Smooth Collie Club of
Great Britian 2009 |
Collie (Smooth)
Judge: Mrs Beverley White
Asikainen &
Lahtinen, Ch
Sandcastles True
Topic (RBiS)
Hydes Foxearth
Following On
BITCH CC: Hydes Ch.Foxearth Fondant (BIS and BVIS)
Hayward, Ch
Sandcastles as
you like it at
Norman &
Ratcliffe, Easy
Listening at
Seanua (BPIS)
Best Minor Puppy
in Breed: Alopex
Marionette of
Oakestelle (BMPIS)
Minor Puppy Dog
1st; West's
Alopex Oysterman
Puppy Dog (4)
1st; Norman &
Ratcliffe, Easy
Listening at
2nd; West's
Alopex Oysterman
3rd; Forman's
Dawcher Dawns
Res; Page's
Norfield Oh What
a Night
Junior Dog (5,
1st; McKenna's
Macgee's Street
Spirit at
Plaisance (Imp)
2nd; Forman's
Dawcher Dawns
3rd; Page's
Norfield Oh What
a Night
Novice Dog
(2 Abs)
1st; Absent
Post Graduate
Dog (2, 1Abs)
1st; Stilgoe's
Manordeifi Storm
Shadow of
Limit Dog (3)
1st; Hyde's
Following On
2nd; Griffith's
Alopex Skymaster
3rd; Moore's
Manordeifi Storm
Open Dog (5, 2
1st; Asikainen &
Lahtinen, Ch
Sandcastles True
2nd; Forbes' CH/IR/INT
CH Pelghart
Paint It Black
at Willowhurst
3rd; Wallis'
Freejack First
Knight at
Veteran Dog (5,
2 Abs)
1st; Howe's CH
Rowvale Rainbow
2nd; Garnett's
Knipes Golden
3rd; Tuck's CH
Dark Motif from
Minor Puppy
Bitch (2)
1st; Benton's
Marionette of
2nd; Coates'
Alopex Blue Moon
Puppy Bitch (2)
1st; Giddings'
All That Jazz at
2nd; Wallis'
Norfield Scarlet
Junior Bitch (3)
2nd; Williams'
Shulane Imperial
Moonlite at
1st; McKenna's
Shulune Imperial
Flower of
3rd; Wallis'
Norfield Scarlet
Novice Bitch (2)
1st; Benton's
Marionette of
2nd; Howarth's
Rambling Rose
Post Graduate
Bitch (5, 1 Abs)
1st; Hartley's
Foxearth Silver
Dream at Jimjack
2nd; Neff's
Hightri Until
3rd; Howarth's
Rambling Rose
4th; Berton's
Limit Bitch (8,
4 Abs)
1st; Giddings'
Foxearth Gold
2nd; Howarth's
Rambling Rose
3rd; Silgoe's
Foxearth Fatal
Beauty at
4th; Coates'
Starlite Spirit
at Pencloda
Open Bitch (6, 1
1st; Hayward's
CH Sancastle's
As You Like It
at Foxearth
2nd; Sewell's CH
Foxearth Farris
via Lewarne
3rd; Hutchins'
CH Foxearth
Flourescence at
Molloney ShCM
4th; Griffith's
Alopex Out Of
The Blue
5th; Coates'
Starlite Spirit
at Pencloda
Veteran Bitch
(5, 3 Abs)
1st; Hyde's CH
Foxearth Fondant
2nd; Garnett's
CH Sharidon Miss
American Pie at
I was thrilled with my main winners and felt both
challenges were very strong with 4 dogs in each being of CC quality and worthy
champions not making it to the challenge. My overall impressions – some dogs
lack of neck, have poor shoulders, many are too big, too narrow, and have poor
movement. The top winning males should be an asset to the breed if used
judiciously. Front and rear angulation on the whole was good as was length of
tail. Most temperaments were fabulous. Although I thought overall this was a
better quality entry than for some time, there was still a great separation
between the main winners and the rest. MPD (1) 1 West’s Alopex
Oysterman – well grown tri with a lovely head and expression, enhanced by well
placed and used ears. A little tall at the moment to balance his length of back
but this might improve as he ages. Could have more length of neck and a better
lay of shoulder. Similarly he could do with more bend of stifle. His movement
was sloppy but he is a baby so can’t expect too much yet. PD
(4) 1 Norman & Ratcliffe’s Easy Listening at Seanua, BP, BPIS – stunning
youngster with a great future ahead of him. Well grown but a little bum high
today but this will settle as he reaches maturity. Super balanced head, clean
with correctly placed stop and lovely moulded foreface. His backskull is flat
and his ear placement spot on. His eye is well shaped and placed. Darker eye
rims would enhance but he is a golden sable so you can’t have everything. Super
reach of neck, well used, good length of back, good shoulder and length of upper
arm, good depth of brisket for a youngster with plenty of heartroom. Well boned
legs with neat feet. Tail correctly set, good rear angulation and hocks well let
down enabling him to move with drive. Handled well. Close to the RCC today. 2
A Oysterman 3 Foreman’s Dawcher Dawn’s Spirit JD (4,1) 1
McKenna & Bardill’s MacGee’s Street Spirit at Plaisance – imported tri who at 15
months is very much at that in-between stage. I think he has great potential and
should finish a very useful dog. In some respects he is similar to the eventual
CC winner but lacks the maturity and finish at the moment. This of course will
change with time but what won’t change is his very good conformation. He appeals
for his overall balance with his super reach of neck and length of back. His
front and rear angulation is very good and this is reflected in his movement
which is smooth, covering the ground with ease. His head is clean and balanced
with correct stop and planes. His eye could be darker and more almond shaped but
his expression is pleasing nevertheless and enhanced by correctly placed and
used ears. 2 D Dawn’s Spirit. Pleasing head and expression on this well grown
youngster but ears a little light. Lacks neck and moved poorly. 3 Page’s
Norfield Oh What a Knight PGD (2,1) 1 Stilgoe’s Manordeifi
Storm Shadow of Yeldus. Just out of junior and needing a lot of time. Too tall
without the length of back to balance. Needs to drop in brisket and develop
chest and spring of rib but he needs much more body to help him do this. His
head is clean but is affected by his general lack of body as he needs to fill in
backskull. Moved too close in front and behind again because of his lack of
body. LD (4,1) 1 Hyde’s Foxearth Following On, RCC. Lovely dog
who excels in shape and balance. Super reach of neck and length of back giving
the correct collie outline. Well angulated front and rear with well let down
hocks enabling him to move truly and with drive. Good size and well off for bone
completing the overall picture. His head is pleasing, balanced with clean stop
and correct backskull. To be critical, his cheeks could be a little more refined
but seen as a whole his head and expression are very pleasing. His eye is dark
and well shaped, his ears are correctly placed and well used. Handled quietly
and sympathetically, handler getting the best from the dog. Very pleasing. 2
Griffiths’ Alopex Skymaster Blue – smaller blue merle of lovely colour. Not the
world’s most enthusiastic showman, he tends to put his neck into his shoulders
making him look stuffy. His head is clean with good foreface and his expression
pleasing but he doesn’t pull his ears as tight as he needs to to give him that
wow factor expression. Well angulated fore and aft and moved well if rather
diffidently. Preferred his head and expression to 3. 3 Moores’ Manordeifi Storm
Breaker OD (5,2) 1 Asikainen & Lahtinen’s Ch Sandcastle’s True
Topic, CC, RBOB, RBIS – the dog of the moment and deservedly so. Instantly
appeals for his correct collie outline which is the result of good size, correct
front angulation leading to a super crested neck (a rarity these days). Correct
length of back with the desired rise over the loin –again something of a rarity
– most toplines being as flat as a table (not too many dippy toplines today).
Super bend of stifle and well let down hock. Covered the ground well, reaching
out in front and driving from behind. His head is well balanced with flat
backskull of correct length, lovely moulded foreface with well placed stop. His
expression is super thanks to his well placed and shaped dark eye and well
placed and used ears. He reminds me of the late great Draught Guiness and I
imagine he must be in his pedigree somewhere. If he gets stock like the great
Guiness he will be an asset to the breed during his short stay here. 2 Forbes’
Ch Ir & Int Ch Pelghart Paint it Black – worthy champion whose owners are to be
congratulated for campaigning him and promoting our vulnerable breed. A bigger
stamp of dog but he retains balance. Well balanced with good reach of neck,
good angulations, good length of back and well off for bone, presenting a
pleasing picture. His head is clean but too strong for me. Well shaped, dark eye
and well placed and used ears giving a pleasing expression. Well muscled and
moved very well. 3 Wallis’ Freejack First Knight at Norfield Vet D
(5,2) 1 Howe’s Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior – headed a class of grand old
gentlemen enjoying their day out. Correct outline thanks to his good reach of
neck and length of back. Well angulated and well boned. Head hasn’t lost its
qualities but still recedes, eye a little large. Moved as you’d expect a 12 year
old – a little stiffly but nevertheless with enthusiasm. Shown in excellent
condition. 2 Garnett’s Knipes Golden Supremo, beautiful head and eye on this
younger sable. Super neck, good length of back but spoilt by his croup dropping
off. Moved very well. 3 Tuck’s Ch Dark Motif from Misstoff AW MPB
(2) 1 Benton’s Alopex Marionette at Oakestelle, BMP, BMPIS – two litter sisters
and very little to separate them. Both are exquisitely coloured blue merles.
Both are feminine if a little small but time is on their side. Both could do
with a touch more neck. Heads are still to finish especially in backskull but
again, this should come. Sweetest of expressions with lovely dark, well shaped
and placed eyes. Ears on top and well used. Today 1 moved the better but it
really was splitting hairs. 2 Coates’ Alopex Blue Moon. PB
(2) 1 Giddings All That Jazz at Ryecombe, BPB – bigger tri bitch who is up to
size and a little square at the moment. Hopefully she will finish with the
desired length to height ration. Sweetest of expressions thanks to her super
dark, almond shaped eyes , good stop and well placed and used ears. Backskull
needs to finish yet but she has time. Movement a little untidy. Overall
presents a pleasing picture and should finish well. Litter sister to BPIS. 2
Wallis’ Norfield Scarlet Rose – a pity this youngster lacks confidence and
clearly would rather be anywhere but the show ring. She is fairly pleasing but
is too narrow all through. Decent reach of neck and angulations Clean head and
pleasing expression, not moving very well probably because she was rather
unsettled. JB (3) 1 Williams’ Shulune Imperial Moonlite at
McCelland, more litter sisters and again little to separate them. Both pleasing
in outline, having good reach of neck, sufficient length of back and nice
bone. Heads are clean and balanced, pleasing eye shape and placement but could
be darker to advantage. 1 is a consummate show girl and so attentive to her
handler tending to get a bit over enthusiastic on the move, 2 moved well. The
only thing separating them was 1 had a better rise over the loin and had a
greater ring presence than 2. 2 McKenna & Bardill’s Shulune Imperial Flower at
Plaisance 3 N Scarlet Rose NB (2) 1 A Marionette at Alopex 2
Howarth’s Cownbred Rambling Rose – fairly nice bitch who could do with losing a
little weight to advantage. Handler and bitch could also do with some ring
craft practice to increase coordination and confidence. Lovely head and eye on
this bitch, could have a better length of neck , topline poor due to excess
weight. Angulations OK, movement difficult to assess due to her exuberance but
as she went through her classes she did settle and improve. PGB
(5, 1) 1 Hartley’s Foxearth Silver Dream at Jimjack – lovely bitch with much
potential. I see she is litter sister to the res dog CC winner. Appeals for
her lovely outline, with good reach of neck, correct length of back and super
front and rear angulation. Very feminine eye and expression with balanced,
clean head and well used ears. A little dark in colour. Moved very well.Should
be a useful winner for her owner. 2 Neff’s Hightri Until – a better colour than
1 but not her reach of neck or positive, collected movement. Well constructed
with good angulation, good length of back and depth of chest. Very nice head,
clean and balanced with super expression. 3 C Rambling Rose LB
(8, 4) 1 Giddings Foxearth Gold Filligree –Well made s/w bitch, an easy winner
in this class. Stacks of personality to match her good conformation. Lovely
reach of neck and length of back. Well angulated with good bone but still
retaining femininity. Super head and expression thanks to her well shaped and
placed dark eye, clean stop, moulded foreface and well placed and used ears.
Front movement a little loose but strong driving action from the rear. Still
carrying a little excess weight following her recent litter but once this comes
off, she should do some useful winning. 2 C Rambling Rose 3 Stilgoe’s Foxearth
Fatal Beauty at Yeldust OB (6, 1) 1Hayward’s Ch Sandcastle’s As
You Like it at Foxearth, RCC, superb depth of quality in this the strongest
class of the day headed up by a real stunner. Excelling in outline thanks to her
excellent reach of neck and good length of back, this bitch presents a most
pleasing picture. Her head is balanced and clean, with moulded foreface, well
placed stop, well set, almond shaped eyes and well used ears giving a most
pleasing expression. She is well angulated with ample bone. Moved so well with
driving action, covering the ground easily and truly. A bubbly personality
giving her that all important ring presence that will always command attention.
Close between her and 2. 2 Sewell’s Ch Foxearth Farris at Lewarne – another
bitch with personality plus. Beautiful outline with super reach of neck, length
of back and front and rear angulation. Head is clean and well balanced with good
foreface. Lovely expression thanks to her well placed sweet, dark almond
shaped eye, clean, correctly placed stop and well used ears. Moved so well,
covering the ground with ease. Preferred her eye shape to 3. 3 Hutchings' Ch
Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney Vet B (5, 3) 1 Hyde’s Ch
Foxearth Fondant, CC, BOB. The star of the show for me. When she walked in the
ring she instantly appealed for her ultra femininity and overall balance.
Certainly in the league of the greats of 20 years ago such as Moonbeam, Blue
Movie and Flourish. Her head is so pleasing to handle. Flat backskull, well
placed stop and lovely moulded foreface. Her eyes are dark, almond shaped and
correctly placed. Her ears are correctly placed and well used. She has a super
reach of neck which is crested and leads to well angulated shoulders and correct
length of upper arm. Excellent length of back which has a slight rise over the
loin. Well angulated hind quarters with well let down hocks. Spot on for size
and bone. Focused on her handler and exudes an air of class and elegance. Moved
beautifully, matching the dog CC winner for soundness and side extension and
pulling out all the stops for BOB. I just loved her. 2 Garnett’s Ch Sharidon
Miss American Pie at Knipes. Hard to believe this bitch is 12 years old – she
could pass for 6 or 7. Eye-catching outline with that lovely reach of neck.
Still retains excellent head qualities with keen expression. Moved so well
thanks to her very good conformation. Could not match 1 for femininity.
Brace (4, 2) 1 Griffiths – well matched, moving well together and
overall better quality than 2 2 Coates Breeders 1 Hayward –
quality through and through