Ladies Kennel Association 2002

Collie (Smooth)

Judge: Mrs P E Lister


Dog CC : 8695 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
Res Dog CC : 8674 Mrs P J EVANS Southcombe Sunset Shadow
Bitch CC : 8694 Mrs C H LEACH Hilltarn Hopeful
Res Bitch CC : 8670 Mrs L & Miss S CHAPMAN Sharidon Silver Belle
Best Puppy : 8674 Mrs P J EVANS Southcombe Sunset Shadow
Best Veteran :
BEST OF BREED : 8695 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff

Class 1116 PD (7 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8674 Mrs P J EVANS Southcombe Sunset Shadow
2nd: 8703 Mr N J & Mrs A M SMITH Tentola Foreign Liaison
3rd: 8671 Miss S A CURTIS Chicnoir Snow Berry at Snuggletooth
Res: 8684 Miss P HINDES Chicnoir Snow Leopard
VHC: 8697 Mrs P A MEACHAM Southcombe Silent Wings at Zellamere

Class 1117 JD (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8682 Mrs I M G GRIFFITHS Alopex Going Equipped
2nd: 8692 Mrs A & Miss K KINSEY Foxearth to Twist Fate of Sturtmoor
3rd: 8671 Miss S A CURTIS Chicnoir Snow Berry at Snuggletooth
Res: 8685 Miss P HINDES Chicnoir Snow Wolfe

Class 1118 PGD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8693 Mrs A & Miss K KINSEY Foxearth Finlander of Sturtmoor

Class 1119 LD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8667 Mr J C & Mrs E G BREEZE Ochilview Great Scot
2nd: 8691 Mr J & Mrs B A KENNEDY Foxearth Fore Shore
3rd: 8708 Mrs D WALLIS Norfield Knight Star
Res: 8686 Miss P HINDES Astrellita Just William at Chicnoir

Class 1120 OD (4 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8695 Mrs J MACGREGOR Ch Moonwalker from Misstoff
2nd: 8688 Mrs D I HOWE Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior
3rd: 8700 Mrs A RANDALL Ch Pelghart Gypsy Prophecy
Res: 8710 Miss S WHITTINGHAM Southcombe Sterling

Class 1121 PB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8696 Mrs J MACGREGOR Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
2nd: 8680 Mrs H R GIBSON Pelghart Private Dancer
3rd: 8668 Mrs E & Miss C BULLION Foxearth Flame of Love at Ostarain

Class 1122 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8690 Mr G HYDE Foxearth Future Magic
2nd: 8676 Mrs J M FORT Chicnoir Elusive Dream
3rd: 8707 Mrs D WALLIS Chicnoir Uptown Girl at Norfield
Res: 8677 Mr T & Mrs C FRENCH Chicnoir Eternal Star at Frendet

Class 1123 PGB (6 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8698 Mrs P A MEACHAM Rowvale Ring O Roses at Zellamere
2nd: 8669 Mr & Mrs S BURTON Astrellita Beloved of Glencorrie
3rd: 8699 Miss D J MOORES Manordeifi Lady Penelope
Res: 8706 Mrs A J SPEDING Antoc Fascination
VHC: 8709 L WERY Dancerwood Shady Lady With Luvies

Class 1124 LB (6 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 8670 Mrs L & Miss S CHAPMAN Sharidon Silver Belle
2nd: 8689 Mr G HYDE Foxearth Fondant
3rd: 8681 Mrs H R GIBSON Knipes Shades of Gold For Pelghart
Res: 8704 Mr N J & Mrs A M SMITH Tentola Naughty by Nature
VHC: 8675 Mrs D A FORBES Hilltarn Chance

Class 1125 OB (5 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 8694 Mrs C H LEACH Hilltarn Hopeful
2nd: 8705 Mr N J & Mrs A M SMITH Ochilview Proper Madam of Tentola
3rd: 8672 Miss S A CURTIS Ch Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly
Res: 8687 Miss P HINDES Fascinating Rythm From Chicnoir

The quality was varied with only a few having the overall balanced conformation that is the Collie, so many are square in outline, not correct for any Collie breed. Breeders must take these factors into consideration when planning a litter or we will soon be looking at a different breed altogether. Front movement in a high percentage was just horrendous. I found the adults of much higher standard than the youngsters. I was reasonably happy with my winning smooths. The Dog CC and BOB Ch Moonwalker From Mistoff, a lovely tri d of excellent proportions, good head with well placed stop and super ear carriage, could have a little sweeter eye, good front, tight feet, topline a bit slack, tail set correct, super condition on his jet black coat. Moving out well and true, looked good in profile with good length of stride. Res DCC went to the puppy class winner Southcombe Sunset Shadow a sable, a strong p with lovely balanced outline with the correct angulation and good forechest, typy head, sweet eye, well placed stop, good harsh coat and certainly the best mover in the class by far, also BPIB. BCC Hilltarn Hopeful. Lovely b is 9.5 yrs old and excelled in type and movement, liked her head and expression so typical, balanced conformation. In excellent condition, good well filled forechest, showing and moving so well. Res BCC Sharidon Silver Belle. Good blue merle colour and markings, superb outline, true smooth shape and balance, well angulated front and rear, well held topline standing and on the move, lovely head properties, good ears and super eye, moving very well.

PD (7) 1 Evans’ Southcombe Sunset Shadow; 2 Smith’s Tentola Foreign Liaison. A p needing more time, head coming but needs to define in stop, good bone and neat feet, good forechest and conformation and enjoying his outing and moved and showing well; 3 Curtis’ Chicnoir Snow Berry At Snuggletooth.

JD (5) 1 Griffiths’ Alopex Going Equipped. A good clear colour on this B/M appealing expression but a little strong in skull, well moulded muzzle, shoulder angles good and required forechest, could use more turn of stifle, harsh coat, won the class on his movement which was free with good length of stride; 2 Kinsey’s Foxearth To Twist Fate Of Sturtmoor. Good balance of head, well used ears, angles good front and back but a little high on the leg for the correct balance. Moving quite well in front but rather wide behind; 3 C Snow Berry At S.

PGD (1) 1 Kinsey’s Foxearth Finlander Of Sturtmoor. Lovely colour and markings on this very nice merle, nice type head, sweet eye and expression, well angulated shoulders and good length to upper arm, well bent stifles and good over the croup and length of tail. Moved very well.

LD (4) 1 Breeze’s Ochilview Great Scot. Nice type head, dark eye and well held ears, good topline and front and shoulder angles ok but could have a little more angulation at rear, attentive to handler and moving very well with drive; 2 Kennedy’s Foxearth Fore Shore. Tri in super coat condition. Lean head reluctant to use his ears due I think to the noise, dark eye, rather short upper arm and a little tall for correct balance but moved out well; 3 Wallis’ Norfield Knight Star.

OD (4) Four excellent Collies. Correct for type and overall balance. 1 Macgregor’s Ch Moonwalker Of Misstoff; 2 Howe’s Ch Rowvale Rainbow Warrior. A strong d of excellent proportions, just would have liked a little more elegance, good front and shoulder, well off for bone, good clear colour B/M moving out well; 3 Randall’s Ch Pelghart Gypsy Prophecy.

PB (4) 1 Macgregor’s Southcombe Sophisticate At Rowvale. Very nice head and sweet dark eye on this lovely tri. Excellent ears and flat skull, good well developed forechest, good shoulder placement a fraction short in upper arm, good topline and an excellent mover; 2 Gibson’s Pelghart Private Dancer. Another very nice tri with lovely outline and super coat, good balance fore and rear, sweet head, lovely eye and good stop placement, ears need to settle. Moving well; 3 Bullion’s Foxearth Flame Of Love At Ostarian.

JB (5) 1 Hyde’s Foxearth Future Magic. Nicely balanced sable in excellent coat, good angulation at shoulder and hindquarters with well filled forechest, typy head and sweet eye, would have liked better defined stop, showing and moving well; 2 Fort’s Chicnoir Elusive Dream. Good body lines in profile but sadly lacking in head qualities and was cow hocked standing and moving; 3 Wallis’ Chicnoir Uptown Girl At Norfield.

PGB (6) 1 Meacham’s Rowvale Ring O Roses At Zellamere. Sable. Lovely outline, very feminine with correct amount of bone, good topline, nice head with sweet expression and good length of neck. Moving well; 2 Burton’s Astrellita Beloved Of Glencorrie. B/M. Good outline standing and moved very well on loose lead, nice type head and well placed eye, ears need to be tipped more and this would enhance expression; 3 Moore’s Mandordeifi Lady Penelope.

LB (6) 1 Chapman’s Sharidon Silver Belle. Super outline and excellent neck on this lovely blue merle. Lovely head and flat skull and well placed stop, excellent ear carriage and lovely eye, correct balanced shape and angulation. Moved very well. Res CC; 2 Hyde’s Foxearth Fondant. Excellent sable, nice head and neckline, good layback of shoulder, a little upright in upper arm, showing well and moving ok in front but wide at rear; 3 Gibson’s Knipes Shades Of Gold For Pelghart.

OB (5) 1 Leach’s Hilltarn Hopeful; 2 Smith’s Ochilview Proper Madam Of Tentola. Lovely tri. Super head and expression, in good coat condition, correct balanced shape and type, unfortunately knocked herself getting out of the car on arriving at the show and this slightly affected her hind movement but her excellent type won her this place, completely sound, could have gone all the way; 3 Curtis’ Ch Snuggletooth Flurry’s Filly.

Pat Lister