18TH NOVEMBER 2007 -
Puppy Dog:
1. Rowvale Reach For The Moon BPIB
2. Rowvale River of Fortune at Snowtrekka
Junior Dog:
1. Alopex Matt Finnish
2. Freejack Royal Knight
3. Manordeifi Storm Breaker
4. Freejack First Knight at Stormfield
5. Manordeifi Percival
Graduate Dog:
1. Alopex Skymaster Blue
2. Freejack Royal Knight
3. Manordeifi Storm Breaker
4. Freejack First Knight at Stormfield
5. Manordeifi Percival
Post Graduate Dog:
1. Freejack First Knight at Stormfield
Limit Dog:
1. Rowvale River Gambler
2. Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka
3. Freejack The Highlander
4. Norfield White Knight
Open Dog:
1. Ch. Eridor Im Mr Blu at Newarp DCC & BOB
2. Ch. Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe RDCC
3. Pelghart Paint It Black at Willowhurst
Veteran Dog:
1. Ch. Dark Motif from Mistoff
Puppy Bitch:
No entries
Junior Bitch:
1. Manordeifi Silvadora
2. Freejack A Touch of Magic
Graduate Bitch:
1. Manordeifi Silvadora
2. Freejack A Touch of Magic
Post Graduate Bitch:
1. Lilymead Amazing Grace
2. Alopex Out Of The Blue
3. Dawcher Decoram at Southcombe
4. Foxearth Gold Filligree
5. Starlight Spirit at Pencloda
Limit Bitch:
1. Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney
2. Dawcher Dream Searcher
3. Manordeifi Silver Dawn
4. Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland
5. Chicnoir Eternal Star at Frendet
Open Bitch:
1. Ch. Antoc Fascination BCC
2. Hilltarn Valentine
3. Devern Fate a Compli
Veteran Bitch:
1. Ch. Antoc Fascination
2. Ch. Foxearth Phoebe RBCC
3. Ch. Devern Blue Silhouette
4. Ch. Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata
5. Frendet Fantasia
I had the pleasure of judging Smooth Collies at this championship show held in Langley Community Hall, with a good engtry of 51 from 43 dogs. Many were in full moult which I didn't expect in November, but the seasons are now so unpredictable that 'Mother Nature' does not quite know what to make of them. Feet were poor, many spreading thin feet on the carpet. I felt quality and size were rather mixed, so judging to type consistently was just not possible. CC and BOB was Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blue at Newarp; Res BOB Ch ,Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe; BV, BOS and BCC Ch Antoc Fascination and Rowvale Reach for the Moon was Best Puppy. PD (2) 1 and Best Puppy, Macgregor's Rowvale Reach for the Moon, just 6 months this b/m, a delightful young man showing potential. Well proportioned with very good body for his age. Pleasing head and intelligent expression. Steady performer who moved quite well. Healthy coat and well conditioned. 2 Winter and Unwin's Rowvale River of Fortune at Snowtrekka. B/m and litter brother to the winner. Masculine head, a size bigger then his brother with a good neck and outline. Excellent coat and condition and was well handled. Good quarters, moved well behind but needs to strengthen in front movement. As yet only one testicle descended. JD (5) 1 Griffiths' Alopex Matt Finnish. 12 months tri by the same sire as the two puppies. Sound youngster, fit and well muscled. Quality head and well carried ears. Shapely body, good coat and he went well. 2 Purvey's Freejack Royal Knight. 14 months, masculine headed b/m with a good outline. Lovely coat texture, lean and fit. Moved and showed quite well. 3 Moore's Manordeifi Storm Breaker. GD (5) 1 Griffiths' Alopex Skymaster Blue. Yearling b/m, litter brother to JD winner. I liked this stylish and appealing Junior. Quality head and neat ears. Well laid shoulders, well fitting jacket. Good topline and quarters, correctly carried tail on the move. Well handled. Best Junior. 2 F Royal Knight. 3 M Storm Breaker. PGD (1) 1 Wallis' Freejack First Knight of Norfield. 14 months tri, strapping big lad and a lively showman. Strong body, alert and focused on his bait! Needs to tighten up in movement all round. LD (4) 1 Macgregor's Rowvale River Gambler. 2 year old tri. Beautifully handled to look his best standing and moving. Well placed shoulders, attractive head and expression and well carried ears. Alert showman. Good ribcage and body. 2 Winter and Unwin's Sturtmoor Alexavier Odess at Snowtrekka. 2 year tri, typical head with a masculine outlook. Not as good in shoulder placement as the winner and standing a bit 'bum high'. Excellent coat, body and condition. Standing a bit cow-hocked but this was not apparent on the move. 3 Purvey's Freejack the Highlander. OD (4,1) 1 CC and BOB, Lister's Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blue at Newarp. 2 and a half year old b/m of excellent type. Masculine without being coarse, kind expression and well carried ears. Spledid coat, well muscled and a good depth of body. Very good topline and quarters and a positive and confident showman. Moved with a purpose and was dignified with proud carriage and attitude. Res BIS. 2 Res CC and Res BOB, Evans' Ch Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe. 4 and a half years handsome sable, responded well to his handler. Intelligent eyes giving a sweet expression, clean neckline and well laid shoulders. Good coat, sound mover but could have been a little more animated. Shade light in body on the day. Most worthy Champion, sympathetically handled. 3 Forbes' Peighart Paint It Black at Willowhurst. Vet D (1) 1 Tuck's Ch Dark Motif from Misstoff. 8 year tri, mouth beginning to go but that is the only place his age is showing. Feet could be better but a lot of the Smooths disliked the floor and splayed their feet. Good head and expression, moved ok, held his topline on the move. JB (4,2) 1 Moore's Manordeifi Silvadorn. Another Moon Walker daughter. 15 month b/m, spreading her feet a bit. Good body, fit and healthy with a pleasing head. Arched her neck, co-operative showgirl and moved well behind. 2 Purvey's Freejack A Touch of Magic. 14 month b/m and a pretty girl, no mistaking her sex but I should like a bit more of her. Good coat, well proportioned and with a sweet expression. Tending to a gay tail carriage on the move. GB (2) 1 1 Moore's Manordeifi Silvadorn.2 Purvey's Freejack A Touch of Magic. PGB (6) 1 French's Lilymead Amazing Grace. 2 year b/m, very nice outline, excellent coat. Feminine head, determined showgirl and very well handled. 2 Griffiths' Alopex Out of the Blue. Litter sister to JD and GD winners. Good honest type of tri who moved quite well. Attractive head and expression. Just needs a bit more confidence and attitude when standing. 3 Evans' Dawcher Decoram at Southcombe. LB (5) 1 Hutchings' Foxearth Flurescence at Molloney. JW. 3 years b/m of good type. Feminine head and outlook. Well proportioned with a clean outline and good coat and condition. Arched her neck and made the most of herself. Moved and showed steadily and was well handled. 2 Robinson's Dawcher Dream Searcher. 2 and a half years tri, up to size with good bone, legs and feet. Firm body and topline, alert and intelligent expression and dark eyes. Well handled. 3 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Dawn. OB (7,3) 1 and CC, Speding's Ch Antoc Fascination. 7 years tri with a clean silhouette. Flat skull, typical head and alert expression, well carried ears. Well balanced with a good topline and depth of body. Well let down hocks, showed beautifully, moved ok and was well conditioned. 2 Robinson's Hilltarn Valentine. 4 and a half years tri. Black colour could be better defined and coat not at its best. Good bone, legs and feet. Moved with drive, excellent body and outline and a steady showgirl. Could be a little more feminine. 3 Hill's Devern Fate A Compli. Vet B (5) 1 Ch A Fascination. 2 and Res CC, Theobalds Ch Foxearth Phoebe. 8 years b/m with a good head and expression. Excellent silhouette, moved ok. Mouth just starting to deteriorate but she is still a lovely and composed showgirl. Good coat. 3 Hill's Ch Devern Blue Silhouette.
Liz Cartledge