Smooth Collies

Crufts Mrs I M Griffiths Moonwalker from Misstoff Rowvale storm Rising at Southcombe Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick Foxearth Farah
British Collie Club Mrs P Hayden Foxearth Sandy Footprints Dark Motif from Mistoff Foxearth Fondant Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
Scottish Breeds Mrs J Lawson Southcombe Sterling Chicnoir Quartermaster Devern Blue Silhouette Devern Dark Mistress
Manchester Mr T Hayward Southcombe Strike Gold Chicnoir Quartermaster Sharidon Silver Belle Pelghart Painted Lady
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Delia Moores Rowvale Storm Rising at Southcombe Moon Walker from Misstoff Hilltarn Hopeful Foxearth Flurrys Filly
WELKS Mr H Jones Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Finlander of Strutmoor Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Tentola Naughty By Nature
Birmingham National Nan Kirk Moonwalker from Misstoff Rowvale Storm Rising at Southcombe Antoc Fascination Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
West of England Collie Mr A Brace Foxearth Sandy Footprints Southcombe Sunset Shadow Foxearth Fondant Foxearth Future Magic
SKC Mrs F Somerfield Dark Motif from Misstoff Foxearth High Frequency Pelghart Painted Lady Devern Blue Silhouette
London Collie Club Mrs C Leach Moonwalker from Misstoff Ochilview Great Scot Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick Manordeifi Silver Serenade
Bournemouth A Speding Moonwalker from Misstoff Dark Motif from Mistoff Snuggletooth Flurrys Filly Manordeifi Silver Dawn
Leeds City R Cozens Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Flash Past Lowerpark Pandora at Derbypark Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata
Bournemouth C Smedley Moonwalker from Misstoff Alopex Going Equipped Alopex Silverstone Manordeifi Silver Serenade
Welsh Kennel Club Mrs S Wigglesworth Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Flash Past Foxearth Castles in the Sky Devern Blue Silhouette
City of Birmingham Z Thorn Andrews Foxearth Flash Past Alopex Going Equipped Foxearth Fanfare to Oh La La Southcombe Sweet as a Nut
Snooth Collie Club of GB Iness Bratley Foxearth High Frequency Alopex Going Equipped Alopex Silverstone Foxearth Speckled Wood
London & Provincial Collie Jan Starkey Moonwalker from Misstoff Glencorrie Beworth for Astrellita Southcombe Sweet as a Nut Southcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale
LKA Josie Bispham Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Finlander of Strutmoor Soutcombe Sophisticate at Rowvale Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata