City of Birmingham 2012


Judge: Mr Peter Bailey



BEST OF BREED : 4052 HYDE Mr G Londer Every Breath I Take
Dog CC : 4052 HYDE Mr G Londer Every Breath I Take
Res Dog CC : 4067 WHITE Mrs B A Ch Foxearth Frappuccino
Bitch CC : 4065 SEWELL Miss J Foxearth Dressed To Frill
Res Bitch CC : 4055 LISTER Mrs P E Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp
Best Puppy : 4047 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Flintab
Best Veteran : 
Best Breeder : 

Class 1085 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4062 PURVEY Mrs D Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack

Class 1086 PD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4040 FRENCH Ms A Foxearth Flock Master For Breckamore
2nd: 4039 FORBES Mrs D A & Miss F L Natalain Veni Vidi Vici At Willowhurst

Class 1087 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4047 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Flintab
2nd: 4068 WILLIAMS Miss L D Mcclelland Hotter Than Hell
3rd: 4043 GIDDINGS Mrs K. Ryecombe Discovered Gold
Res: 4053 KENNEDY Mr & Mrs B A Ryecombe Deb'n Air
VHC: 4035 COOK Mrs S Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru

Class 1088 PGD (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4054 LEACH Mrs C H Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
2nd: 4037 EVANS Miss J Neytiri Tsu'tay Warrior

Class 1089 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 4036 EVANS Miss J Southcombe Starman

Class 1090 OD (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 4052 HYDE Mr G Londer Every Breath I Take
2nd: 4067 WHITE Mrs B A Ch Foxearth Frappuccino
3rd: 4059 NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Mr J Easy Listening At Seanua
Res: 4056 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Storm Breaker
VHC: 4069 WILLIAMS Miss L D Foxearth Forward Thinking For Mcclelland

Class 1091 GCD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4062 PURVEY Mrs D Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack

Class 1092 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4033 COATES Mrs K E Starlight Spirit at Pencloda

Class 1093 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4061 POINTON Mr & Mrs R Kingrock Claudia
2nd: 4064 RODEN Ms C Fortune Cookie from Breckamore TAF
3rd: 4048 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Finger Print

Class 1094 JB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4055 LISTER Mrs P E Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp
2nd: 4032 CAMPBELL Mrs S Ryecombe Dolly Mixture
3rd: 4057 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Dazzler

Class 1095 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4055 LISTER Mrs P E Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp
2nd: 4057 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Dazzler
3rd: 4031 BEENEY Mrs S. M Kingrock Bathsheba At Coneypark

Class 1096 LB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4065 SEWELL Miss J Foxearth Dressed To Frill
2nd: 4034 COATES Mrs K E Alopex Blue Moon
3rd: 4063 PURVEY Mrs D Freejack A Touch Of Magic

Class 1097 OB (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4044 GIDDINGS Mrs K. All That Jazz At Ryecombe
2nd: 4051 HUTCHINGS Mrs F Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
3rd: 4046 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Little Summer

Class 1098 GCB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4063 PURVEY Mrs D Freejack A Touch Of Magic
2nd: 4033 COATES Mrs K E Starlight Spirit at Pencloda

VD (2,1) 1 Purvey's Norfield Silver Knight for  Freejack, a blue merle who moved well head pattern is good eyes medium size  almond shape, body shape very sound, coat colour correct, a worthy class winner  he later won the good citizen class.

(2) 1 French's Foxearth Flock  Master for Brackamore. A very pleasing 11 month old tri colour who has a good  temperament, handled and moved well, head has all the correct attributes eyes  and ears well placed giving a good expression, body shape was good coat  condition first class. 2 Forbes' Natalain Veni Vidi at Willowhurst a pleasing 9  month old sable and white with the best of eye shapes giving a good expression,  coat was in perfect condition he moved well with a nice tail set and carriage I  had two good examples here.

(5) 1st & the best puppy in breed was  Hayward's Foxearth Flintab. An upstanding blue merle with a very masculine  head, muzzle and skull, correct mouth bite and jaw, good eyes and ears giving  the correct expression, body shape pleased, a very good front and rear  construction enabling him to cover the ring with a good style, blue merle coat  and condition are good, a good male example this one. 2 Williams McClelland  Hotter Than Hell, a tri colour in perfect condition, jet black coat with the  required tan and white markings sparkled, he has a good head pattern, eyes and  ears well placed, a very good outline, legs, feet and pastern are good. Only my  decision on the day separated these two males. 3 Giddings' Ryecombe Discovered  Gold.

(3,1) 1 Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltar, a very good  sound blue merle, with the correct coat colour, both blue and correct black  mottling are good, he has a very good body shape, rear stifle and front upper  arm are sound enabling him to move well he has a good head pattern a good  example this one. 2 Evans Neytri Taut ay Warrior, a tri colour with again a  good outline a good sound temperament good on the move I liked the eye shape on  the dog almond shape and a lovely colour, coat condition was first class.

(3,2) 1 Evans Southcombe Starman, a 5 year old blue merle who pleased in body  shape outline of all angulations are good, he has a good topline front upper  arm and rear stifles are correct head is good muzzle and back skull are correct  nice eyes and ears on his own in the class but a good winner.

(8,2)  1st & the dog CC winner & BOB Hyde's Londer Every Breath I Take, a two  year old sable and white male in sparkling condition coat colour was quite  lovely, head is good with the correct balance of muzzle stop and back skull, a  good mouth and under jaw teeth and bite correct, eyes and ears good set  correctly giving a great masculine expression. He has a good outline of body  shape sound on the move this dog has good pasterns, upper arm and rear stifles  are sound he has a good correct tail set and carriage, I was very pleased to  award him the top honour. 2 & the reserve dog CC winner was White's Champion  Foxearth Frappuccino, a lovely sound tri colour champion of the breed, best of  head patterns eyes in particular are lovely, he was in tip top condition moved  with a very good style, a male smaller than the winner but correctly balanced  throughout make and shape quite lovely, I was very pleased to see him here to  day, a great champion of the breed thank you. 3 Norman & Ratcliffe's Easy  Listening at Seanua.

Good Citizen Dog
(2,1) Winner was the blue merle  that won the veteran class, Norfield Silver Knight for Freejack.

(1)  1 Coates Starlight Spirit at Pancloda, a very pleasing blue merle with a lovely  feminine head pattern she was in lovely coat and condition, a nice overall body  shape enabling her to move well, she later won the good citizen bitch class I thought  she was quite lovely.

(3) 1st & the best puppy bitch Pointon's  Kingrock Claudia, a very pretty sable and white with the best of head patterns,  her eyes and ears set correctly giving the required expression, her condition  was lovely she was very well handled movement was very sound a very pretty  example should have a bright future in the breed. 2 Roden's Fortune Cookie from  Brackmote TAF, another nice puppy handled and moved well, head is good eyes and  ears correctly set again giving a good expression movement was good I had two  nice young bitches here. 3 Hayward's Foxearth Finger Print.

(4,1) 1  & the reserve bitch CC winner was Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp,  I liked this lovely tri colour bitch she was so very sound on the move lovely  to handle with the best of temperaments her body shape and outline of all  angulations pleased, her head is correctly balanced giving of that true collie  expression, I was very pleased to see and judge her. A very good example. 2  Campbell's Ryecombe Dolly Mixture, a good sable and white, coat was in tip top  condition she was very, very well presented movement was good legs and feet  with good pasterns pleased I liked her head pattern ears and eyes well set  giving of a very nice picture. 3 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Dazzler.

(5) 1st was the winner of the junior class and the reserve bitch CC winner  Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp. 2 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Dazzler,  this nice blue merle was placed 3rd in the previous class had to move up here  on her overall correct balanced make and shape that enabled her to move well  she has a very good breed type head pattern, smooth collies carrying this  prefix are always very sound I was pleased to see them here to day. 3 Beeney's  Kinrock Bathsheba at Coneypark.

(3) 1st & the bitch CC winner was  Sewell's Foxearth Dressed To Frill, a tri colour bitch 2 years old and I loved  her a bitch in sparkling form, her coat colour and condition was quite  excellent, her head with the correct balance of muzzle stop back skull and  quite perfect eyes of correct shape and colour gave of a lovely expression, her  reach of neck upper arm topline loin and croup, rear stifles are sound and true  combining to enable her to move with a great style, I thought that this bitch  fitted the standard to a very high level, thank you for brining her. 2 Coates'  Blue Merle bitch Alopex Blue Moon, a very good sound true moving bitch lovely  correct coat colour, blue was correct with nice black mottling, her head  pattern is good eyes and ears well set a very nice bitch this one. 3 Purvey's  Freejack A Touch of Magic.

(4,1) 1 Giddings' All That Jazz at  Ryecombe, a 3 year old tri colour who pleased on soundness very good on the  move her outline of body shape pleased me, nice topline and front and rear  construction her eyes and ears set correctly giving of a nice expression, her  coat condition was perfect. 2 Hitchin's Collidach Molloney Mouse a good sound  moving blue merle bitch with a nice head pattern good balanced throughout, body  shape was good, coat was the correct colour she has a very nice temperament. 3  Griffith's Alopex Little Summer.

Good Citizen Bitch
(2,1) winner was the  veteran class winner Coates Starlight Spirit at Penclode.