Manchester Dog Show Society 2006 |
Collie (Smooth) |
Judge: Mr Vic Salt
DCC was Griffiths’, Alopex Highland Fling. Res CC was Hayward’s, Foxearth Londer Liadro. BCC and BOB was MacGregor’s, Ch. Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale and Res CC was Robinson’s, Hilltarn Valentine JW.
PD. (3). 1. Foxearth Londer Liadro. Quality sable. Clean head, dark eye. Good neck and shoulders. Firm body for his age. Good tail which was carried well. Stands and moves well behind, just needs to settle in front movement. A very promising puppy. RCC. 2. Lillymead Agamennon. Young merle with a sound temperament. Nice head, eye and expression. Coat of good texture. Movement let him down on the day. 3. Lillymead Arrow of Fire.
JD. (1). 1. Pelghart Pied Piper. Tri colour. Would prefer better head profile. Dark eye. Good body. Moved well behind, toes in on front movement.
PGD. (1). 1. Norfield Soul Mate. Clean head, dark eye. Good body and coat. Moved well behind. Lifts his tail on the move and toes in on front.
LD. (2). 1. Alopex Highland Fling. Quality tri with good head profile. Nice dark eye, good ears used enough. Good front angulation. Good neck, chest and topline. Tail well set and carried down on the move. Losing coat but did not distract from his overall balance. Stood well naturally and moved well. CC. 2. Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe. Nice clean head but a little full between the eye. Good ears, showed well. Good neck, straight front. Good chest, sound backend. Carried his tail well on the move.
OD. (2). 1. Ch. Foxearth Flash Past. Sable dog with a nice dark eye. Good head and ears. Showed well. Good body and depth of chest. Good tailset. Stands well behind. Just needs to tighten on the move.
PB. (6). 1. Devern Fate a Compli. Tri colour with a nice head, dark eye and good ear well used. 2. Pelghart Perhaps Perhaps. Merle. Clean head, but would like better head planes. Good coat and condition. Nice body shape. Moved well. 3. Dawcher Dream Searcher.
JB. (1). 1. Lillymead Amazing Grace. Merle.
PGB. (2). 1. Southcombe’s, She’s the One. Sable in good coat and condition. Dark eye, good ears. Nice body and depth of chest. Just needs to tighten on the move.
LB. (4). 1. Hilltern Valentine. Quality tri. Nice wedge shaped head. Lovely dark eye with a good expression, well placed ears used well. Straight front. Good neck and topline. Sound hindquarters. Moved and showed well. RCC. 2. Southcombe Society Girl. Nice tri. Feminine brown eye, good ears. Nice reach of neck. Good body and rear end. Moved well. 3. Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarian.
OB. (5). 1. Ch Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale. Top quality tri with a good well balanced head, dark almond shaped eye, well placed ears used well. Good upperarm and shoulder angulation. Good neck and topline. Deep chest, well set tail. Nice turn of stifle. Shown and handled well. Moved well. CC. 2. Ch Foxearth Castles in the Sky. Sable shown in nice coat. Good eye and expression, neat ears. Good front and reach of neck. Good topline and tailset. Well let down hocks. Moved well. 3. Ch. Devem Blue Silhouette.
VB. (1). 1. Ch. Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata. Lovely quality merle bitch who I first judged when she was just 16 months old and many times since. She still enjoys being in the ring and never stops showing, but at nearly 11 years old, time is starting to catch up with her and her topline is starting to dip and her pasterns are not as good as they were, which shows in her movement. I will always remember her as one of the best Smooth Collie bitches I have seen in this country.
Vic Salt