National Working & Pastoral Breeds 2003

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mrs A Speding


Dog CC : MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
Res Dog CC : TUCK Dark Motif from Misstoff
Bitch CC : CURTIS Ch Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly
Res Bitch CC : MOORE Manordeifi Silver Dawn
Best Puppy : MOORE Manordeifi Silver Dawn
BEST OF BREED :MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff

Puppy Dog (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: DAVIS Sharidon Anything Goes at Keenacre
2nd: MOORES Manordeifi Solar Eclipse
3rd: HINDES Chicnoir Best Mate

Junior Dog (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st:  NORMAN Foxearth Flash Past
2nd:  HINDES Chicnoir Snow Wolfe
3rd:  BENTON Tentola Smooth Operator of Daraville

Post Graduate Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: KINSEY Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor
2nd: HINDES Foxearth Oliver Footprint to Chicnoir

Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: HINDES Chicnoir Quartermaster
2nd: GRIFFITHS Alopex Going Equipped
3rd: KINSEY Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor
Res: EVANS Rowvale Storm Rising at Southcombe
VHC: WALLIS Norfield Knight Star

Open Dog (2 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
2nd: TUCK Dark Motif From Misstoff
3rd: 9040 Mrs D I HOWE Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior

Puppy Bitch (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: MOORE Manordeifi Silver Dawn

Junior Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: GIBSON Pelghart Private Dancer
2nd: DOUGLAS Foxearth Speckled Wood
3rd: BULLION Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarain

Post Graduate Bitch (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: SEWELL Foxearth Flicker of Hope
2nd: LEACH Hiltarn Dream Icon
3rd: MACGREGOR Southcombe Sophisticate
Res: WALLIS Chicnoir Gold Rose at Norfield
VHC:Alopex Lilliburlero

Limit Bitch (3 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: WILSON Hiltarn Jaguar from Encinas
2nd: GAY Hilltarn Kiri at Yagane

Open Bitch (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: CURTIS Ch Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly
2nd: GIBSON Pelghart Painted Lady
3rd: GRIFFITHS Alopex Silverstone

It was a great pleasure to judge at this well run show, and also to judge the breed with some really nice dogs and bitches present. The weather and the ring were all excellent, as was the sportsmanship of the exhibitors. As a Rough judge, I perhaps place a different interpretation on some Smooth characteristics, but as an owner/breeder/exhibitor of Smooths, I do try to understand the subtle difference between the two varieties. As expected at this time of year, many coats were on the blow, but I did not penalise the Collies for this, and all the exhibits were clean and well presented.

PD. (3). Davies’s, Sharidon Goes at Keenacre. 11 months old tri colour. In excellent coat and condition. Attractive outline with good neck and shoulders. Level back, strong quarters. Moved out freely. Pleasing head with a lovely dark eye and good expression. Needs time to develop in stop. 2. Moore’s, Manordeifi Solar Eclipse. Quite a big boy with a lot to like about him. In very good body and condition. Moved and showed well. Good neck and shoulders, good strong bone, but not so good in feet as winner, and another whose heads needs more time to develop. 3. Hindes’, Chicnoir Best Mate. Having admired him ringside. I was a little disappointed to find his head somewhat deep through and his shoulder angulation could be better. Excellent body, moved out well and showed sensibly.

JD. (4). 1. Norman’s, Foxearth Flash Past. Most attractive youngster with a nicely balanced clean head, with pleasing eye and expression. Quite a nice outline even though he lacked body and would prefer more shoulder angulation. Profile movement was very good with plenty of drive. 2. Hindes’, Chicnior Snow Wolfe. Beautifully balanced blue of excellent colour. Liked his shape and outline. Pleasing head and expression. Needs to tighten in front action. 3. Benton’s, Tentola Smooth Operator of Draville. Heavier type than winner. Head somewhat strong, although he has a nice dark eye and good expression. Good bone but feet needs to tighten. Moved and showed nicely.

PGD. (2). 1. Knisey’s, Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor. 2. Hindes’, Foxearth Olivers Footprint to Chicnoir. Very little seperated these two sables, both very well shown and presented by their young handlers, so I was not surprised to find they are full brothers. Just coming up to 2 years old. Both well made with good body and outline, and excellent profile movement. Preferred the head of winner, who had a darker eye and was more balanced in foreface, and had the better feet. Two very nice young males.

LD. (5). 1. Hindes’, Chicnior Quartermaster. I was most impressed with this young sable, young and presented to advantage. In excellent body, coat and condition. Well balanced head with clean cheeks and good rounded foreface, but a shade deep through, and would prefer a tighter lipline. Moved out with drive, excellent profile movement. Was a strong contender for top honours. 2. Griffith’s, Alopex Going Equipped. This young blue merle must always appeal for his type and lovely temperament. Excellent colour, in lovely order with good body and condition. Balanced head with nicely rounded foreface, flat skull, eye a little round and full. Strong level back. Powerful quarters. Moved out very soundly. Filed in feet to winner. 3. Kinsey’s, Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor. This 2 year old blue merle improves all the time and is developing along the right lines. Although he still looks immature. Especially against the very forward crop of sable being shown. Pleasing head with flat skull, good stop, clean cheeks and well placed and shaped eye giving a lovely expression. Good outline. Moved soundly with drive. Time is on his side.

OD. (2). 1. Macgregor’s, Ch. Moonwalker from Mistof. Walks into the ring as if he owns it! Presented in tip top condition with his tri colour coat gleaming in the sunlight, and handled to best advantage. Balanced dog with strong back and quarters, excellent bone, good legs and feet. Good neck and shoulders, and a very positive mover front and back. Lovely head which is completely balanced. Rounded foreface, flat skull, well placed eras which he used all the time. Co-operated totally with his handler to win CC and BOB. 2. Tuck’s, Dark Motif from Mistiff. Full brother to Moonwalker and when this tri colour (and his handler) relax, he puts it all together to become a smalle more elegant version of his famous brother. Attractive head, clean cheeks, flat skull and a darker eye than his brother giving a lovely expression. Lighter in bone and body, and although he moves out freely with good profile movement. Can carry his tail a bit high. In the challenge with Quartermaster he showed to perfection, and presented a more finished outline, expecially in profile movement to take the reserve spot to his brother. I hole his sporting owner will have the pleasure of eventually showing him to his title.

PB. (2). 1. Moores’, Manordeifi Silver Dawn. Having admired this young lady sine she made her debut at just 6 months old. I was delighted to find that she fulfilled my expectations. Well constructed with excellent neck and shoulders, strong level back and good topline. Strong quarters, excellent body and condition, good bone. Lovely head, clean and well balanced, well placed eye and combined with her good ear carriage gave her a delightful expression, reflecting her happy personaily. Moved with positive drive both coming and going, and kept a super outline in profile. Such a pity that she has started to cast her coat and her once clear blue, well marked coat was showing too much dull undercoat, although I feel sure this is only a temporary fault, and when her adult coat comes through, she will surely trouble the best. RCC and BPIB.

JB. (3). 1. Gibson’s, Pelghart Private Dancer. Tri colour presented in lovely body and condition. Good body shape and outline. Strong quarters. Moved out with drive and looked good in p[rofile. Head still needs time to develop, but she has a nice eye and expression. Lovely temperament and showed really well. 2. Douglas’s, Foxearth Speckled Wood. Shown and presented in excellent movement. White face markings detract a little from her expression. Two promising youngsters. 3. Bullion’s, Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarain. Sister to second and all three by Skalle Per. Clean head with nice eye, but ears need to settle. Good body and bone but feet too open. Moved out freely.

PGB. (6). 1. Sewell’s, Foxearth Flicker of Hope. 2 years old sable who has to be handled to be appreciated as she is somewhat reluctant to project herselkf. Full of quality and type, clean head with flat skull. Still needs time to develop stop. Good body shape and outline. Although would prefer more bone, but comes into her own on the move as she powers round the ring, driving from strong quarters, and keeps her topline with excellent profile movement. 2. Leach’s, Hilltarn Dream Icon. Long time to see! This lovely tri colour was enjoying a successful puppy career 4 years ago when she suffered an unfortunate accident, so nice to see her back in the ring. Very well constructed, completely balanced with the best neck, shoulders and front movement of the entry. Good foreface, flat skull and nice dark well placed eyes. Unfortunately, her ears are rather heavy, which spoils the picture. 3. Macgregor’s, Southcombe Sophisticat. Attractive tri colour with most of the essentials. Strong level back, good neck and shoulders. Moved freely. Pleasing head, showed well. Quite big enough for a bitch.

LB. (3). 1. Wilson’s, Hilltarn Jaguar from Encinas. Quality blue merle. Lovely colour and well broken with black. Presented in excellent condition. Good body and outline, clean neck and good shoulders. Moved freely with good topline. Nice clean head with a lovely expression. 2. Gay’s, Hilltarn Kiri at Yagane. Blue merle daughter of Dream Icon who has inherited her good body shape and outline. Although somewhat finer. Clean head with well placed ears which she used to advantage. Moved freely but lacks drive from quarters. Failed in coat colour to winner.

OB. (4). Three very nice bitches, each quite different, and each appealing in different ways, and to different judges. 1. Curtis’s, Ch. Snuggletooth Flurry’s Filly. Completely balanced tri colour bitch. Packing a lot of virtues in a small package. Lovely head with flat skull, rounded foreface and clean cheeks and a melting expression. Excellent neck and shoulders, strong level body, good topline, good bone and tight well shaped feet. Moved freely and showed non stop. Carrying a fraction too much weight, and would prefer better hind angulation. Lovely type and temperament. CC. 2. Gibson’s, Pelghart Painted Lady. Tri colour made in a leaner, racier mould with lovely profile movement. Good neck and shoulders, level back, strong quarters. Nice lean clean head, dark eye but not as appealing in expression as winner. 3. Griffith’s, Alopex Silverstone. Beautifully coloured blue merle of super type. Excellent head, moulded foreface, flat skull, well,placed ears which she used sensibly. Moved freely. Not so feminine as winner, but her qualities cannot de denied, and these three ladies may well change places many times throughout their careers.

Aileen Speding