Leeds City & District Canine Association 2006 |
Collie (Smooth) |
Judge: Mrs B Banbury
PD (4,2) 1 Macgregor’s Rowvale River Gambler. Promising puppy who settled to move out really well. and won BP .Good head and expression,used his ears well despite the heat and had good neck and head carriage,good overall make and shape, Good harsh coat and dense black in his tri coat, with good markings. Held his tail carriage and topline and moved well. 2 Forbes’ Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst. Upstanding tri but not in full coat and rather unsettled in front.Needs time now for overall balance,but has much to like.
JD (3,1) 1 Lister’s Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp ( Imp Aus) (Imp) Aus.Wedge head with parallel head planes, flat skull, slight stop.,rounded muzzle.Ears well set and used.Good expression,well made overall, with good neck and head carriage,good angulation,moved out freely on good legs and well arched feet. Good blue merle, harsh coat. Held his topline well,on the move. Res.CC 2 Trundley’s Lilymead Agamemnon. Not keen to use his ears on the daybut has a lot to like. Coat harsh and dense. Moved out holding his topline.
PGD (4 ) 1 Forbe’s Pelghart Pied Piper of Willowhurst. Upstanding tri, coat good dense black, good head and eyes,used ears, masculine outlook. Tail rather unsettled. Steady on the move. 2 Arksey’s Norfield Checkmate. Wedge head,with good planes,.rounded muzzle. Good sable coat. Well boned and bodied. .Sound on the move, holding his topline. 3 Hayward’s Foxearth French'y
LD (3) 1 Hayward’s Foxearth Londer Lladro. Smart and stylish.,with a good head, parallel planes, rounded muzzle, good eyes and expression, really masculine head of quality, dark well placed eyes. Well made and in harsh, dense coat.Won this clas but then in the challenge would not really show or use his ears. 2 Arksey’s Norfield Checkmate .3 Hunter’s Toxteth Mediator
OD (6). 1. Tuck’s, Dark Motif From Misstoff. Tri in excellent coat,dense black with clear markings.Harsh texture and with undercoat.Good head and expression, used his ears well.Good neck and head carriage, good overall conformation, well carried tail. Well proporioned and with a good front assembly and well angulated and muscular rear.Moved with a good stride and rear drive.CC 2 Norman and Ratcliffe’s Ch Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever. Typy blue in good coat of clear blue colour. Good head, eyes ears and expression.. another well made and sound moving dog. Good outline held on the move. 3 Griffiths’ Alopex Highland Fling
PB (4) 1 Griffiths’ Alopex Fine Provenance. A good tri puppy who pressed hard for best puppy. Good overall type, good head and eyes, used ears, well rounded muzzle, good neck, well ribbed, strong loin, well angulated, good bone and body. Held topline well on the move.BP Bitch. 2 Macgregor’s Rowvale Chasing Rainbows. Well boned with a firm topline and good tail carriage. head developing, but ears need time. Rather unsettled in movement and needs time overall.
JB (3) 1 Trundley’s Lilymead Alisa. Pleasing head planes,,and has good bone and body. Harsh, flat coat. A tad unsettled in movement. 2 French’s Lillymead Amazing Grace. Close harsh coat of fairly good colour,. Movement unsettled on the day. 3 Gibson’s Pelghart Perhaps Perhaps
PGB (1) 1 Howarth’s Snuggletooth Ollie's Oh La La to Cownbred. Pleasing head planes, good topline and tail carriage, well angulated rear, sound, easy mover. Ears a tad unsettled.
LB (1) 1 Hunter’s Toxteth Silver Star. Good colour and tan markings.held topline and tail carriage.Feminine head with good planes and used ears .
OB (6,2) 1 Hyde’s Foxearth Future Magic. Alert and active,despite the hot weather conditions, good wedge head, flat skull, almond eyes and a good expression. Ears well set and used. Good neck and head carriage, good front assembly, ribs well sprung, deep chest. strong hocks well let down, strong loin,very well angulated and muscular quarters, good bone, legs and feet. Harsh topcoat with dense undercoat, but not quite in full coat. Sound mover. CC 2 Macgregor’s Ch Southcombe Sophisticate At Rowvale. Very good head,eyes and ears,good head planes,good neck and head carriage, well made overall, with a good front assembly, topline and tail carriage. Harsh coat texture, and a sound mover on good legs and feet .Res.CC 3 Gibson’s Pelghart Private Dancer
Mrs B Banbury