London and Provincial Collie Club Ch Show 2010 - No CC's
V (2) 1 Griffiths Alopex Going Equipped. Where has this boy been hiding, 9 year old blue of exceptional colour as you would expect from this kennel. His head is lovely to handle, well placed stop, nice eye, giving lovely expression, nice placed ears which he used to his advantage. Long neck, great shoulder placement, good length of back. Slight rise over loin, well let down hocks. Movement was true from all sides. Change of handler let him down in the challenge as he was reluctant to move. 2 Robinsons Ch Hilltarn Valentine J.W. I love this bitch; she has a most exquisite head, so pretty for a tri colour. Correct wedge shape with slight stop, ears bang on top. Great body shape but she is still out of condition. She moved with drive with correct reach. She was a little unsettled but her overall quality couldn't deny her RBB. P (1) 1 Robinsons Dawcher Dawns Ray of Light. Very raw baby of 7 mths. His head still needs to refine, ears a little heavy at this stage. He is well up to size and has a nice length of neck with correct length in body. Shows promise. Handler really had to work with him, his movement was all over the place but that's expected at this age. BP. PG (3,1) 1 French and Hayward's Foxearth Sticky Fingers. 19 mths S/W, pretty bitch. Nice head with well placed stop and well set ears although one was slightly flighty but she was reluctant to use them this hall. Liked her long neck and well angulated shoulders, correct length in back. Pity she was so unsettled on the move as I have seen her do better. 2 Woodstock's Shulune Warrior at Hylaird. 2 yr old S/w male of good size, no denying his gender. He has a nicely moulded foreface, good dark eyes, and slight stop. His ears were tipped more heavily than I would have liked. His overall body shape is good but carried too much weight which reflected in his movement. L (3.1) 1 Griffiths Alopex Little Summer. I love this young Lady, what sets her apart from the rest is her beautiful head, the Smooth collies have been criticised of having round eyes but this girl has the most sweetest eye I have ever seen in a Smooth. She has a most dreamy expression. Reminds me of a Rough Collie I once owned. Great show girl, used her well placed ears all the time in this hall. Nice reach of neck, well angulated shoulders, good length in back, correct turn of stifle and good hocks. Her coat is of correct texture. She moves with great drive, nice reach out in front. In the challenge she looked a little immature to a much older male but she is only 21mths. One for the upper house surely. BB, RBoB and BoS. 2 Woodstock's Imperial Guard at Hylaird. 19 mths s/w male, I liked this male in profile, wonderful in overall body shape. Head has good qualities, another one good in foreface, nicely placed stop and good ear set. Pity he was unsettled in his movement, would like to see this lad when he has matured. Has promise. OD (3,1) Two champions that I often seen change places. 1 Listers Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp Aus). Have given this B/M Best in Show when he was a youngster. He is 5 years old now and has matured into what I expected him too. Nicely balanced head, ears correctly set and always used to his advantage, personally would prefer a little more stop. Good length in neck, correct shoulders and is correct in height to length ratio. He makes most of the ring in his steady movement. BD and BoB. 2 Forbes Ch Int & Ir Ch Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst. A very handsome tri colour, just turned 5 yrs. His head is nice but rather deeper than I would have liked. Another one who has great ear carriage, and knows how to use them. He looks great in profile, lovely shoulder placement, and well angulated at the rear. But he lost it on the move on the day, maybe the ring was too small for him as I know he moves better, and so naughty with his tail today, carried it way too high. He did move better in the challenge to get RBD. OB (4, 2) 1 Griffiths Alopex Fine Provenance. Another pretty tri colour of 5 yrs, head handles well, would prefer sweeter eye, good ear set which she used to her advantage. Good shoulder placement, liked her depth of rib, nice rise over her loin. Good turn of stifle. Her movement was good but just needed to put a bit more effort to get into her stride. 2 Robinsons Ch Dawcher Dream Searcher. Another 5 yr old tri, her head is well balanced, ear set well but she didn't want to use them. Her nice body shape suggests good movement but she didn't want to know with her change of handler. Pity she was so unsettled
Marianne Benton