WELKS 2003 |
Collie (Smooth) |
Mr H Jones
Dog CC : MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff Res Dog CC : KINSEY Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor Bitch CC : LISTER Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Res Bitch CC : SMITH Tentola Naughty By Nature Best Puppy : MOORE Manordeifi Silver Dawn BEST OF BREED : MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0 1st: SMITH Tentola Foreign Liaison 2nd:MOORES Manordeifi Solar Eclipse 3rd: CURTIS Chicnoir Snowberry at Snuggletooth Res: HINDES Chicnoir Snow Wolfe VHC: Junior Dog (2 Entries) 1st: Absent 2nd: 3rd: Res: VHC: Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) 1st: HINDES Chicnoir Quartermaster 2nd: KINSEY Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor 3rd: GRIFFITHS Alopex Going Equipped Res: SIDDLE Antoc Floodlight VHC: Limit Dog (4 Entries) 1st: KINSEY Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor 2nd: TUCK Dark Motif From Misstoff 3rd: WALLIS Norfield Knight Star Res: WEBB Dancerwood Dangerman at Llevol VHC: Open Dog (3 Entries) 1st: MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff 2nd: EVANS Rowvale Storm Rising at Southcombe 3rd: WHITTINGHAM Southcombe Sterling Res: VHC: Puppy Bitch (4 Entries) 1st: MOORE Manordeifi Silver Dawn 2nd: HINDES Chicnoir Solo 3rd: CHAPMAN Sharidon Luck Be A Lady Res: VHC: Junior Bitch (6 Entries) 1st: FORT Chicnoir Elusive Dream 2nd: MACGREGOR Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale 3rd: SELDON Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland Res: BULLION Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarain VHC: PURVEY Chicnoir Hors-la-loi-iii Post Graduate Bitch (2 Entries) 1st: GAY Hilltarn Kiri at Yagane 2nd: WERY Dancerwood Shady Lady with Luvies 3rd: Res: VHC: Limit Bitch (4 Entries) 1st: SMITH Tentola Naughty By Nature 2nd: HILLS Devern Dark Mistress 3rd: MOORE Southcombe Styled in Gold for Manordeifi Res: VHC: Open Bitch (3 Entries) 1st: LISTER Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata 2nd: SMITH Ochilview Proper Madam of Tentola 3rd: GRIFFITHS Alopex Silverstone Res: LEACH Hilltarn Hopeful VHC: MOORE Ch Manordeifi Silver Serenade |
PD. (5). 1. Tentola Foreign Liaison. Well proportioned tricolour having the correct coat colour. His black is black and he has a nice shade of tan - makes a change. Good eye and ear placement, straight front and tight feet. Enough reach of neck, well ribbed back and nice turn of stifle. Still needs to settle, but did enough for me on the day to take the Best Puppy. 2 Manordeifi Solar Eclipse. Another nice young man who looked his sex. Good eye and ear placement, muzze needs to fill out a little more. Straight front, well arched neck and good depth to ribcage. Well angulated rear quarters, moved out well and was neatly presented and shown. 3 Chicnoir Snowberry at Snuggletooth.
JD (2) 1 Chicnoir Snow Leopard. Good coloured merle. Having a pleasing head and expression, well boned straight front, nice reach of neck and good height to length ratio. Needs to tighten in rear movement to advantage.
PGD (4) 1 Chicnoir Quartermaster. Very appealing male with a good head pattern, correct eye and ear placement, flat skull not often seen these days. Well boned front, ribbed well back and enough turn of stifle to give him the desired drive in movement. Will persist in standing hunched up and this needs to be addressed by his handler. 2 Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor. Good length of head, well placed ears, eyes a little lght in colour. Straight front, good reach of neck and level topline. Sufficient rear angulation but did not move out as well as the winner on the day. 3 Alopex Going Equipped.
LD (4) 1 Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor. Well proportioned dog having appealing expression. Good eye and ear placement and straight, well boned front. Nice reach of neck, well ribbed back and sufficient rear angulation to give me the movement I was seeking. Moved in unison with his handler and was well presented and shown. Res CC. 2 Dark Motif from Misstoff. Nice sized dog having a pleasing head pattern and well boned, straight front. Well arched neck, good depth of ribcage and well muscled rear quarters. Falls away slightly on the croup and this spoils the overall picture. 3 Norfield Knight Star.
OD (3) 1 Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff. Very appealing tricolour having good head pattern, well filled foreface, neat, well set ears and good eye shape. Straight front, good reach of neck, well developed ribcahe and level topline - held on the move. Good turn of stifle, well let down rear pasterns and moved with drive. His tail is not his fortune. CC. 2 Rowvale Strom Rising at Southcombe. Good length of head, nice earset, well filled muzzle, falls away slightly at mose. Good reach of neck, well developed ribcage and strongly developed rearquarters. Another who falls away slightly on the croup. 3 Southcombe Sterling.
PB (3) 1 Manordeifi Silver Dawn. Lovely head and expression. Good eye and ear p;acement, straight, well boned front, nice reach of neck and well ribbed back. Good rear angulation and moved with drive. Colour did not please. 2 Chicnoir Solo. Pleasing head and expression, nice eye and ear placement, well arched neck and level topline. Good rear angulation and moved out well. Would have liked more height to complete the picture. 3 Sharidon Luck Be A Lady.
JB (6) 1 Chicnoir Elusive Dream. Good length of head, well placed ears and eye good eye placement. Straight front, good reach of neck, level topline and well angulated stifles. Moved out with drive - just needs to fill out more on foreface. 2 Southcombe’s Sophisticate at Rowvale. Nice head length, ears a little wide set, good eye shape and nice reach of neck. Well developed ribcage, enough turn of stifle and move out reasonably. Would have just preferred her a shade smaller for a bitch. 3 Chicnoir Golden Charm at Merland.
PGB (2) 1 Hilltarn Kiri at Yagane. Good length of head, nice earset, eyes of different colour did not help the expression. Good reach of neck, nice body condition and well turned stifles. The movement on this bitch was excellent and for me was the best on the day. 2 Dancerwood Shady Lady with Luvies. Nice length of head, good eye and ear placement. Good reach of neck and level topline. Front pasterns need to tighten.
LB (4) 1 Tentola Naughty by Nature. Very appealing lady having the correct head and expression. Good dark eyes, well placed ears and nice height to length ratio. Well off for neck and level topline on the move. Her well boned stifle ensured good movement and she well deserved the Res CC. 2 Devern Dark Mistress. Nice head length, good reach of neck, well developed brisket and strong rear quarters. Needs to tighten in front pasterns and rear stance. 3 Southcombe Styled in Gold for Manordeifi.
OB (9) 1 Ch Nearp Jesena
Moonlight Sonata. Quality exhibit having all the essentials of a true Champion.
Nice head and expression, good dark eyes, ears could be tipped over more. Good
well moulded foreface, nice reach of neck and well developed ribcage. Correct
level topline, well turned stifles and correct harsh coat. Moved out reasonably
well with shoulder, but front pasterns now beginning to get a little loose. Did
enough in the challenge on the day to take CC and Best of Breed. 2 Ochilview
Proper Madam of Tentola. Another good honest bitch with a nice head and
expression, straight front, well arched neck, good depth to brisket and strong
hindquarters. Topline needs to be addressed as she tends to stand a little
crouched at the rear. 3 Alopex Silverstone.
Hugh Jones