Three Counties - No CC's 2005

JUDGE K A Starkey

I would like to thank all exhibitors for the presentation and cleanliness of their dogs. The temperament of all exhibits were excellent. The ring was alrge and allowed the movement and presentation of all exhibits to be seen to their best advantage.

PD. (1). 1. Purvey’s, Freejack the Highlander. Tri. Excellent tight jacket of good colour. Well boned. Moved and showed. very well. A very promising youngster. BDP and BD.

PB. (2). 1. Leach’s, Hilltarn Sweet Dreams. Tri BP. Well made with excellent front. Good head and eye. Between coats at this time. Moved very well. 2. Purvey’s, Freejack Ho Mi Mi. Tri. Good head and expression. Needs a bit more body to complete the picture.

PGB. (2). 1. Burton’s, Asterllita Beloved of Glencorrie. Merle. Well angulated front. Harsh jacker of good colour. Moved well. RBB. 2. Purvey’s, Chicnoir Lils Little Love Via Snuggletooth. Merle. Well muscled with a tight jacket. Showed very well.

OB. (2). 1. Burton’s, Glencorrie Begorgeous. Tri. Lovely head and expression. Well made with good angulation. Tight jacket of excellent colour. Moved with drive. Very well handled. A pleasure to judge. BB and BOB. and was in the last few in the Pastoral Group. Well done. 2. Purvey’s, Chicnoir Hors-La-Lot-111. Tri. Super condition. Well muscled and moved with drive. Pushed winner very hard.