London Collie Club 2002

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mrs Beverley White


Dog CC :MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
Res Dog CC :  HAYWARD Foxearth Sandy Footprints
Bitch CC : HAYWARD Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
Res Bitch CC : THEOBALD Ch Foxearth Phoebe
Best Puppy :  HAYWARD Foxearth Sandy Footprints
BEST OF BREED : MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff

Puppy Dog (6) Abs: 0
1st: HAYWARD Foxearth Sandy Footprints
2nd: HINDES Chicnoir Quartermaster
3rd: MCKENDRICK Alopex Conversation Peace at Wesanya
Res:  KINSEY Foxearth to Twist Fate of Strutmoor
VHC: RICHARDS Manordeifi Stylemaster

Junior Dog (5) Abs: 0
1st: HINDES Chicnoir Quartermaster
2nd: MCKENDRICK Alopex Conversation Peace at Wesanya
3rd: RICHARDS Manordeifi Stylemaster
Res: FRENCH Chicnoir Quarryman at Frendet
VHC: KINSEY Foxearth Finlander of Strutmoor

Post Graduate Dog (4) Abs: 0
1st: HAYWARD Flurry's Fine Fellow at Foxearth
2nd: HINDES Chicnoir Flashback
3rd:  WALLIS Norfield Knight Star
Res:  HILLS Devern Blue Horizon

Limit Dog (5 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: CROMAN Hiltarn Steel River of Cromarty
2nd: WEBB Dancerwood Dangerman at Llevol
3rd:  TUCK Dark Motif from Misstoff
Res: KENNEDY Foxearth Fore Shore
VHC: PURVEY Tanboree Jack Frost

Open Dog (4) Abs: 0
1st: MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
2nd: EVANS Southcombe Strike Gold
3rd:  WHITTINGHAM Southcombe Sterling
Res: WALLIS Norfield Tin Star

Veteran Dog (1 Entry) Abs: 0
1st: PURVEY Chicnoir Midnight Magic at Freejack

Puppy Bitch (8) Abs: 1
1st: HAYWARD Foxearth Castles in the Sky
2nd: WALLIS Chicnoir Gold Rose
3rd: HINDES Chicnoir Fire Imp
Res: SEWELL Foxearth Flicker of Hope
VHC: FRENCH Chicnoir Eternal Star at Frendet

Junior Bitch (9) Abs: 1
1st: CURTIS Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly
2nd: HAYWARD Foxearth Fanfare Oh La La
3rd:  HINDES Chicnoir Quintessential
Res: PURVEY Chicnoir Hors-la-loi-lll
VHC: WALLIS Chicnoir Uptown Girl

Post Graduate Bitch (12) Abs: 5
1st: CURTIS Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil
2nd: ROBINSON Hilltarn Highlights
3rd: FORBES Joeileen Harmony
Res: HILLS Devern DArk Mistress
VHC: MOORE Manordeifi Lady Penelope

Limit Bitch (7 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: HAYWARD Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
2nd:GOODRIDGE Hilltarn Captivating for Salotone
3rd: BENTON Tentola Madam Butterfly at Ochilview
Res: HILLS Devern Blue Silhouette
VHC: FORBES Hilltarn Chance

Open Bitch (2) Abs: 1
1st: THEOBALD Ch Foxearth Phoebe

Veteran Bitch (1 Enty) Abs: 0
1st: LEACH Hilltarn Hopeful

I was very honoured to receive such a high quality entry. The puppy classes were out of this world. The puppy bitch class in particular was breathtaking and I was sorry that I didn't have enough cards to go round. I'm sure that all those puppies will be winners. I was thrilled with the two CC line-ups, all these collies had the elegance and balance I desire. I felt that in the two years or so since I last judged that quality had improved. There were fewer strong heads and dogs with short heads/backs/tails. Some males were rather narrow in chest but given the time our breed takes to mature, I was not too worried about this. Some shoulders were rather straight. One really horrible tail and one 'iffy' tail which I penalised. A few collies had small piggy eyes - a most ugly fault on a smooth. Overall, based on this entry, I felt the breed is in good heart.

PD (6) 1 Hayward's Foxearth Sandy FootprintsBest Puppy and Reserve DCC. What an exciting prospect this young dog is. Excels in so many ways particularly with his elegant outline with super reach of neck, correct front angulation and shoulder placement, good length of back, and nicely turned rear quarters with good bend of stifle. His head is classical in style, being balanced with a correctly placed stop, flat backskull and beautifully moulded foreface. Eyes are dark, almond shaped and obliquely placed. His ears are well placed and were used well to enhance his dreamy expression. He moved freely with a reachy stride. I strongly considered him for the CC but at only 9 months, he could not match the mature CC winner for overall finish, front movement or confidence. I wish he were mine! 2 Hindes' Chicnoir Quartermaster. Another good prospect for the future. Again lovely body shape with excellent conformation and just needing to tighten up all over. Head is pleasing but backskull needs to come up and his ears lift. Very promising 3 McKendrick's Alopex Conversation Peace at Wesanya.

JD (5) 1 Chicnoir Quartermaster. 2 Alopex Conversation Peace at Wesanya. Pleasing tri showing with confidence. Good head type but more underjaw and a darker eye would enhance. Shoulders and stifles could be better. 3 Moore's Manordeifi Stylemaster.

PGD (4) 1 Hayward 's Flurry's Fine Fellow at Foxearth. At a week over 12 months this young dog has moulted out and consequently needs to mature on. Nevertheless is of a good type and has all the essentials required to fulfil his early promise. Lovely head with good stop and flat backskull. Well-placed and used ears. Eyes could be sweeter but overall his expression is pleasing. Good reach of neck and length of back. Well-angulated, long tail and moved well. 2 Hindes' Chicnoir Flashback. Small tri with good depth of chest and correct angulation. Good length of back but could be a touch longer on the leg to achieve the perfect balance. Well-moulded skull with eyes correctly shaped and placed although a little light in colour. Ear placement rather wide but he used them well. Would like to see him shown on a looser lead. 3 Wallis's Norfield Knight Star.

LD (5) 1 Croman's Hilltarn Steel River of Cromarty. Very nice b/m of good colour. Very sound thanks to his excellent angulation, particularly good bend of stifle. Head is clean and balanced with a sweet dark eye. Good reach of neck, shoulders and length of back. Moved very well. 2 Webb's Dancerwood Dangerman at Llevol. Sable with a lot to like but so did not want to be here on the day. This lethargy and ambivalence affected his movement, which was loose and disappointing. He has a lovely head type and when he used his ears, his expression was very attractive. 3 Tuck's Dark Motif from Misstoff.

OD (4) 1 MacGregor's Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff. Upstanding tri with the presence required of a good champion. Excellent breed type and a good ambassador for the breed. Balanced head with good stop and underjaw. Eye a little bold and backskull recedes slightly. Ears well set and used non stop. Good reach of neck on good shoulders. Good well boned legs and neat feet. Good length of back and nice turn of stifle. Hocks well let down. Moving positively with drive from behind. A very worthy champion. CC & BOB. 2 Evans' Southcombe Strike Gold. Masculine sable not as well constructed as 1. Head is pleasing but again not the quality of Moonwalker. Moved well. 3 Whittingham's Southcombe Sterling.

VD (1) 1 Purvey's Chicnoir Midnight Magic at Freejack. Not so oldie (8 years young) enjoying his day and moving with style. Pleasing shape and typical head type.

PB (8) 1 Hayward's Foxearth Castles in the Sky. Headed a strong class of super puppies. Feminine s/w with ultra sweet expression thanks to her dark almond shaped eyes and ears right on top and well used. Clean wedge-shaped head, with correct stop and lovely flat back-skull. Soundly constructed giving excellent balance throughout. Moved well. Has a great future ahead of her, I'm sure. BPB. 2 Wallis' Chicnoir Gold Rose. Another pretty s/w with excellent construction and moving well. Lovely head type with classical wedge shaped head. Lovely expression created by dark, almond-shaped eyes and correctly placed ears. Very promising. 3 Sewell's Foxearth Flicker of Hope.

JB (9) 1 Curtis' Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly. Feminine tri with very pretty expression with dark, well-placed eyes and well-used ears. Elegant outline and commands attention. Excellent head qualities with flat backskull and correct stop. Well angulated fore and aft and correct tail set giving good overall outline. Tail could be a touch longer. Moved very well. Another with a promising future. 2 Hayward's Foxearth Fanfare to Oh La La. Unlucky to meet 1 who is more finished and mature. Quality s/w who is very feminine. Well-shaped dark eyes giving a sweet expression. Clean head, with correct stop and lovely flat back-skull, ears correctly set and well used. Balanced outline and super conformation. Moved well. Very promising. 3 Hindes' Chicnoir Quintessential.

PGB (12) 1 Curtis' Snuggletooth Fag Ash Lil. Litter sister to previous winner but not as pretty in head. Lovely outline and super merle colour. Very feminine. Well constructed with super reach of neck, good shoulders and hindquarters. Hocks well let down and moving very freely. 2 Robinson's Hilltarn Highlights. Feminine b/m not as good in colour as 1. Shorter head type with pleasing eye and expression. Not the reach of neck nor bend of stifle of 1 but nevertheless quite acceptable. Moved well. 3 Forbes' Joeileen Harmony.

LB (7) 1 Hayward's Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick. Not seen this feminine superbly coloured b/m bitch since she was a puppy so she came as a lovely surprise. Full of quality with excellent head properties. Balanced head with level planes, flat backskull and correctly placed stop. Moulded foreface and good underjaw. Sweet expression with dark almond shaped eyes obliquely placed. Ears set on top and used non-stop. Super reach of neck leading to good shoulders and correct length of upper arm. Good length of back and sweep over loin. Well-turned stifle with well let down hocks. Moved well and showed her head off to take the CC. 2 Wilson's Hilltarn Captivating for Salotone. Feminine b/m but looser in pasterns than 1. Well-balanced head with sweet expression but not the moulded foreface of 1. Good shoulders and bend of stifle and moving acceptably. 3 Benton's Tentola Madam Butterfly of Ochilview.

OB (2) 1 Theobald's Ch Foxearth Phoebe. Feminine blue of good colour unlucky to meet the CC winner today. Sweet expression thanks to her dark eyes and correctly placed, well-used ears used non-stop. Wedge-shaped head, with correct stop, level planes, flat back-skull, and good under-jaw. Very nice overall shape with good front angulation and strong quarters. Lost her top-line slightly in the challenge, but was very positive on the move. Preferred colour, reach of neck and foreface of Finesse but two really lovely collies. Res CC.

VB (1) 1 Leach's Hilltarn Hopeful. Feminine b/m with pleasing head and expression. Well-constructed but rather loose in pasterns and topline on the move.

Bev White