Leeds 2007 |
Collie (Smooth) |
Judge: Mrs C A Smedley
Firstly, I would like to thank all the
exhibitors for the entry, especially for a Monday and considering the recent
weather conditions. To those stranded by the floods, who were unable to attend,
having been flooded, please accept my sympathies. Secondly, in the 3 years since
last judging this lovely breed, I have seen some faults creeping in and without
careful breeding, they can only get worse; I refer especially to shoulder
angulations and subsequently to the lack of correct and positive front movement.
Each dog was moved in an identical manner, therefore, each dog was judged on a
level playing field – (although the ring itself was not level) but my judgement
was made accordingly.
PD (5,1) 1 Griffiths Alopex Skymaster Blue. young merle of good colour,
Very pleasing, balanced head of good proportions. Well placed ears which he used
well and showed steadily in harmony with handler. Good chest and ample bone for
age. Nice outline, just needs to tighten in movement, but this should come with
maturity. Carried his tail well. BPIB. 2 Wallis Freejack First Knight At
Norfield. Well grown youngster but not as settled in outlook as winner but still
has many virtues. Pleasing head, but I would prefer more stop and a slightly
better ear placing. Needs time to grow into his body as he appears quite "leggy"
at this stage. Good neck and outline. Moved well. 3 Thomson Londer Moonrock.
J (3,0) 1 Freejack First Knight At Norfield. 2 Londer Moonrock. another
youngster who needs time to mature and body up. Good length of head and foreface
but I would prefer more definition in stop. Well placed ears, but not settled.
Nice size with good bone. I would like to see more shoulder angulations and a
little more muscle. Moved quite well.
PG (2,0) 1 Fulwood Darsign Minstrel Blue. quite mature merle with a good
coloured open coat. He has a pleasing outline with a good depth of chest.
Although he has a well placed eye and used his ears well, his head, which is
slightly shorter in skull and foreface when viewed in profile, is deeper than I
prefer Well formed bone and neat feet. Showed and moved well. 2 Arksey Norfield
Checkmate. Pleasing head of good proportions, well moulded foreface with a nice
eye set. Good ear carriage and nice length of neck. Good body and coat. Nice
outline but failed in tail carriage.
L (5,2) 1 Macgregor Rowvale River Gambler. this lad took my eye for his
elegance and movement as he moved so easily around the ring with correct tail
carriage. Nicely balanced head with good foreface and under-jaw. Well placed
stop giving balance. Good clean wedge and a flat skull. Well placed ears which
he used well. Nice neck and good shoulders. Ample bone and nice length of back.
Very pleasing in outline. Good coat texture, in good condition. Well deserved
RCC, in good company. 2 Wallis Norfield Soul Mate. sable of much heavier type.
Lovely head which is well balanced with a good stop and correct ear placement.
Nice body and length, I would prefer more front angulations as he was not at all
positive on the ground today.
O (9,2) A lovely class to judge and I was spoilt for choice but I was
looking for a dog who could actually perform a days work. 1 Tuck Dark Motif From
Misstoff A.W. Mature tricolour who is in such super hard condition and hard to
believe this lad is now a Veteran as his movement and showmanship is a credit to
his owner/handler. Good balanced head with correctly placed stop, dark well
placed eye, slightly full, but this is due to age and today, he had full control
over his well placed ears which enhanced his expression. Nice reach of neck with
good shoulder angulation, very well muscled. Good top line with strong
hindquarters. Very positive in rear movement and covered the ground easily.
Settled down to take this class and a very well deserved CC in strong
competition. I understand this gives him his title which he well deserves. Thank
you for allowing me to judge him again. 2 Lister Ch Eridor I’m Blue At Newarp
(imp). Well known young blue merle of good size and colour. Head is a fraction
shorter and deeper through than I would prefer and I would like to see more
definition of stop. Good length of back and a level top-line. However, today,
insisted on both moving and standing incorrectly in front. Perhaps this is just
a habit he has obtained. Overall he is a good shape with good bone and feet, on
the move just lacked the elegance and positive movement of winner. 3 Norman &
Ratcliffe Ch Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever. not disgraced in this class as he has
many virtues. I admired him as a baby and am pleased to see how he has matured.
PB (2,1) 1 Naylor Freejack Sweet Magic. although alone, deserved her
placing, good coat texture and a nice size for age. Well balanced head with a
dark eye. Nice foreface and good ear carriage. Good chest for age, and she was
quite settled showing and moving.
J (2,1) Repeat.
PG (4,0) 1 Griffiths Alopex Fine Preovenance. what a lovely character this
bitch has. Fine, clean head of balanced proportions, good foreface, and flat
skull with well placed stop. Alert expression enhanced by correct ear placing.
Good neck and shoulders, nice rib and chest. Harsh coat of correct texture. Good
tan markings. Nice outline, with length of back. Good bone, legs and feet. Well
deserved RCC in this entry. One I shall watch with interest for the future. 2
Burgess Lilymead Appanchi. slightly heavier built tri of good proportions. Good
head and nice eye. Good proportions and although quite positive in movement her
feet do need attention.
L (3,1) 1 Hills Devern Fait A Compli. another tricolour who appealed for her
overall type. Pleasing head with a well placed stop giving good head planes.
Nice dark eye and used her ears well. Good outline with good legs and feet. Just
lacked the drive and positive movement today but this may be due to a change of
handler on the move. A nice bitch. 2 Evans Soutcombe She’s The One. sable lady
who has a well balanced head of good proportions. Nice flat skull with a clean
foreface. Good neck and shoulders. Tight coat of good texture. Slightly heavier
in type than winner but moved well.
O (4,0) Four nice ladies but only one winner: 1 Sewells Ch Foxearth
Farris Via Lewarne. Well deserving of her title, this bitch came, saw and
conquered Her coat is nice and tight, well fitted and gleamed with condition.
Lovely head well placed stop. Nicely moulded foreface with clean lines from nose
to cheeks. Good length of neck fitting into well placed shoulders. Correct
length of back and good tail carriage. Moved very easily and covered the ground
well. She had her own idea about showing today and did not make life easy for
her handler but when she settled down and showed off, the combination of well
placed, dark eye, head balance and correct ear carriage won her not only this
class, the CC and BOB. I understand that due to the torrid weather conditions,
although she stayed, she was unable to compete in the group and please accept
apologies on behalf of her owner/handler. 2 Hayward’s Foxearth Fire Of Love At
Lilymead. Tri bitch who is really her own worst enemy as she such a happy soul,
never stopped wagging her tail but loathe to concentrate on the job in hand.
Once she settled down and stood correctly, a very pleasing outline with good
length of back, good bone and moved quite well. Lovely clean head and super
expression from a well placed dark eye, if only she would become alert and use
her pretty ears she will trouble the best. 3 Hills Ch Devern Blue Silhouette.
quality blue of nice size and shape, due to a change in handler was not settled
in her movement
Carole A Smedley