Bath Canine Society 2013 - No CC's

Judge: Peter Sewell

BEST OF BREED : 4978 RICE Mrs G Kevranna Theras Enate Echo 
Best Dog : 4970 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Matt Finnish 
Res Best Dog : 4968 GIDDINGS Mrs K. Ryecombe Discovered Gold 
Best Bitch : 4978 RICE Mrs G Kevranna Theras Enate Echo 
Res Best Bitch : 4969 GIDDINGS Mrs K. All That Jazz At Ryecombe 
Best Puppy : 4965 DAVIS Mrs C Yagane's the Jazz Singer at Keenacre 
Best Veteran : 
Best Breeder : 

Class 1293 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 4965 DAVIS Mrs C Yagane's the Jazz Singer at Keenacre 

Class 1294 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 4966 DENTON Mr R J & Mrs J M Ryecombe Jaffa Jake 
2nd: 4977 RICE Mrs G Kevranna Theras Suny Spirit 

Class 1295 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 4968 GIDDINGS Mrs K. Ryecombe Discovered Gold 
2nd: 4972 LEACH Mrs C H Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn 

Class 1296 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 1 
1st: 4970 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Matt Finnish 
2nd: 4973 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Shadow Chaser 

Class 1297 PB NO ENTRIES 

Class 1298 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 4978 RICE Mrs G Kevranna Theras Enate Echo 
2nd: 4962 BEENEY Mrs S. M Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil At Coneypark 
3rd: 4974 MOORES Miss D J Tomalca Buttons'n'bows At Manordeifi 

Class 1299 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0 
1st: 4975 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Dazzler 
2nd: 4976 PURVEY Mrs D Westbridge Blue Fantasy By Trendet 

Class 1300 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 2 
1st: 4969 GIDDINGS Mrs K. All That Jazz At Ryecombe 
2nd: 4971 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Little Summer 

PD (2,1) 1 Davis' Yagane's The Jazz Singer at Keenacre Tri of good size but a little unsettled today. Pleasing head with dark eye although ears a bit erratic. Well put together and shown in good condition. Moved well BP.

(2) 1 Denton's Ryecombe Jaffa Jake. Well presented and promising Tri, shown in good black coat and condition. Well balanced head with correct stop. Neat ears which he used well with good eye giving sweet expression. Moved well with good topline. 2 RiceKevranna Theras Suny Spirit. Well constructed S/W but would prefer to see carrying more body. Clean head with nice eye although ears a little heavy. Moved OK.

(2) 1 Giddings' Ryecombe Discovered Gold Upstanding S/W of nice size and outline. Well balanced head with dark eye giving desired expression and neat well used ears. Good angulation front and rear enabling him to move with ease. Tail carriage today spoilt the overall outline. RBD. 2 Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn. B/M of good colour. He is well constructed but needs time to mature in body. Good clean head with pleasing eye giving nice expression. Well set ears which he used to advantage. Moved OK.

(3,1) 1 Griffiths' Alopex Matt Finnish. Tri which I have done well before. Clean wedge head and correct stop. Neat ears although reluctant to use them. Nice dark eye giving pleasing expression, good construction front & rear giving balanced outline. Well presented as always. Movement was steady and true. BD. 2 Moores' Manordeifi Shadow Chaser Tri colour same nice size and shape as 1 but not in his showing mood today. With a good reach of neck and length of body. Balanced head, nice eye and when he managed to use his ears he has a nice expression. Sound mover.

(3) 1 Rice's Kevranna Theras Enate Echo. Very feminine S/W of nice size and shape. Well constructed with lovely reach of neck and length of body. Well balanced head, good eye, neat well used ears which she uses so well and shown in good condition. She moved soundly and with good drive. BB BOB. 2 Beeney's Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark. Another feminine S/W so well put together and in good coat and condition. Typical head although needs to fill in muzzle. Nice eye and well set and used ears. Very sound mover. 3 Moores Tomalca Buttons 'n' Bows at Manordeifi.

(2) 1 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. Nicely coloured B/M of good overall body shape with good front and rear angulations. Clean head with nice eye. Well presented and moved with drive. 2 Purvey's Westbridge Blue Fantasy by Frendet Feminine B/M of nice size and shape. Typical head with nice eye and neat well used ears. Moved well.

(4,2) 1 Giddings' All That Jazz at Ryecombe. Tri with good balanced outline and shown in good coat and condition with good front and rear angulations. She has a clean head and neat well used ears. Very sound movement. RBB. 2 Griffiths' Alopex Little Summer. Feminine S/W of correct size and body shape with good construction. Balanced head, nice eye and neat ears but reluctant to use them as she has such a happy and outgoing temperament. Moved steady and true.