Crufts 2002 Results |
My sincere thanks to all those exhibitors who did me the honour of providing me with an entry of such high quality smooth collies, which were both a pleasure to judge and a credit to Crufts dog show. My very real thanks to the Kennel Club for giving me this most enjoyable opportunity.
SpPD (2) 1 Riley’s Manordeifi Star Chaser. Well balanced blue merle dog, nice head, eyes and ears, arch of neck sound and firm, correct pattern of hocks, on good legs; should go far. 2 Kinsey’s Foxearth Finlander. Nice blue merle dog, with good head, well placed eyes and ears, correct slope of shoulder and rib cage, moved well on good legs; should do well with a little more maturity.
SpJD (3) 1 Riley’s Manordeifi Star Chaser. 2 Smedley’s Antoc Floodlight. Well balanced dog, arch of neck giving good carriage of head, nice ears and intelligent interested eyes, deep chest with good forearms, sound body and quarters.
PGD (5) 1 Purvey’s Tanboree Jack Frost. Fine blue merle dog, well balanced head, level back, deep chest, good firm shoulders and quarters, moved well; a sound well set up dog of masculine appearance. 2 Wallis’ Norfield Tin Star. Good looking sound dog, well positioned eyes and ears, well sprung ribs, straight back, moved well. 3r Tuck’s Dark Motif from Misstoff Strong well put-together dog, nice head and expression, good movement and carriage.
LD (3) 1 Wills’ Merland Mystery Man of Jarlana. Res DCC. A fine masculine example of a smooth collie dog, well proportioned, straight back, good head, eyes and ears; moved with effortless stride. 2 French’s Delmbush Classic Design. Sound well balanced head and forequarters, good head and body, well placed eyes and ears, straight back; moved well. 3 Hindes’ Chicnoir Flashback. Very pleasing head and expression, good well placed shoulders, straight back, good legs, pasterns and hocks; strode out well.
OD (9) 1 Hayward’s Ch. Oneways Skalle Per (imp) BOB and DCC. Outstanding sable and white dog, stands with alert intelligence and quiet dignity, beautifully balanced, good head, eyes and ears, sound shoulders and forequarters, legs and body, clean and sinewy hind quarters; moved with effortless drive. 2 MacGregor’s Ch. Moon Walker from Misstoff. Very pleasing dog with nice head and expression, sound body, legs and quarters; moved with easy grace. 3 Evans’ Southcombe Strike Gold. Fine sable and white dog with good head and expression, excellent shape of skull and foreface, deep chest, firm shoulders, forearms and pasterns, straight back, sound quarters and well-rounded stifles.
SpVD (3) 1 Maile’s Colinro Chippendale. Fine well balanced tricolor dog, good eyes and ears, firm shoulders and quarters, straight back, sound legs; standing with quiet dignity. 2 Purvey’s Chicnoir Midnight Magic at Freejack. Nicely put together with good balance of head and body; moved well. 3 Hindes’ Crossfells Quiescence. Pleasing sable and white dog with good expression, nice head; evidently enjoying himself.
SpPB (1) 1 Curtis’ Snuggletooth Flurry’s Filly. This beautiful puppy is outstanding in both general appearance and characteristics; head and skull, eyes and ears correctly fashioned, arch of neck on good shoulders, forelegs and pasterns sound, ribs, back and hind quarters, legs and hocks correct, the whole in relative proportions; should have a promising career.
SpJB (3) 1 Riley’s Antoc Fantasy Lovely tricolor bitch, good arch of neck set on sound shoulders, nice feet, good depth of chest, straight back, eyes, ears and foreface giving a sweet expression, sound hind quarters; very compact. 2 Meacham’s Rowvale Ring o Roses at Zellamere Nice sable bitch, of good colour and coat, well arched neck setting off a well proportioned head, strong forelegs, straight back, well rounded stifles; moved well, will develop further.
PGB (12) 1 Griffiths’ Alopex SilverstoneBeautiful blue merle bitch, soundly constructed and well proportioned, good head and foreface, eyes and ears, giving a sweet expression, strong legs, pasterns and hocks, good shoulders, strong hind quarters; excellent movement. 2 Forbes’ Joeileen Harmony. Compact tricolor bitch standing with dignity, good general conformation relative to height, good forequarters and pasterns, nice shape of head and eyes. 3 Purvey’s Norfield Miss Magic Star. Nice blue merle bitch with pleasant foreface, well shaped shoulders, straight back and sound legs; moved well.
LB (9) 1 Forbes’ Hilltarn Chance This lovely bitch has grace of movement with strength and drive; good well proportioned head and body; nice expression, very sound. 2 Theobald’s Foxearth Phœbe. Well put together sound bitch, good head, eyes and ears, firm shoulders, straight back, good hind quarters; moved well. 3 French’s Frendet Fantasia. Bright, alert and pleasant bitch, standing with quiet dignity; good head and foreface.
OB (7) 1st 3972 Mrs P E Lister’s Ch. Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata. Bitch CC. This lovely compact feminine blue merle bitch is a delight to behold; fine head, eye and ears, good foreface, sound limbs, body, back and quarters; stands with dignity, moves with grace. 2 Hayward’s Foxearth Fire Dust. Res BCC Lovely well proportioned blue merle bitch with nice head and foreface, well positioned eyes, sweet expression, sound legs and quarters; moved very well. 3 Moores’ Ch. Manordeifi Silver Serenade. Lovely blue merle bitch, finely shaped skull and foreface, alert and sweet expression, good shoulders, forelegs and pasterns, well rounded ribs, strong quarters and hocks; moved well.
SpVB (6) 1
Gibson’s Ch. Newtons Guinivere from Foxearth. Beautiful tricolor bitch standing
with dignity on sound strong legs, well curved arch of neck giving good position
of head, nice eyes and expression, sound quarters and curve of stifles. 2
Leach’s Hilltarn Hopeful. Lovely blue merle bitch, well put together with nicely
proportioned head, sweet expression, sound body, good fore and hind quarters,
sound legs; moved well. 3 Sewell’s Ch. Foxearth Farah. Lovely alert tricolor
bitch with nice eyes and expression, sound body and good coat; moved well.
P J Fishwick