South Wales - No CC's 2005
J (3,0abs) 1 Purvey’s. Freejack The Highlander. Tri male with a balanced head, almond shaped dark eyes, and neat ears used well giving the desired expression. Good rear angulation and overall body shape, moved with drive not affected by the heat. Res. best dog and best puppy. 2 Hayward’s. Foxearth Frenchy. 3 Kinsey’s Chicnoir Starlight Sprit.
PG (2,0) 1 Moores’. Manordeifi Scheherazade A rich sable and white bitch with balanced head reluctant to use ears which is a pity as when she does has a sweet melting expression good angulation both front and rear moved with plenty of drive. Res best bitch. 2 Purvey’s. Chicnoir Lils Little Love Via Snuggletooth.
OD (3,0) 1 Hayward’s. Ch/ Int/Ger/Lux Ch/ Foxearth High Frequency. A well presented male with a Jet black coat, super head, sweet eye and well used ears. Good angulation front and rear moved like a dream, best dog and best of breed. 2 Moores’. Manordeifi Solar Eclipse. 3 Kinsey’s. Foxearth Finlander Of Sturtmoor.
OB (4,0)1 Hayward’s. Ch/ Foxearth Finesse At Sandwick. Another good smooth from this kennel shown in good condition, almond eye, neat ears and a balanced head pattern giving an overall sweet expression to this blue merle. Well angulated front and rear, good movement covering the ground with little effort. best bitch. 2 Lister’s Ch/ Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata. 3 Purvey’s Chicnoir Hors-La-Loi-iii.
Mrs D Wallis