Dog CC : HAYWARD Ch Col Mustard of Misstoff
Res Dog CC : LISTER Newarp Sundancer
Bitch CC : MCGREGOR Ch Southcombe Solitaire at Rowvale
Res Bitch CC : EVANS Southcombe Surf Dancer
Best Puppy : SPEDING & SMEDLEY Foxearth Absolutely Fab for Antoc
BEST OF BREED : HAYWARD Ch Col Mustard of Misstoff
Puppy Dog (6 Entries)
1st: WEBB Dancerwood Dangerman at Llevol
2nd: MCGREGOR Rowvale Dream Racer
3rd: TURNER Bothways Spellbinder
Res: WERY & OATES Luvies Halleluia Boy oh Boy
VHC: WEBB Dancerwood Doubly Sure
Junior Dog (3 Entries)
1st: FRENCH Delmbush Crackerjack at Frendet
2nd: TURNER Bothways Pendle Prince
Post Graduate Dog (5 Entries)
1st: CLARK Astrellita Absoluto
2nd: TURNER Bothways Pendle Prince
3rd: WESTBY Lowerpark Latin Lover
Res: PENDEL Pelghart Gypsy Prophecy
VHC: RICHARDS Colinros Clever Curiosity
Limit Dog (5 Entries)
1st: LISTER Newarp Sundancer
2nd: PURVEY Chicnoir Midnight Magic at Freejack
3rd: GOODRIDGE Merland Midnight Maestro
Res: MAILE Colinro Chippendale
VHC: WERY Bhyllsacre Bronze Idol at Luvies
Open Dog (6 Entries)
1st: HAYWARD Ch Col Mustard of Misstoff
2nd: SELDON Ch Merland Midnight Marauder
3rd: GOODRIDGE Darsign Total Eclipse
Res: PETIT Jesena Bohemian Rhapsody
VHC: PETTIT Ch Jesena Silver Crusader
Puppy Bitch (7 Entries)
1st: SPEDING & SMEDLEY Foxearth Absolutely Fab for Antoc
2nd: SMITH Ochiville Proper Madam of Tentola
3rd: TURNER Bothways Pendle Witchcraft
Res: FRENCH Foxearth Kenwu Flippery
Junior Bitch (1 Entry)
1st: BREEZE Joeileen Jennifer Juniper
Post Graduate Bitch (5 Entries)
1st: GOODRIDGE Alopex Just Tri Me at Russfield
2nd: MAILE Colinro Catalyst
3rd: SELDON Merland Blue Diamond
Res: SNOAD & SMITH Acherole Pearl
Limit Bitch (5 Entries)
1st: EVANS Southcombe Surf Dancer
2nd: SEWELL Foxearth Farah
3rd: COATES Jaystar Mooncloud of Pencloda
Res: HAYWARD Foxearth Playing with Fire
VHC: GOODRIDGE Alopex Royal Mint at Russfield
Open Bitch (9 Entries)
1st: MCGREGOR Ch Southcombe Solitaire at Rowvale
2nd: GRIFFITHS Alopex Little Snow Bird
3rd: LISTER Ch Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata
Res: WERY & WILLIS Luvies Strawberry Shortcake
VHC: SMITH Ch Ghyllmore Night Flame of Tentola