Smooth Collies: P 1 Moores Manordeifi Sweet Suzanna. Tri bitch, has a good head with nice front and hindquarters with well level back, moved well. Best Puppy. PG 1 Moores Manordeifi Stormbreaker. Tri dog, good head but strong, very good neck and ears with a good topline, moved well. Res Best Dog. L 1 Moores Manordeifi Silvadora. B/M bitch, this bitch has a lovely clean head with a excellent expression, very good shoulders and good topline. Res Best Bitch. OD 1 Lister's Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp. B/M this dog has so much to offer the breed, his head is so clean and excellent expression, a good chest and excellent spring of rib, good topline and hind quarters, moved so well. Best Dog and BOB. OB 1 Hill's Devern Fate A Compli. Tri bitch, has a very good head with good ears which she used well, good shoulders and topline. Best Bitch. 2 Moores Manordeifi Silverdawn. Old favourite of mine, her colour is so clear, good clean head with a good reach of neck, good shoulders and upper arm and good rear pasterns. V 1 Hills' Ch Devern Blue Silhouette. BM has a good clean head with good stop and ears, good under jaw, has good level back and moved so well.

Keith MacGregor