13TH JUNE 2006
1. Forbe's Pelghart Paint It Black BPD
2. MacGregor's Rowvale River Gambler
3. Sewell's Foxearth Flintoff for Lewarne
4. Purvey's Norfield Silver Silver Knight for Freejack
5. Winter & Unwin's Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka
Junior Dog
1. Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka
Post Graduate Dog
1. Forbes Pelghart Pied Piper
2. Tilliers Southcombe Set Aflame for Cromarty
3. Purvys Freejack The Highlander
Limit Dog
Open Dog
1. MacGregor's Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff DCC/BIS
2. Norman & Ratcliffe Ch Foxearth Flash Past RDCC
3. Griffith's Alopex Highland Fling
Veteran Dog
1. Croman Hilltarn Steel River of Cromarty
Puppy Bitch
1. Griffith's Alopex Fine Provenance BP/BPIS
2. Robinson's Dawcher Dream Searcher
3. Webb's Chicnoir Dreams at Llevol
Junior Bitch
1. Devern's Fate A Compi RCC
Post Graduate
1. Sewell's Foxearth Farris via Lewarne
2. Moore's Manordeifi Scheherazade
3. Coates Starlight Spirit at Pencloda
Limit Bitch
1. Robinson's Hilltarn Valentine JW
2. Bullion Foxearth Flame of Love at Osterain
3. Seldon's Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland.
Open Bitch
1. Whittingham's Ch Southcombe Society Girl BCC/BOS
Veteran Bitch
1. Moore's Ch Manordeifi Silver Serenade
This was an excellent entry, not quite so many as the last time I judged at the parent club championship event, but every bit as strong in quality.A0 There are some excellent Smooths about at present and it’s so satisfying to get to the end of the day, truly impressed by the dogs and the hard work and dedication of this small band of breeders who have maintained the elegance and dignity of this variety, so true to its original type. I believe there is a good lesson to be learned for any would-be fancier/judge of Collies, and that is to study the type, balance, angulation, length of leg, movement and ear set of the very best Smooths. The difference for the Rough is the abundant, harsh, weatherproof coat, rounder bone and slightly smaller ears. The standards for both varieties vary only in minor detail and both were interbred until quite recently, yet, generally speaking, Smooth/Rough type nowadays, is worlds apart. According to what is written, it shouldn’t be. PD (5) 1 Forbes Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst. Well grown tric., nicely balanced all through. Excellent head pattern, dark, well-placed and shaped eyes, excellent ears. Excellent outline but carrying too much weight. Very good, crested neck, well filled into angulated shoulders,A0strong backline and well angled rear, good substance and coat, well carried tail, moved free but needs to tighten.A02 MacGregor’s Rowvale River Gambler, smaller tric., could be more masculine although he is balanced, short, tight jacket which could be a better colour. Head is a good pattern with well placed eyes and good ears. Good neck and body lines, moved soundly. 3 Sewell’s Foxearth Flintoff For Lewarne. JD (1)A01 Winter Stuartmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka. Placed in last class, pleasing head and expression, not the overall balance in body and movement erratic. Things may settle in time with a little more training. PG (4,1a) 1 Forbes Pelghart Pied Piper tric. Of very good overall quality, unfortunately has extended white markings on ‘show side’ which, for me, detracts.A0Well balanced head, good eyes, excellent ears, very good neck and topline, well bodied with good angulation. Too lethargic on the day. 2 Tillier Southcombe Set Aflame For Cromarty, s/w very immature and between coats, more body would help overall picture. Clean, pleasing head, good eyes and ears, moved soundly. 3 Purvey’s Freejack The Highlander. LD (4.1) 1A0Davis Sharidon anything Goes at Keenacre tric. Excellent type and balance and one who pressed very hard for res.CC. A moderate sized dog with excellent angulation and topline, correctly made head, good eyes and excellent ears. Well made body with enough substance, covered with a harsh, tight coat. Moved with purpose and a great stride, keeping his tail in order.A02 Moores Manordeifi Solar Eclipse tric. Stronger dog, well balanced and angulated. Balanced head, clean with well placed stop and flat skull, well set eyes and ears. Good neck and strong back, well made body. Slightly fuller coated but harsh enough. Moved free and true.A03 Hayward’s Foxearth Londer Lladro. OD (3) 1MacGregor Ch Moon Walker From Mistoff. CC, BOB, BISA0 first judged this lad as a baby about 7mths. and he went home with BP and r.CC, still love him to-day. Clean and classic lines all through and so well balanced. Head qualities, eye set and ears are textbook. Neck is arched and full and carries the head so well. Body is well ribbed and strong with a firm loin and good substance. His movement is sound, true and free flowing. His coat colour/condition was a little off to-day, possibly due to an imminent moult. I rate him as one of the ‘greats’ of the breed and Yes, he has his fault, but it’s a fault that has run through the generations in many of the past greatest ‘greats’ and for some reason, regularly appears with all the other outstanding features. 2 Norman & Ratcliffe Ch Foxearth Flash Past Res. CC another beautiful dog in a lighter frame that I have judged before and given the same award, I admire his many qualities and he is well put together, sound and free moving. He has a quality head with all the desirable features about the eyes and ears but has developed a little more fill in the cheek area which takes a little from the cleanness through. A lovely dog who will always have admirers.A03 Griffiths Alopex Highland Fling. VD (!) 1 Croman’s Hilltarn Steel River of Cromarty. Excellent merle colour and markings. Lovely type all through, quality balanced head, filled foreface and flat skull, kind eyes and excellent ears. Excellent neck and body, well made with good substance and in good coat. Moved so soundly, keeping his tail correct and obviously enjoying his day. PB (4.1) 1 Griffiths Alopex Fine Provenance. BP and BPIS very sweet 8mths tric. Excellent neck and topline with good substance, angles could be a shade more let down. Moulded, clean head, with flat skull, well set eyes and excellent ears.A0Good body depth and ribbing. Balanced, sound and free mover. 2 Robinson Dawcher Dream Searcher, well grown 11mths tric. Sweet head, clean and well balanced, could benefit from a little more fill in foreface. Good eyes, ears wide. Good picture standing, well angulated, moved free. 3 Webb Chicnoir Sweet Dream at Llevol. JB 1 Hills Devern Fate A Compli. 17mths tric. stood alone but of exceptional quality, balanced throughout, excellent neck, topline and angulation, with good substance and body. Head is balanced and clean with all desired features, correct placement and shape of eyes, excellent ears and very attentive to handler. Moved with purpose and drive, so true in front and rear and in excellent hard condition. Excellent coat quality, deep colours, harsh and tight. Res. CCA0 PG1 Sewell’s Foxearth Farris Via Lewarne. Larger tric. who is of an excellent type overall and is well balanced with good substance, but could be more feminine. Head is clean and moulded with well placed, dark eyes. Lovely outline and excellent angulation, well let down into hock. Good coat and colour. Moved soundly with a lot of purpose. 2 Moores Manordeifi Scheherazade, another lovely type and very good overall, with good body and angulation. Head is excellent in profile but needs more fill in muzzle, well set eyes and good ears. The lipline is clean but needs darker pigmentation along the length. Very good outline, excellent forehand, moved sound and free.A03 Coates Starlight Spirit at Pencloda. LB (5.2) 1 Robinson Hilltarn Valentine JW tric. very good overall. Balanced head, good eyes, excellent ears. Deep body, excellent rib, bone and foreleg, well angulated, good rear. Free mover with lots of purpose. 2 Bullion Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarain. Very good type tric. not in best coat and is a poor colour at present. Head of a good balanced type with flat skull, well set eyes and good ears. Balanced outline, good body and angulation but carries far too much weight, which affects her movement.A03 Seldon’s Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland. OB (2.1) 1 Whittingham Ch Southcombe Society Girl, a beautifully balanced tric who presents a very good overall picture. Excellent neck and topline, well angulated with good bone and substance all through a good body.A0Short, harsh coat type, though not in best at present. Beautifully finished in head, excellent eyes and well used ears. Very well muscled and raring to go on good legs and feet, very animated, moved free and true. On the day, I felt that a fraction more weight would have completed the picture. However, in the final, her balance and femininity won her the CC. VB (2.1) 1 Moores Ch Manordeifi Silver Serenade, b/m excellent colour, markings and in superb coat. Clean, quality head, well set eyes, ears wide. Excellent neck and forechest, good topline, angulation and tail. Moved strong and free, reaching out well. Best Veteran.
Valerie Geddes