Welsh Kennel Club 2010
Judge: Mrs C Smedley
BEST OF BREED : 3426 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Sandcastles True Topic (Imp)
Also Group 3
Dog CC : 3426 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Sandcastles True Topic (Imp)
Res Dog CC : 3434 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Macgees Street Spirit at
Plaisance (Imp)
Bitch CC : 3438 NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Mr J Foxearth Fashioned In Black
Res Bitch CC : 3435 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Shulune Imperial Flower of
Best Puppy : 3430 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Shadow Chaser
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder :
Class 758 PD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3430 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Shadow Chaser
Class 759 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3427 HUTCHINGS Mrs F Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You
Class 760 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3425 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Foxearth Felix Cited
Class 761 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3434 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Macgees Street Spirit at Plaisance (Imp)
Class 762 OD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3426 HAYWARD Mr T & Mrs B Ch Sandcastles True Topic (Imp)
2nd: 3421 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Matt Finnish
Class 764 PB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3431 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silver Sparkle
2nd: 3433 MOORES Mrs E J Manordeifi Sapphire Dawn
3rd: 3414 BAKER Mr P & Mrs C Manordeifi Satin 'N' Lace at Tomalca
Class 765 JB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3438 NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Mr J Foxearth Fashioned In Black
2nd: 3428 HUTCHINGS Mrs F Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
Class 766 PGB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 3416 COATES Mrs K E Alopex Blue Moon
Class 767 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 3435 McKENNA, Mr A & BARDILL Mr M Shulune Imperial Flower of Plaisance
2nd: 3432 MOORES Miss D J Manordeifi Silvadora
3rd: 3424 HARTLEY Mrs J Foxearth Silver Dream at Jimjack Sh.CM
Res: 3436 NEFF Mrs V Hightri Until
Class 768 OB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 3423 GRIFFITHS Mrs I M G Alopex Fine Provenance
2nd: 3418 GAY Mr R C & Mrs D J Manordeifi Sapphire Mist At Yagane
3rd: 3420 GIDDINGS Mrs K. Foxearth Gold Filligree
I last judged this breed in 2007 and am pleased to comment that there has been some improvement in front movement but that is not to say it is now correct! Our ring left a lot to be desired as it was long and narrow and to assess movement in a confined space was not easy.
PD (1) 1 Moores’ Manordeif Shadow Chaser, very promising young tri, of good size and substance. Pleasing head with good foreface and nice ear set. Well placed shoulders and good rib cage. Ample bone and nice feet. Although at this stage is carrying perhaps too much weight, this did not affect his movement and when settled showed well - BPIB.
JD (1) 1 Hutchings’ Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You, another tri of good size. Not as positive in front movement as I would prefer but moved freely. Pleasing head, although shorter in length, is balanced with a flat skull. Nicely placed ears. I would prefer slighter more reach of neck. Good tail carriage.
PGD (1) 1 Hayward’s Foxearth Felix Cited, young sable in good body and condition. Well balanced head with flat skull and well placed ears. I would prefer a slightly better eye set. Good shoulders and ample bone, moved easily with good tail carriage.
LD (3,2) 1 McKenna & Bardill’s Macgees Street Spirit At Plaisance (Imp), two year tricolour of good size and substance. Head is clean and well balanced with good mouldings and nice eye set. Well used ears. Nice reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Good length of back. Lovely bone and feet, moved freely and I was pleased to award him a well deserved RCC.
OD (2) 1 Hayward’s Ch Sandcastles True Topic, what an ambassador for the breed this dog is. Well balanced head with good foreface. Gentle but inquisitive expression comes from a well placed dark eye and good ear set. Good neck and shoulders. In good hard condition. Even with a change of handler, this boy took all in his stride and showed off his virtues. Pleased to award him CC & BOB and to learn that he took G3 later in the day. 2 Griffiths’ Alopex Matt Finish, another tri who has many virtues. Clean balanced head of good planes, nice eye set. Good reach of neck, nice length of back and so elegant on the move. Just coming into his best.
PB (3) I was most disappointed in this class of 3 litter sisters who will all change places at later times. The blue merles are not of good colour, lacking in the clear blue colour as required by the standard and carrying too much weight which impairs movement. The tricolour is quite promising but has not yet got hold of her ear carriage and paid the price. 1 Moores’ Manordiefi Silver Sparkle. 2 Moores’ Manordeifi Sapphire Dawn. 3 Baker’s Manordeifi Satin’ n’ Lace at Tomalca.
JB (2) 1 Norman & Ratcliffe’s Foxearth Fashioned In Black, this little lady had everything I was looking for. Very pleasing balanced head with a lovely moulded foreface and flat skull, good ear set. Good reach of neck. Nice length and reach of neck. Good front and nice feet. Good length of back and moved so freely with a good top line. I was pleased to award her a crowning CC and her title, pushed very hard for BOB but just lost out on maturity. One I would love to have at home. 2 Hutchings’ Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse, different type, being somewhat smaller and less elegant than winner. I would prefer slightly more length in head but she is a good colour and moved quite well.
PGB (3,2) 1 Coates’ Alopex Blue Moon, a lovely coloured blue merle with the clear silver colour as the standard requires. Good head and eye, ample bone for her age, well handled to show off her virtues.
LB (5,1) 1 McKenna & Bardill’s Shulune Imperial Flower Of Plaisance, young sable of good size and substance. Pleasing balanced head. Good foreface and eye set. Good reach of neck with well placed shoulders. Good body shape. In good hard condition, she moved out well, and covered the ground easily. RCC. 2 Moores’ Manordeifi Silvadora, slightly heavier in type to winner. I would prefer a slightly cleaner head with a little more length. Good eye and expression. Well placed ears, showed very well. Just lacked the elegance I was looking for. 3 Hartley’s Foxearth Silver Dream At Jimjack ShCM.
OB (3) 1 Griffiths’ Alopex Fine Provenance, Tri in lovely hard condition. Her head is fine and clean with an alert expression with a good ear carriage. Good shoulders and front construction but today I felt she was moving rather wide behind. 2 Gay’s Manodeifi Sapphire Mist At Yagane. Blue of good size and shape but slightly heavier in build than winner. Nice reach of neck and good shoulders. I would prefer slightly more length of back to complete the picture. Moved freely and very attentive to handler. 3 Giddings’ Foxearth Gold Filigree.