Manchester 2011
Judge: Mrs V Geddes
BEST OF BREED : 6285 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L UK Ir Int Ch Pelghart
Paint It Black At Willowhurst
Dog CC : 6285 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L UK Ir Int Ch Pelghart Paint It
Black At Willowhurst
Res Dog CC : 6314 WHITE Mrs B A Foxearth Frappuccino
Bitch CC : 6304 NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Mr J Ch Foxearth Fashioned In Black
Res Bitch CC : 6286 FORT Miss J M Ch Shulune Imperial Legacy Jw
Best Puppy : 6314 WHITE Mrs B A Foxearth Frappuccino
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder : Fort
Class 1356 PD (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6314 WHITE Mrs B A Foxearth Frappuccino
2nd: 6299 HYDE Mr G Londer Every Breath I Take
3rd: 6309 SWANN Mr J & Mrs J Plaisance George Le Beau at Swanndale
Res: 6297 HOWE Mrs D I Dawcher Dawn's Sunrise
VHC: 6306 ROBINSON Miss C Dawcher Dawn's Ray of Light
Class 1357 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6300 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Shadow Chaser
Class 1358 PGD (4 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 6282 EVANS Miss J Southcombe Starman
2nd: 6319 WOODSTOCK Mr B D & Mrs G Shulune Imperial Warrior At Hylaird
Class 1359 LD (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6315 WILLIAMS Miss L D Foxearth Forward Thinking For Mcclelland
2nd: 6295 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Felix Cited
3rd: 6320 WOODSTOCK Mr B D & Mrs G Shulune Imperial Guard At Hylaird
Res: 6311 TRUNDLEY Mr B & Mrs B Juniperwood King Of Kings
VHC: 6317 WINTER, E A & UNWIN, S T Misses Rowvale River Of Fortune At Snowtrekka
Class 1360 OD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6285 FORBES, Mrs D A & FORBES Miss F L UK Ir Int Ch Pelghart Paint It Black
At Willowhurst
2nd: 6298 HUTCHINGS Mrs F Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You
3rd: 6318 WINTER, E A & UNWIN, S T Misses Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at
Snowtrekka Sh.CM
Res: 6287 FRENCH Ms A Devern First Prime
Class 1361 VD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6291 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Going Equipped
2nd: 6283 EVANS Mrs P J Ch Rowvale Storm Rising at Southcombe
Class 1362 PB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6308 SEWELL Miss J Foxearth Dressed To Frill
Class 1363 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6301 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Sparkle
2nd: 6280 BAKER Mr P & Mrs C Manordeifi Satin'n'lace At Tomalca
Class 1364 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 6288 FRENCH, Mrs A & HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Sticky Fingers
2nd: 6281 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
Class 1365 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 6293 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Silver Dream at Jimjack Sh.CM
2nd: 6303 NEFF Mrs V Hightri Until
3rd: 6292 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Little Summer
Res: 6284 EVANS Mrs P J Dawcher Decorum at Southcombe
VHC: 6316 WILLIAMS Miss L D Shulune Imperial Moonlite At Mcclelland
Class 1366 OB (7 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 6304 NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Mr J Ch Foxearth Fashioned In Black
2nd: 6286 FORT Miss J M Ch Shulune Imperial Legacy Jw
3rd: 6294 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Sandcastles All Dressed Up (Imp)
Res: 6307 ROBINSON Miss C Ch Dawcher Dream Searcher
Class 1367 VB NO ENTRIES
PD (5) 1 White's Foxearth
Frappuccino. Lots of very good features about this confident minor tri with
super glossy black coat. Balanced head, sweet eyes and good ears, showing
steady. Good outline and angles, lovely bone and size, just needs to lose some
weight now and start to firm up. Was steady and true going round, coming to a
balanced halt and attentive enough to take the RCC and BP. 2 Hyde's Londer Every
Breath I Take. Golden s/w, very pleasing head, dark eyes and excellent ears.
Balanced head with good expression, lovely outline with good angles and well
made body, moved well. 3 Swann's Plaisance George Le Beau At Swanndale.
JD (2,1) Moores' Manordeifi Shadow Chaser. Another sparkling
tri. Balanced head with good muzzle, flat skull and well placed stop. Very
sweet, dark eyes and well placed ears. In excellent body and condition, holds
good topline and angles. Moved sound and free, just a bit over enthusiastic and
somewhat distracted on the day.
PGD (4,2) Evans' Southcombe Starman. Sizeable 3 yo B/M of
excellent colour with well broken markings. Balanced head with good planes, well
placed eyes, slightly full but still giving the correct sweetness in expression,
well placed ears which are nicely tipped. Excellent neck and topline, well
angulated and let down, good rib and development through the body, excellent
tail, moved well. 2 Woodstock Shulune Imperial Warrior At Hylaird. S/w neutered
male who carries a bit too much weight. Good head qualities, sweet eyes and
excellent ears. A happy lad, enjoying his time and showed well.
LD (6) 1 Williams Foxearth Forward Thinking For Mcclelland. 2
Hayward Foxearth Felix Cited. Very close between these two shaded s/w brothers.
1 is cleaner through the cheeks with better ears than 2. 1. Clean head, good
eyes are well placed. Mobile, well placed ears, excellent neck and topline, good
angles. In super body and coat condition, moving well with correct tail. 2 Well
angled and appealing in outline. The head is stronger though balanced with good
planes, just a bit fleshy in cheek. Very good neck and body, good angulation,
well let down, a steady, free mover. 3 Woodstock S. Imperial Guard At H.
OD 1 Forbes UK IR INT Ch Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst.
Very impressive, up to size, fully mature tric with excellent tight, harsh coat
but felt he could have carried a shade more weight to finish. Excellent head
qualities with all the essentials, filled foreface, slight well placed stop and
flat skull with good underjaw. Dark, almond shaped and well placed eyes coupled
with excellent ears and the head qualities, give this dog the desirable
expression which I see as disappearing from the breed. Superb body lines, neck
and topline of excellent proportions with length of back and rib, the back is
strong and level with good depth of rib. Well angulated and let down, strong on
the move with an excellent stride and well carried tail. Delighted to see him
again, CC and BOB. 2 Hutchings Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You. Another tric, with
lots to like, still in that teenager stage and the mind that goes with it !! At
the other end of the size scale but still masculine and well balanced. Quality
head with good planes and stop, eyes a shade full but well placed, ears could be
a shade tighter. Nicely made body with good coat and substance and well
angulated, moved out soundly. 3 Winter & Unwin Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy At
Snowtrekka ShCM.
VD (2) 1 Griffiths Alopex Going Equipped. B/M with excellent
coat colour and condition. Balanced head of lovely smooth type, well placed
eyes and excellent ears. Good outline and angles, moved steady, sound and free.
2 Evans Ch. Rowvale Storm Rising At Southcombe. 10.5 tric in super condition and
all true Smooth type. Excellent head, ears and expression, good neck and holding
topline and body. Moved out and carried himself very well, but showing wear in
front on the return - a worthy Champion.
PB. (1) Sewell Foxearth Dressed To Frill. Stylish 8mths, super
outline, just needs to fill up a bit. Lovely neck and topline. Feminine, well
balanced head with good eyes and excellent ears and very attentive to handler.
Moved sound and free.
JB (2) 1 Moores Manordeifi Silver Sparkle. Well made b/m with good
outline, needs to loose some weight, good bone and condition, well angled, moved
free and true. 2 Manordeifi Satin N Lace At Tomalca. Finer built ultra feminine
tric, elegant outline and good angles, moved very true.
PGB (3,1) French & Hayward Foxearth Sticky Fingers. S/W, lovely
size, substance and proportions, excellent head and well placed eyes. Not happy
here today and did nothing to show her true virtues. Good neck and topline with
well made body, moved true and free. Told she had changed ownership recently, so
hopefully she will come together when settled. 2 Benton Alopex Marionette Of
Oakestelle. Very sweet b/m with good qualities and balance throughout, just not
enough of her for me. Sweet head and expression, shows non stop, excellent coat
of really clear blue and well marbled with black. Very sound moving.
LB (6) 1 Hartley Foxearth Silver Dream At Jimjack ShCM. Merle
of lovely type and balance overall. Clean, balanced head of correct type, good
muzzle and flat skull, well placed dark almond shaped eyes. Good neck and
topline, excellent shoulder and back, good rear. Well marked clean colour but
very dark, moved and showed well. 2 Neff Hightri Until. Another very nice b/m.
Good head, dark eyes and excellent ears. Balanced outline and angles, moved
sound and free. 3 Griffiths Alopex Little Summer.
OB (7,3) 1 Norman & Ratcliffe Ch. Foxearth Fashioned In Black.
Really beautiful and well balanced tric in superb condition. Difficult decision
between 1 & 2 but 1 just showed a bit less depth of head and that decided. Very
correct and true to type smooth, typical in outline and head perfectly balanced.
Well set eyes and excellent ears, has some slight development in cheek, but for
me it was less of an evil than any depth through. Really lovely and moved so
true. CC. 2 Fort Shulune Imperial Legacy JW. Another absolutely beautiful
smooth, pure quality about the head and expression, stunning outline, balanced
in every way and in superb condition. Did all that was asked of her and moved
out soundly. RCC. 3 Hayward Sandcastles All Dressed Up (Imp).