Bournemouth 2011
Judge: Mrs R Gibson
BEST OF BREED : 3318 LISTER Mrs P E Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp) Aus
Dog CC : 3318 LISTER Mrs P E Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp) Aus
Res Dog CC : 3316 HOWE Mrs D I Dawcher Dawn's Sunrise
Bitch CC : 3313 FRENCH Ms A Lillymead Amazing Grace
Res Bitch CC : 3314 GIDDINGS Mrs K. All That Jazz At Ryecombe
Best Puppy : 3309 BEENEY Mrs S. M Kingrock Bathsheba
Best Veteran : 3326 SEWELL, Mrs P & SEWELL Miss J Ch Foxearth Farris Via Lewarne
Best Breeder :
Class 924 JD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3316 HOWE Mrs D I Dawcher Dawn's Sunrise
Class 926 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3321 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Shadow Chaser
Class 927 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3312 FRENCH Ms A Devern First Prime
2nd: 3322 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Storm Breaker
Class 928 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3318 LISTER Mrs P E Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp) Aus
2nd: 3317 HYDE Mr G Londer Look Smart
Class 929 VB (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3326 SEWELL, Mrs P & SEWELL Miss J Ch Foxearth Farris Via Lewarne
Class 930 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3309 BEENEY Mrs S. M Kingrock Bathsheba
2nd: 3319 LUSTY Miss A G Juniperwood Just A Dream
3rd: 3324 RICE Mrs G Kingrock Adriel
Class 931 JB (1 Entries) Abs: 1
Class 932 GB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3308 BAKER Mr P & Mrs C Manordeifi Satin'n'lace At Tomalca
2nd: 3323 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Sparkle
Class 933 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3320 LUSTY Miss A G Juniperwood Dream Maker At Blamorder
Class 934 LB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3314 GIDDINGS Mrs K. All That Jazz At Ryecombe
2nd: 3310 BENTON Miss M Alopex Marionette Of Oakestelle
Class 935 OB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3313 FRENCH Ms A Lillymead Amazing Grace
2nd: 3315 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Sandcastle's All Dressed Up (Imp)
My sincere thanks to the Officers and
Committee for giving me this opportunity.
JD (2,1) 1. Howe's Dawcher Dawn's Sunrise, 15 monnths old Sable,
nice balanced head, slightly long in stop, nice smooth cheeks, good eye
placement and ear carriage, giving a lovely expression. Nice arched neck
leading into an excellent topline, good length of body, with good angulation
front and rear. Moved very well, but a little proud of his tail. RDCC.
PGD (1) 1. Moore's Manordeifi Shadow Chaser, Tri-colour, excellent
head construction with good eye and sweet expression, ears set a little
wide. Good neck, well sprung ribs, good angulation front and rear, correct
tail carriage. Moved well.
LD (2) 1. French's Devern First Prime, Sable, with good head, eye
and ear placement, giving dreamy expression. Good neck leading to strong
topline, very good angulation front and rear. Moved very well. 2. Moore's
Manordeifi Storm Breaker, Tri-colour, with good head shape, eyes a little on
the small side. Good neck, and good angulation front and rear, disappointed
in topline. Moved well.
OD (2) 1. Lister's Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp) Aus, mature
blue of excellent colour, excellent head construction and ear carriage
giving lovely expression. Good length of neck, although coat a little
profuse here, good length of body and rib, good angulation, particularly
behind. Moved very well, straight and with drive, tail carriage excellent.
DCC & BoB. 2. Hyde's Londer Look Smart, sable, another good looking dog,
very good head construction with an excellent eye, unfortunately overall
appearance marred by obvious disfigurement. Good neck, straight topline,
good angulation in front. Slightly wide behind on the move.
VB (1) 1. Sewell's Ch Foxearth Farris, Tri-colour, lovely 8 year
old lady with beautifully balanced head although a little reluctant to show
her ears. Good neck and shoulders, good angulation front and rear. Looked
beautiful standing, but maybe just feeling her age on the move. BV.
PB (3) 1. Beeney's Kingrock Bathsheba, a sweet little sable girl
of 6 months, lovely balanced head for age, sweetest eye and expression, ears
a little out of control at the moment. Good neck and shoulders, good length
of body, good angulation front and rear. Movement a little loose as one
would expect. BP. 2. Lusty's Juniperwood Just a Dream, 9 months,
Tri-colour, nice head and expression, ears a little unsettled. Good neck
and topline, just a little short in upper arm, otherwise angulation quite
good. Moved well. 3. Rice's Kingrock Adriel.
GB (2) 1. Baker's Manordeifi Satin 'n' Lace at Tomalca, Tri-colour,
nicely balanced head, beautiful dark eye, ears a little on the light side.
Good neck and shoulders,good length of body, strong topline, good angulation
front and rear. Moved well and with accuracy. 2. Moore's Manordeifi Silver
Sparkle, blue merle, correct head and beautiful expression, ears a little
heavy. Good neck, good angulation front and rear, topline and movement
apparently suffering from this bitch carrying a little too much weight.
PGB (2,1) 1. Lusty's Juniperwood Dream Maker, Tri-colour,
correct head construction and lovely eye, a little reluctant to show her
ears. Good neck and shoulders, good topline, good angulation front and rear.
Moved well.
LB (2) 1. Gidding's All that Jazz at Ryecombe, Tri-colour,
beautiful head and expression, good ears. Nice arch of neck leading to good
topline, good angulation front and rear. Moved correctly with drive. RBCC.
2. Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle, blue merle of excellent colour,
correct head and sweet expression. Good neck, strong toplinewith nice rise
over the loin, a little out of balance due to slight over angulation behind,
this showed in her movement.
OB (2) 1. French's Lillymead Amazing Grace, blue merle, coat of
good colour and well broken markings, beautifully constructed head with
correct eye placement and good ears, giving superb expression. Good reach of
neck leading to correct topline, good length of body and rib, correct
angulation front and rear, giving straight movement. BCC. 2. Hayward's
Sandcastle's All Dressed Up (Imp), Tri-colour, correct head and expression,
nice dark eye, good ears. Good neck, slack topline and movement apparently
suffering from this bitch carrying a little too much weight.