Puppy Dog
1. Alopex Matt Finnish BPD/BPIB
2. Londer Dreaming

Junior Dog
1. Londer Moonrock
2. Alopex Skymasterblue
3. Freejack First Knight at Norfield

Novice Dog
1. Londer Moonrock
2. Londer Dreaming

Post Graduate Dog
1. Darsign Minstrel Blue
2. Lilymead Agamenon

Limit Dog
1. Rowvale River Gambler
2. Sturtmoor Alexavier at Snowtrekka
3. Norfield Soul Mate

Open Dog
1. Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst CC & RBIB
2. Darsign Minstrel Blue
3. Ch Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever
4. Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blue at Newarp

Veteran Dog
1. Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior RCC
2. Rowvale Moon Rocker of Boothwood
3. Astrellita Absoluto
4. Ch Dark Motif from Misstoff
4. Foxearth Foreshore

Puppy Bitch - 0

Junior Bitch
1. Hilltarn Kinky Boots for Sharidon
2. Manordeifi Sapphire Mist at Yagane

Novice Bitch - 0

Post Graduate Bitch
1. Dawcher Dream Searcher
2. Foxearth Gold Filigree
3. Lilymead Alisia
4. Alopex Out of the Blue
5. Lilymead Amazing Grace

Limit Bitch
1. Darsign Crystal Chandalier for Apkara
2. Rowvale Chasing Rainbows
3. Shulune Lady of Rohan

Open Bitch
1. Hilltarn Valentine JW RCC
2. Ch Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
3. Devern Fate A Compli
4. Hilltarn Kiri at Yagane
5. Foxearth Farris via Lewarne

Veteran Bitch
1. Sharidon Miss American Pie at Knipes CC/BOB/RBIS/BOSIS/BVIS
2. Ch Foxearth Pheobe
3. Ch Alopex Silver Stone
4. Dancerwood Dark Prospect


Dog CC & BOS: Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst. Res CC: CH Rowvale Rainbow Warrior. Bitch CC & BOB: Garnett's Sharidon Miss American Pie at Knipes. Res CC & Res BOB: Hilltarn Valentine J.W. Best Puppy: Griffiths' Alopex Matt Finnish. Best Veteran: Garnett's Sharidon Miss American Pie at Knipes. Smooth awards: Best of Breed & Bitch CC - Sharidon Miss American Pie at Knipes. Reserve best of Breed- Hilltarn Valentine J.W. Dog CC Best opposite sex Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst. Reserve Dog CC: CH Rowvale Rainbow Warrior. Robinson's Hilltarn Valentine J.W. Reserve Bitch CC. Smooth: PD 1 Alopex Matt Finnish, Tri boy with lovely expression, nice body type, I'll have to inquire later as when I checked the catalog, he and I share the same birth date (not year of course). 2 Londer Dreaming, a nice young male ready to show, a little more age will help him with the package. JD 1 Londer Moonrock, sweet look and well set stop and profile. 2 Alopex Skymaster Blue, liked his type and head qualities. 3 Freejack First Knight at Norfield. ND 1 Londer Moonrack. 2 Londer Dreaming, must say he had as good a time as the first, but was becoming more ring wise. PGD 1 Darsign Minstrell Blue, light lean head yet masculine (something I prefer). 2 Lillymead Agamennon, lovely stop and body proportion. LD 1 Rowdale River Gambler, head properties very pleasing and fine body proportion. 2 Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka, good-looking masculine fellow with a dreamy gaze. 3 Norfield Soul Mate. OD 1 Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst, a manly fellow with an appealing head and expression, still a young dog and time will bring him more accolades. 2 Darsign Minstrell Blue, similar to the 1st , nice head balance. 3 Ch Blue Jeans Forever. VD (I believe the Veterans are our past and future, they are what we were, and many days they are the gauge we should use for the future. Pardon me if I went ahead to list the qualities of the whole class as they all were very good references to the collie as we love him. If we could but breed these fellows together, with luck, we would have the best collie on either side of the pond). 1 Ch Rowdale Rainbow Warrior, length of head enhanced by leanness and balance, mature body type added to his appeal. 2 Rowdale Moon Rocket of Boothwood, stop and keen look set him above the others. 3 Astrellita Absoluto, lean headed. All the dogs in this class were quality and be assured they represented desirable traits that have and will continue to better the breed. Smooth Bitches: JB 1 Hilltarn Kinky Boots for Sharidon, lean clean head and showy, used her neck to ever so gracefully give a regal appearance. 2 Manordeifi Sapphire Mist at Yagane - inquisitive expression. PGB 1 Dawcher Dream Searcher - length of head with leanness befitting a girl, very nice overall balance. 2 Foxearth Gold Filligree, lovely eye shape and very clean on the sides. 3 Lillymead Alisia. LB 1 Darsign Crystal Chandalier For Apkara, light and lean another feminine girl (this is a compliment). 2 Rowdale Chasing Rainbows lovely stop and fine overall presentation. 3 Shulune Lady of Rohan. OB 1 Hilltarn Valentine JW- admirable expression, sound and so willing to please and show. A very close contender to Miss American Pie. 2 Ch Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowdale, stop well placed and lovely body lines. 3 Devern Fate a Compli. VB 1 Sharidon Miss American Pie at Knipes - smooth finish to her head with a soft dreamy look about her, in superb condition. A bit more girl than is even my type, but she carried it all and her age did not in any way detract from her loveliness. 2 Ch Foxearth Phobe, a lean and long head very much with style. The others were again great reflections of our collies, age is not a bad thing, the maturity of a collie is enhanced when the collie keeps their qualities or 'grows' better as they did! 3 Ch Alopex Silverstone.