Manchester Dog Show Society 2007

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mr Geoff Duffield


Dog CC : 4901 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moon Walker From Misstoff
Res Dog CC : 4905 Mr J NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Ch Foxearth Flash Past
Bitch CC : 4902 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Southcombe Sophisticate At Rowvale
Res Bitch CC : 4897 Mr T & Mrs B HAYWARD Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran : 4901 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moon Walker From Misstoff
BEST OF BREED : 4902 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Southcombe Sophisticate At Rowvale


Class 785 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4903 Mrs J MACGREGOR Rowvale River Gambler
2nd: 4890 Mrs D A & Miss F L FORBES Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst
3rd: 4912 Mrs D WALLIS Norfield White Knight

Class 786 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4908 Mr M. K & Mrs J.L THORNE Pelghart Piper's Gold

Class 787 LD (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4900 Mrs P E LISTER Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp)
2nd: 4909 Mr & Mrs B TRUNDLEY Lilymead Agamemnon

Class 788 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4905 Mr J NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Ch Foxearth Flash Past
2nd: 4911 Mrs J TUCK Dark Motif From Misstoff
3rd: 4913 Mrs D WALLIS Norfield Soul Mate

Class 789 VD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4901 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moon Walker From Misstoff


Class 791 JB (3 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 4894 Mrs I M G GRIFFITHS Alopex Fine Provenance

Class 792 PGB (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 4906 Miss C ROBINSON Dawcher Dream Searcher
2nd: 4910 Mr & Mrs B TRUNDLEY Lilymead Alisa

Class 793 LB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4898 Ms V M HILLS Devern Fate a Compli
2nd: 4899 Mrs J HUTCHINGS, Mrs F & WAITE Foxearth Fluorescence At Molloney
3rd: 4910 Mr & Mrs B TRUNDLEY Lilymead Alisa

Class 794 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 4902 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Southcombe Sophisticate At Rowvale
2nd: 4897 Mr T & Mrs B HAYWARD Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead
3rd: 4907 Miss C ROBINSON Hilltarn Valentine JW
Res: 4914 Miss S J WHITTINGHAM Ch Southcombe Society Girl



This appointment brought back many happy memories as I won my first Smooth Collie CC at Manchester in the late 70s. A lot of the well-known kennels no longer exist from that era, particularly the Peterblues, but I was nevertheless rewarded with a quality representative entry where all my winners pleased me greatly. The only sad thing was the complete absence of puppies, but I am assured a couple of litters have produced some promising babes to rectify the situation.

JD (3) 1 MacGregor’s Rowvale River Gambler, smart home-bred tri whelped by the day’s BOB who in turn was sired by the DCC, so this 17-months dog is entitled to a second look. Indeed it’s easy to understand why he’s had such a good run, presented in the best of order, jacket of correct texture, the black glistening as he set himself up to illustrate his virtues. Nicely moulded head, neat ever-alert ears, good dark eye with alert & sweet but masculine expression, good tan markings, well arched neck, well boned & straight legs, neat tight feet, in hardly condition, good bend of stifle, plenty of thigh muscle, very positive on the move; 2 Forbes’ Pelghart Paint It Black at Willowhurst, another upstanding & striking tri presented in best of order, balanced head, dark eye, good ears, alert expression, strong legs, good feet, sound on the move; 3 Wallis’s Norfield White Knight.

PGD (1) 1 Thorne’s Pelghart Piper’s Gold, well presented s/w, kind expression, good ears, good overall shape but rather narrow, very long tail – but fond of it!

LD (2) 1 Lister’s Eridor Im Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp), very striking well marked b/m of instant appeal & turned out in the best of order. Remember judging him in varieties in the summer on his first show in the UK where, considering the conditions, he gave every impression he would have a good career. Has picked up several RCCs, I have no doubt he will get made up. Rising two years, he is by exhibitor’s Aus champ from whom, no doubt, he has inherited his quality. With another year on his back he could be quite something. Always making the best of himself, well presented in jacket of correct texture, lovely head, eye & expression, very alert, good ears, well-marked head, good front, body in excellent hardy condition, strong well-boned legs, lovely tight feet, good rear quarters, well muscled thighs, a very positive mover, only a whisker away from the RCC; 2 Trundley’s Lilymead Agamemnon. When I mentioned my first CC back in the 70s, this exhibitor was hitting the high spots with Ch Treewood Black King, a tri who made his mark at stud. Today’s exhibit, a b/m just out of junior, didn’t have the good clear colour of 1 but had correct texture, flat skull, kind expression, good muzzle, level topline, could do with losing a few pounds which affected movement.

OD (4,1) 1 Norman & Ratcliffe’s Ch Foxearth Flash Past, most appealing s/w of good colour, correct texture & well presented, such a lovely soft yet masculine expression, lovely moulded head, sweet dark eye, good stop, good depth of chest, good body in hardy condition, strong well-boned & straight legs, very good bend of stifle, super thigh musle, kept his topline, always making the best of himself, rather fond of his tail but eventually managed to keep it down when it mattered, so was willing to forgive him as he moved so soundly. RCC; 2 Tuck’s Dark Motif from Misstoff, tri with pleasing head properties, good mouldings & muzzle, alert expression, very good ears, good harsh jacket, the black gleaming, kindly marked white shawl making him look a picture when stood, good rear, very good bend of stifle, good thigh muscle, sound on the move. From a stunning litter bred in ’99 who I had the pleasure of judging a year later where, from memory, the puppy dog winner and the first three (all merles) in puppy bitch all went on to gain their titles; 3 Wallis’s Norfield Soul Mate.

VD (1) 1 MacGregor’s Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff, with reference to that ’99 litter, this dog has starred since. Tri presented in best of order in gleaming jet black jacket of correct texture with the whites most pristine, this beautiful dog has just entered the realms of veteran, but he is so super fit and alert he’s more like a four-year-old. Excellent make & shape & always making the best of himself, it’s not hard to see why he has amassed to many CCs.Quality head, flat skull, excellent stop, lovely kind but most definite masculine expression, lovely mouldings, very attentive, topped off by excellent ever-alert ears, all supported by super well-arched neck, very good shoulder & depth of chest, strong well-boned legs with tight feet, body in hardy condition, good rear quarters, bend of stifle & strong straight hocks, very good thigh muscle, very well shown & presented, a pleasure to watch on the move. Had no hesitation awarding him the CC, in the challenge he had to bend the knee to his daughter who just sparkled.

JB (3,2) 1 Griffiths’ Alopex Fine Provenance, attractive tri from a kennel who always rear super-fit collies, stood alone but deserved her place, clean head, sweet eye & expression, lovely ears, correct well presented jacket, good angulations & conformation, good neck, good rear quarters, good bend of stifle & hocks, well muscled thigh, effortless movement.

PGB (2) 1 Robinson’s Dawcher Dream Searcher, attractive tri, super white shawl emphasising good neck supporting pleasing head, eye & expression, very feminine, presented in excellent condition, very good shoulder & front, strong legs, positive mover; 2 Trundley’s Lilymead Alisa, most beautiful feminine blue merle clothed with a beautiful coat of correct texture – over a very fat body! If they can get the weight off this bitch she should do extremely well, but is seriously handicapped by the burden on the move. Dark eye, very sweet expression, balanced head, very good ears, well moulded muzzle, alert and attentive, good bend of stifle.

LB (4,1) 1 Hills’ Devern Fate a Compli, ultra-feminine tri, very sweet, dark eye, balanced head topped by very good ears, good neck, very good shoulder, in good body covered by well presented coat, looked good from all angles, moved with purpose; 2 Hutchings & Waite’s Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney, the fittest & best mover of the entry, b/m very well presented in coat of excellent texture, balanced head, good stop, needs to be handled to be appreciated, most feminine bitch with pleasing & alert expression, in hardy condition, always on her toes; 3 Trundley’s Lilymead Alisa.

OB (5,1) 1 MacGregor’s Ch Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale, super tri in sparkling condition whose excellent make & shape, plus her most positive movement won the day. Like all dogs, is not perfect but for virtue over fault, is impossible to overlook. I found her most feminine with a saucy, sweet expression. Indeed her head was pleasing to go over, balanced, good skull topped by ever-alert ears, very good neck and perhaps best shoulder in entry, good depth of chest, good straight front legs with very tight feet, in wonderful body & condition, good hindquarters, good stifle, well muscled thigh, strong short hocks and with structure like that, could only move as a working dog should. More than pleased to award her the CC & BOB, and highly delighted to see her placed G3 in a quality pastoral group; 2 Hayward’s Foxearth Fire Of Love at Lilymead, tri rising five and bred from champion parents, ultra feminine, exquisite sweet, dark eye & expression, balanced head, happy temperament, indeed perhaps too laid back at times! In good harsh jacket, looked most impressive when pulling herself together. I don’t know whether she is lazy but she took quite a few strides before getting into her stride. Though her construction is true, she moved off very wide at the back, which ultimately cost her. RCC; 3 Robinson’s Hilltarn Valentine JW.