Smooth Collies

Crufts Mrs M Clarke Moonwalker from Misstoff Oneways Errol Flynn Southcombe Society Girl Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Devern Fate A Compli
British Collie Club Mr Brian Makepeace Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Flash Past Antoc Fascination Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Rowvale River Gambler
Scottish Breeds Mrs L Tanks (Aus) Foxearth Flash Past Norfield Soul Mate Devern Fate A Compli Pelghart Perhaps Perhaps Pelghart Perhaps Perhaps
Manchester Vic Salt  Alopex Highland Fling Foxearth Londer Lladro Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Hiltarn Valentine Foxearth Londer Lladro
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Mr A J Foulston Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever Rowvale River Gambler Foxearth Future Magic Foxearth Flaunt It for Rowvale Rowvale River Gambler
WELKS Mrs Foulston Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever Foxearth Londer Lladro Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Chicnoir Sea Spray from Dancerwood Rowvale River Gambler
Birmingham Dog Show Gwen Beaden  Foxearth Blue Jeans Forever Moonwalker from Misstoff Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Southcombe Society Girl Alopex Fine Provenance
SKC Mrs S Wigglesworth Foxearth Flash Past Foxearth Londer Lladro Pelghart Private Dancer Hiltarn Valentine Lilymead Amazing Grace
London Collie Club Val Geddes Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Flash Past Southcombe Society Girl Devern Fate a Compli Alopex Fine Provenance
National Working Breeds Mrs I Bratley Alopex Highland Fling Foxearth Frenchy Chicnoir Lils Little Love via Snuggletooth Foxearth High Fashion Foxearth High Fashion
Leeds City Mrs B Banbury Dark Motif from Mistoff Eridor Im Mr Blue at Newarp Foxearth Future Magic Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Rowvale River Gambler
Bournemouth Derek Smith Freejack The Highlander Eridor Im Mr Blue at Newarp Foxearth Future Magic Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney Sturtmoor Alexavier Odessy at Snowtrekka
Welsh Kennel Club Mrs A Speding Foxearth Flash Past Alopex Highland Fling Southcombe Society Girl Hiltarn Valentine Alopex Fine Provenance
City of Birmingham Roy Baker Londer Look Smart Eridor Im Mr Blue at Newarp Glencorrie Begorgeous Foxearth Fatal Beauty at Yeldust Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst
Smooth Collie Club of GB Mrs M Holmes Alopex Highland Fling Eridor Im Mr Blue at Newarp Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead Devern Fate a Compli Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst
West of England Collie Isobel Griffiths Hilltarn Steel River of Cromarty Rowvale River Gambler Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Hilltarn Valentine Pelghart Paint it Black at Willowhurst
LKA Mrs I Cozens Manordeifi Smart Guy at Southcombe Rowvale River Gambler Devern Blue Silhouette Foxearth Fire of Love at Lilymead