Smooth Collies

Crufts Mr P J Fishwick Oneways Skalle Per Merland Mystery Man of Jarlana Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Foxearth Firedust
Scottish Breeds Mrs J Cunningham Fido Fax to Foxearth Moonwalker from Mistoff Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Foxearth Fondant
SKC Mrs A Arch Fido Fax to Foxearth Southcombe Scotch on the Rocks Alopex Silverstone Hilltarn Hopeful
Manchester Mr T Thorn Rowvale Rainbow Warrior Rowvale Stormrising at Southcombe Cownbred Hot n Spicy at Foxearth Antoc Fascination
Lancs & Cheshire Collie Mrs G Illingsworth Fido Fax to Foxearth Moonwalker from Mistoff Foxearth Firedust Alopex Silverstone
Smooth Collie Club of GB Penny Sewell  Foxearth Sandy Footprints   Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly Foxearth Castles in the Sky
WELKS Mr A J Foulston Southcombe Sterling Sharidon Touch of Frost Foxearth Phoebe Foxearth Future Magic
Birmingham National Mrs R Makepeace Moonwalker from Misstoff Fido Fax at Foxearth Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Antoc Fascination
London Collie Club B White Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Sandy Footprints Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick Foxearth Phoebe
Bournemouth Miss S Petitte Ochilview Great Scot Moonwalker from Mistoff Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly Fascinating Rhythm from Chicnoir
Welsh Kennel Club Mr J Bispham Rowvale Rainbow Warrior Moonwalker from Mistoff Newarp Jesena Moonlight Sonata Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
City of Birmingham Mrs P E Bailey Moonwalker from Misstoff Southcombe Sunset Shadow Foxearth Fondant Foxearth Finesse at Sandwick
Leeds City Mr D Smith Moonwalker from Misstoff Foxearth Sandy Footprints Snuggletooth Flurry's Filly Foxearth Future Magic
LKA Mrs P Lister Moonwalker from Misstoff Southcombe Sunset Shadow Hilltarn Hopeful Sharidon Silver Belle