Minor Puppy Dog
1. Glencorrie Beworthy for Astrellita BPD/BMPD/BPIB/BPIS
2. Snuggletooth Fillys Felloe at Chicnoir
Puppy Dog.
1. Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir
Junior Dog
1. Foxearth High Frequency DCC/RBOB/BOS
2. Sharidon Anything Goes at Keenacre
3. Chicnoir Best Mate
4. Manordeifi Shades of Silver
Novice Dog
1. Glencorrie Beworthy for Astrellita
2. Snuggletooth Flurrys Fellow at Chicnoir
3. Manordeifi Shades of Silver
Graduate Dog
1. Foxearth Golden Fleece
Post Grad Dog
1. Antoc Floodlight
2. Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor
3. Foxearth Flash Past
4. Foxearth Golden Fleece
Limit Dog
1. Alopex Going Equipped RDCC
2. Chicnoir Quartermaster
3. Flurry's Fine Fellow at Foxearth
4. Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor
5. Norfield Knight Star
Open Dog
1. Dark Motif from Misstoff
2. Foxearth Flexible Friend
3. Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff
Veteran Dog
1. Ch Pelghart Gypsy Prophecy
Minor Puppy Bitch
1. Hilltarn Valentine BPB
2. Glencorrie Begorgeous
3. Cownbred Aquarian Dawn
4. Snuggletooth Filly's Fancy
5. Foxearth Fickle Via Lewarne
Puppy Bitch
1. Foxearth Farris via Lewarne
2. Cownbred Aquarian Dawn
Junior Bitch
1. Manordeifi Silver Dawn
Novice Bitch
1. Chicnoir Hors-La-Loi-111
Graduate Bitch
1. Foxearth Speckled Wood RBCC
2. Pelghart Private Dancer
3. Manordeifi Silver Dawn
4. Chicnoir Eternal Star at Frendet
5. Chicnoir Hors-La-Loi-iii
Post Grad Bitch
1. Southcombe Sweet as a Nut
2. Chicnoir Gold Rose at Norfield
3. Alopex Plum Lush
4. Foxearth Flicker of Hope
Limit Bitch
1. Astrellita BeDazzled
2. Astrellita Beloved of Glencorrie
3. Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
4. Knipes Shades of Gold for Pelghart
5. Hilltarn Jaguar from Encinas
Open Bitch.
1. Alopex Silverstone BCC/BOB/RBIS
2. Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
3. Foxearth Fondant
4. Pelghart Painted Lady
5. Ch Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly.
Veteran Bitch
1. Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata BV/BVIS
2. Hilltarn Hopeful
3. Lowerpark Fancy Lass
4. Ch Foxearth Farah
5. Dancerwood Country Wine at Llevol
Not having judged the breed for a number of years, it was an honour to judge the Club Show. A lovely entry all were well presented, temperaments good. Two things to watch in future, breeding id eyes are more round and tails short in length. Movement has improved, but a few would benefit from road work. DCC Hawyward's Foxearth High Frequency. Upstanding tri, lovely head and eye, ears well set which he uses, reach of neck, well laid shoulders, spring of rib, good bone, turn of stifle, moved and showed well. RDCC Griffith's Alopex Going Equipped. B/m of good colour, balanced head, good body and condition, strong quarters, spring of rib, level back, sound mover. BCC BOB and RBIS Griffith's Alopex Silverstone. B/m of lovely colour, liked her head, reach of neck going into well laid shoulders, well sprung ribs, turn of stifle, nice front, moved out well I understand this gives her the title, well done. RBCC Douglas' Foxearth Speckled Wood. Tri who you have to look at head to see how nice it is, in excellent condition, good neck and shoulders, spring of rib, good feet and legs, shows non stop. BP in Smooths and BPIS was Clark's Glencorrie Beworthy for Astrellita. ROUGHS BOB, BB and BIS Geddes' Ingledene Late Nite Love. BD and BOSIS Blake's Ch Phreelander Phrosty Moon over Corydon. BP and RBPIS Taylor's Trageedas Beckham.
SMOOTH COLLIE: MPD (2). 1 Clark's Glencorrie Beworthy for Astrellita. Tri 8 mths, nice young man, clean head, sound front and rear, just enough bone for age and size, full of himself as a p should be really enjoying his day, Best Minor Pup, BP and went on to take BPIS; 2 Hindes' Snuggletooth Fillys Fellow at Chicnoir. Another nice tri well proportioned, nice body, reach of neck, head and eye alright, just needs time.
PD (1). 1 S Fillys Fellow at C.
JD (5). 1 Hayward's Foxearth High Frequency. DCC; 2 Davis' Sharidon Anything Goes at Keenacre. Pleasing tri, lovely dark eye, reach of neck well placed shoulders, level back, strong quarters, nice mover; 2 Hindes' Chicnoir Best Mate S/W.
ND (3). 1 G Beworthy for A; 2 S Fillys Fellow at C; 3 M Shades of Silver.
GD (2). 1 Whalley's Foxearth Golden Fleece. Nice overall balanced s/w, good front and rear, level top line, movement could be better.
PGD (7). 1 Siddle's Antoc Floodlight. B/m, this one won on his shape and size, short coupled, spring of rib, head ok moved but reluctant to use his ears, but did enough to see his expression; 2 Kinsey's Foxearth To Twist Of Fate at Sturtmoor. S/w larger type than 1, well made, good body and outline, dark eyes, good feet and legs, worked well with handler; 3 Norman's Foxearth Flash Past.
LD (14). 1 Griffith's Alopex Going Equipped RCC; 2 Hindes' Chicnoir Quartermaster. Impressed with this s/w in good condition, well balanced head, shoulders well placed, good body and front and rear quarters, handled well pushed hard, just lost to 1 on movement, but these two could change places another day; 3 Hayward's Flurry's Fine Fellow at Foxearth.
OD (5). 1 Tuck's Dark Motif from Misstoff. Liked his head, flat skull, dark eye, ears well set which he uses giving a lovely expression, he is lighter in bone and body than some males, and he is rather proud of his tail which spoils his outline on move but still a nice d; 2 Maynard's Foxearth Flexible Friend. Tri of good size, and shape, well boned, nice head and eye, turn of stifle, moved well; 3 Macgregor's Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff.
VD (3). 1 Randall's Ch Pelghart Gypsy Prophecy. 8 yr old b/m all male d, nicely boned, nice head, reach of neck, shoulders well placed, spring of rib, level back, moved and showed well; 2 Clark's Astrellita Absoluto. This lovely headed tri of 8 yrs, still holds it together although a bit too much weight, he has a good front and rear, well sprung rib, still moves well; 3 Purvey's Chicnoir Midnight Magic at Freejack.
MPB (8). A nice class. 1 Robinson's Hilltarn Valentine. Good size and conformation, nice head, neat tipped ears, just needs to finish off, BPB and MP and RP; 2 Burton's Glencorrie Begorgrove. Tri litter sister to BPIS, sound young lady, liked her head, front and rear angulation fine, just needs to work with handler; 3 Howarth's Cowmbred Aquarian Dawn.
PB (2). 1 Sewell's Foxearth Farris via Lewarne. I preferred her to sister in previous class, liked her head, reach of neck set in a nice lay of shoulders, good feet and legs, level back, moved and shows just needs to mature; 2 Cownbred Aquarian Dawn. 3 in previous class and bit smallet she is so balanced head to tail, moves well but just needs to stand and cooperate with handler.
JB (1). 1 Moore's Manordeifi Silver Dawn. B/w, well constructed, excellent shoulders and neck, good spring of rib, nice turn of stifle, lovely head, well placed eye, good colour, moved well.
NB (1). 1 Purvey's Chicnoir Hors La Loi. Liked this young lady sweet head and expression, well constructed, strong hindquarters, moved well, just a pity her collar goes so far back.
GB (7). 1 Douglas Foxearth Speckled Wood RCC; 2 Gibson's Pelghart Private Dancer. Another tri in such excellent condition, good body shape, nice eye and expression, lovely temperament, these two I am sure could change places another time; 3 M Silver Dawn.
PGB (8) 1 Robinson's Southcombe Sweet As A Nut. S/w nice length of head, reach of neck, nice body, coat good colour, moved well at front, needs to improve at rear; 2 Wallis' Chicnoir Gold Rose at Norfield. V like winner in shape and size, but lighter in colour not so good on front as 1 but two nice bitches; 3 Griffith's Alopex Plum Lush.
LB (11). Some nice smooths. 1 Clark's Astrellita Bedazzled; 2 Burto's Astrellita Beloved of Glencorrie. These two are litter sisters and are so much alike, both have lovely heads, nice eye, ears well set, shoulders well placed, ribs well sprung, good front and rear angulation, both moved well but preferred the happy and sweeter expression of 1; 3 Macgregor's Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale.
OB (10). 1 Griffith's Alopex Silverstone. CC, BOB and RBIS; 2 Hayward's Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick. A smaller elegant b/m b, v nice shape, lovely balanced head, good front and rear angulation, just enough bone and body, moved and showed well; 3 Hyde's Foxearth Fondant.
VB (7). 1 Lister's Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata. Now 8 1/2 carries her age well, still maintaining her shape and top line, still moves well, what more can be said about her Best Smooth Veteran; 2 Leach's Hilltarn Hopeful. This b/m is now 10 yrs old but she has improved with age, nice reach of neck, good body and top line, showed and moved well; 3 Hill's Lowerpark Fancy Lass. Sp S/W 1 F To Twist Of Fate of S; 2 F Flash Past. Sp TRI 1 Dark Motif from M; 2 C Eternal Star at F; 3 A Plum Lush. Sp BLUE MERLE 1 F Finlander of S; 2 A Floodlight. BRACE 1 Gibsons; 2 Curtis.