaisance
3rd HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Ta Ta You
4th WINTER & UNWIN Strutmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka ShCM

Puppy Bitch (4) Abs 2
1st MOORE Tomalca Buttons 'n' Bows at Manordeifi
2nd RUSSELL Koczkodan Nos Kerenza

Junior Bitch (6) Abs 1
1st MCKENNA & BARDILL Breckamore Snow Berry at Plaisance
2nd HAYWARD Kiiramanna She Makes my Day at Foxearth
3rd MOORES  Tomalca Buttons 'n' Bows at Manordeifi
Res HYDE Ryecombe Jovial Jasmine
VHC RODEN Fortune Cookie from Breckamore

Post Graduate Bitch (2) Abs 1
1st RODEN Fortune Cookie from Breckamore

Limit Bitch (3)
1st RUSSELL Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan
2nd MCKENNA & BARDILL Plaisance Betty Le Belle
3rd LISTER Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW

Open Bitch (9) Abs 2
HAYWARD Ch Sandcastles As You Like It at Foxearth
LAILA SEHLIN Nu/Dk Ch Clingstone's Sounds Good
3rd HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
Res MCKENNA & BARDILL Ch Shulune Imperial Flower of Plaisance

VHC NEFF Hightri Until ShCM


I was delighted to be asked to judge Smooths with CCs for the first time by the L&C Collie Club.  I had long looked forward to the appointment, and enjoyed the day very much.

I found the breed to be in good shape, most were good movers with some quality Classes to sort out.  A few rather spoilt their chances by not looking like they wanted to be there, anda couple might have benefitted from a little more shampoo.

I though ears were rather mixed, and some feet not too good. However I found a higher percentage of well laid shoulders than many other breeds.

My BOB Breed winner is a super bitch, for me she is a real collie with a smooth coat.  Not only a beautiful show dog, she is the dam of the DCC & RDCC.  I was delighted to hear that she later won BIS.

PD (2,1) 1 Bells' Koczkodan Nosblyth. Masuline 11 months Tri. Lenghty wedge head, clean cheeks.  Dark Eyes, Ears a little low set. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Super Feet Well ribbed body. Level topline. Could have a little more hind angulation. Fairly true out and back, used rear well when got into a stride

(2,1) 1 Forbes' Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (Imp Rus). 17 month Sable, Showing very well, Masculine head, Flat skull, Very slight stop. Well placed eyes. Lacks a little neck and needs to firm up in front actin.  Nice fill of chest. Well ribbed back. Slightly more hind angulation than front, which shows on move.  Well conditioned

(4) 1 Bardill's Plaisance Fenton Le Beau. Shapely Tri dog, very well balanced and best mover in class. Masculine Wedge head, Parellel planes. Dark, well placed eyes.  Ears could be better. Well off for neck. Well laid shoulder. Tight feet. Could be better in pastern.  Holds level topline. Little proud of tail on move. Strong rear 2. Forbes' Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (Imp Rus) 3. Russell's Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan

LD (4) 1 Haywards' Foxearth Flintab. Lovely Shaped B/M Dog. Just a bit more length than 2. Masculine head, Clean wedge, Nicely filled under eyes. Flat skull. Slight Stop. Super neck and very well laid shoulders Scores in fill of chest. Well Sprung ribs, going well back. Correct topline. Well made rear. Could be tidied coming to and tail carried slightly lower. CC 2. Frenchs' Foxearth Flockmaster for Breckamore, Liked him very much too. Very good head. Long and clean, Flat skull. Super eye, ear and expression. Lenghty neck. Good shoulder, but not quite that of 1. Deep feet. Well ribbed back and strong loin. Well made rear. Low hocks. Balanced stride. Also a bit proud of his tail. RCC 3. Forbes' Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst (Imp Rus)

(5,1) 1 Williams' Foxearth Forward Thinking for McClelland. Very well balanced S/W who just put a bit more effort into his showing than 2.  Lovely outline. Good Head. Masculine, Flat Skull. Well shaped eyes. Good planes. Strong and lengthy neck.  Well laid shoulder chest to elbow. Super front feet. Slightly loose coming towards. Firm topline. Well ribbed. Correct turn of stifle. Hind feet could be tighter. Balanced Stride 2 McKenna & Bardill's Ch Macgee's Street Spirit At Plaisance (Imp). Very good shape tri in really hard condition.  Pleasing Masculine head. Well set ears. Slight stop. Could have a fraction more neck. Chest to elbow. A little bit loose coming to. Well ribbed. Strong rear with enough angulation. Balanced Stride. 3. Hutchings' Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You

(4,2) 1 Moores' Tomalca Buttons n Bows at Manordeifi. 11 month S/W who looks like a real baby still. Full of promise and a super rear. Fem Head of quality. Nicely filled flat skull. Slight stop. Lenghty neck. Well laid shoulder. Forward in upper arm and a bit loose in front. Super ribs. Uses rear so well. BP 2. Russell's Koczkodan Nos Kerenza, 11 month Tri. Fem head. Epression spoit by ears. Too much tipped over. Flat skull. Lenghty neck. Very good front feet. Super body. Balanced in angulation. Also needs to firm in front but is V promising.

JB (6,1) Very good class headed by 2 super B/M's 1 McKenna & Bardill's Breckmore Snowberry At Plaisance. Very well balaned bitch. Super outline. Fem head, just slightly better in back skull that 2. Parallel planes. Slight stop. Eyes a fraction rounder than 2. Enough neck. Well laid shoulder. Grand body. Well bent stifle and low hock. In hard condition. Went with an even stride. Good going away just a bit loose in front yet.  2. Haywards' Kiiramanna She Makes My day at Foxearth. another super outline. Quality to her head. Lovely eyes. Nicely rounded in muzzle. Super neck and excellent front assembly. Well ribbed firm in topline. Super rear. Slightly better going away than 1. But looser in front as yet. 3. Moores' Tomalca Buttons n Bows at Manordeifi

PGB (2,1) Rodens' Fortune Cookie from Breckamore. S/W much more settled than in Junior. Shapely bitch. Clean, Fem head. Eyes OK. Uses ears well. Enough neck and good front. Feet need to improve. Level topline in super coat.

(3) 1 Russell's Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan, is a very easy moving Tri bitch, who held the best topline of these 3. Maybe not quite the head of 2, but it is fem, Flat skull, Dark Eyes, enough neck. Fairly good front.  Well sprung ribs and strong in loin. Well bent stifle and low hocks. Just a tad untidy in front. 2 McKenna & Bardill's Plaisance Betty La Belle, Very good S/W. Fem in head, flat skull, parallel planes.  Good eye, ear and expression. Well laid shoulder. Could have a bit more neck. Well spung ribs. Good rear, low hocks. Not quite stide of 1 3.Listers' Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp JW.

(9,2) Super Class 1. Hayward's Ch Sandcastle's As you Like it at Foxearth, Top Class blue merle bitch, so full of quality. Super head, flat skull, lovely width of skull. Super ears. Lenghty neck. Well laid shoulders, could have a bit more upper arm. Well ribbed back. Strong loin. Well bent stifle, low hocks, so easy on the move eating up the ground CC & BOB 2 Sehlin's Nu/Dk Ch Clingstone's Sounds Good. Really shapely Tri bitch, lenghty fem head, flat skull, wish her ears would tip over a fraction more. Long neck. Well laid shoulder, could be a bit firmer in front. Grand body, rear balances front. Just a tendancy to turn out her hind feet. Lenghty stride. RCC. 3. Hutchings' Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse