Ladies Kennel Association 2006

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mrs I Cozens


Dog CC : 8506 Mrs P J EVANS Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe
Res Dog CC : 8522 Mrs J MACGREGOR Rowvale River Gambler
Bitch CC : 8520 Ms V M HILLS Ch Devern Blue Silhouette
Res Bitch CC : 8518 Mr T & Mrs B HAYWARD Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead
Best Puppy :
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 8520 Ms V M HILLS Ch Devern Blue Silhouette

Class 1160 PD NO ENTRIES

Class 1161 JD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8522 Mrs J MACGREGOR Rowvale River Gambler
2nd: 8508 Mrs D A & Miss F L FORBES Pelghart Paint It Black At Willowhurst
3rd: 8538 Mrs D WALLIS Norfield White Knight

Class 1162 PGD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8532 Mr T SQUIRES-SHAW, Mrs L & SHAW Rowvale Raging River
2nd: 8504 Miss L EKE Foxearth Fred Perry
3rd: 8511 Mr A & Mrs S A FULWOOD Darsign Minstrel Blue
Res: 8535 Mr M K & Mrs J L THORNE Pelghart Piper's Gold

Class 1163 LD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8521 Mrs P E LISTER Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp (Imp)
2nd: 8509 Mrs D A & Miss F L FORBES Pelghart Pied Piper of Willowhurst
3rd: 8537 Mrs D WALLIS Norfield Soul Mate
Res: 8526 Mrs E J MOORES Manordeifi Solar Eclipse

Class 1164 OD (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 8506 Mrs P J EVANS Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe
2nd: 8527 Mr J NORMAN, Miss C A & RATCLIFFE Ch Foxearth Flash Past
3rd: 8505 Mrs P J EVANS Southcombe Sunset Shadow
Res: 8517 Mr M P HALES Londer Look Smart
VHC: 8536 Mrs J TUCK Dark Motif From Misstoff

Class 1165 PB NO ENTRIES

Class 1166 JB (6 Entries) Abs: 4
1st: 8514 Mrs K GIDDINGS Foxearth Gold Filligree
2nd: 8528 Miss C ROBINSON Dawcher Dream Searcher

Class 1167 PGB (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8533 Miss H T TAYLOR Snuggletooth Filly's Fancy Among Trageeda
2nd: 8510 Ms A FRENCH Lillymead Amazing Grace
3rd: 8530 Miss J SEWELL, Mrs P & SEWELL Foxearth Farris Via Lewarne
Res: 8499 Mrs J BURGESS Lilymead Appanchi

Class 1168 LB (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8519 Ms V M HILLS Devern Fate a Compli
2nd: 8525 Miss D J MOORES Manordeifi Silver Dawn JW
3rd: 8501 Mr & Mrs S BURTON Glencorrie Begorgeous
Res: 8533 Miss H T TAYLOR Snuggletooth Filly's Fancy Among Trageeda
VHC: 8498 Ms C BULLION (THE LATE), Mrs E & BULLION Foxearth Flame Of Love At Ostarain

Class 1169 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8520 Ms V M HILLS Ch Devern Blue Silhouette
2nd: 8518 Mr T & Mrs B HAYWARD Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead
3rd: 8524 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
Res: 8540 Miss S J WHITTINGHAM Ch Southcombe Society Girl
VHC: 8500 Mr & Mrs S BURTON Astrellita Beloved of Glencorrie


Many thanks to my excellent stewards who kept the ring running smoothly. What gems! I was surprised to find some erratic movement creeping into this breed. Mainly, it was front movement with "two legs coming out of one hole". Also some were lacking in reach of neck, and had upright shoulders, which , of course, showed a restriction of flexibility when gaiting is viewed in profile (asa it should be). Also, eyes seem to be coming rounder, but I did make allowances for this as I felt that the lighting does not help with expressions. Heads, on the whole, were very pleasing.

JD (3) 1 MacGregor's Rowvale River Gambler. A very smart youngster, so typical of this kennel. Well-balanced in outline with a most attractive head and dark eyes Ears are well-placed and weere constantly used, Stood foursquare and was completely at one with his handler. His tight, deep black jacket covered a good body. I denied him the C.C. because of his youth, but gave him a well-deserved res. C.C. He has a bright future. 2 Forbes' Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst. At 14 months he is a biggeer dog than the winner. With his very masculine outlook, he is well-proportioned. Rear angulation is good but he needs to tighten up in front movement Also his ear carriage needs to settle. 3 Wallis’ Norfield White Knight.

PGD (5-1) 1 Squire-Shaw's Rowvale Raging River. Litter brother to the winner of the previous class, and rather similar in type, having the same tight, correctly textured coat which is jet black. He has a pleasing head with dark eyes and well-placed ears. Needs to be more positive in movement. 2 Eke's Foxearth Fred Perry a maasculine tricolour dog. Well put-together with the correct length of back.He uses his (rather light) ears very well and was attentative to his handler, his main fault being so obvious from the ringside. Otherwise, he could be a very nice dog. 3 Thorne's Pelghart Piper's Gold.

LD (5-1) 1 Lister's Eridor I'm Mr. Blue at Newarp - (Imp) Not a big one, but nicely balanced throughout and of excellent colour. He was well-angulated, although i would prefer a shade more length of neck. Head is of nice type with a flat backskull, correct eyes and a well-filled foreface and nicely placed ears. His coat looked just about to blow. Moved well. 2 elghart Pied Piper of Willowhurst - a two-year-old tricolour. I liked his head type having a flat skull, dark eyes and well-placed ears. Similar in type to the winner but not quite so positive in action. Colour could be darker, but was shown i n good body and condition. 3 Wallis's Norfield soul Mate.

OD (8-2) 1 Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe. 3 years-old sable dog of most elegant sture. Although his white markings may suggest otherwise, this is a dog of balance, with correct length of neck and back.He has a lovely head with a soft, yet truly masculine expression. Great rear angulation allowed hi to move effortlessly with drive and purpose. Shown in superbe order and did well to be placed over a great favourite of mine. C.C. 2 Norman and Radcliffe's Ch. Foxearth Flash Past. I loved this dog as a youngster, and gave him his first major award. Such a quality dog who has matured well. Cracking head with dark eyes, flat skull , eye and ears being well=placed to give him a heart-warming expression. Standing, he is beautiful from all angles. I was so disappointed that he just would not collect himself on the move. I would like to think that some day he would do betteer under me and would like his sporting owneer to give him that chance. 3 Evans' Southcombe Sunset Shadow.


JB (6-4) 1 Giddings Foxearth Gold Filligree, this 15 month-old sable has a lovely headwith a nice, flat skull and well-filled foreface and nicely placed ears. Well constructed throughout and shown in good condition. This one is sure to be heard of again. 2nd. Robinson's Daucher Dream Searcher - this bitch has a sweet head and is of very nice type. Dark eyes and well- position ears enhanced her likeable head properties. I found her a little straight in shoulder, and this affected the flexibility of her forehand drive. On the whole a very attractive bitch.

PGB (5) 1 Taylor's Snuggletooth Filly's Fancy among Tragheeda- A very feminine tricolour bitch who stands nicely and shows her head off. Good rear angulation but a slightly longer neck would improve. Good head with dark eyes, but i would like her ears to be a little closer. Movement was o.k. 2 French's Lilymead Amazibg Gracen- 19 month old blue merle She has the correct length of head with nicely placed ears, and was well constructed throughout. Unfortunately, she would not use her neck to advantage which spoilt her outline in stance. 3 Sewells Foxearth Farris with Lewarne.

LB (7) 1 Hill's Devern Fate A Compli. Nicely feminine bitch with the correct length of head, combined with a good stop and flat skull. Nicely balanced with a good front and a loverly reach of neck. Shown in good body condition and moved well. 2 Moore's Manordeifi Silver Dawn, one of my favourites who has now enjoyed motherhood, giving her a very matronly look, rather than the spritely youngster I remeber so well. Most of the comments I made on a previous occasion are still valid, except that today she waas not showing the sparkle I associate with her, and gave the impression that she was not really enjoying her day out. A pity. 3 Burton's Glencorrie Begorgeous.

OB (8-1) 1 Hill's Ch. Deveern Blue Silhouette - a lovely, elegant blue meerle with a lovely head enhanced by nicely shaped eyes above a moulded foreface and super ears, all combining to give her an appealing expression. She has a coat of lovely colour, fitting graceful well-balanced boyd lines and was shown in superbe condition. Her movement was absolutely spot-on. A real leasure to judge, and a credit to her owner/breeder.C.C, and BOB. 2 Hayward's Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead - This pretty bitch has not quite the elegance of the winner, being a little loweer on the leg. She has a most appealing expression, combining a well-placed stop with almond-shaped dark eyes. A pleasing body shape well-coated with a jet black jacket. I found her to be absolutely charming, but her movement waas rather erratic today after numerous attempts, and she had to give way to onewhose movement could not be denied. 3 MacGeregor's Ch. Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale

Rene Cozens