Smooth Collies

Crufts Mrs P E Lister Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Hiltarn Lucifer Astrellita Amie Jaystar Lady Hamilton
British Collie Club Mrs A C Hutchison Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Bothways Silver King at Jesena Alopex Bluestocking Astrellita Blue Movie of Glenmist
Scottish Breeds Mrs I M G Griffiths Newarp Dark Crusader at Jesena Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Newarp Silver Moonbeam Astrellita Amie
Manchester Mr A H Brace Col Mustard of Misstoff Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Newarp Silver Mist Bothways Bijou at Bigglesmere
Smooth Collie Club Mrs L Burtenshaw Hiltarn Lucifer Hiltarn Glenn Astrellita Blue Movie of Glenmist Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne
WELKS Mr T Hayward Col Mustard of Misstoff Bodarna Black Peregrin Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne Newarp Dark Romance
Birmingham Dog Show Mr T Thorn Norfield Magic Knight Foxearth Freddie Star at Misstoff Alopex Bluestocking Lilymead Quite a Lady at Rowvale
Bath Mr A Wight Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Snuggletooth Hayseed Hobo Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne Astrellita Blue Movie of Glenmist
SKC Mrs A Kirk Jaystar Cassius of Tentola Hilltarn Dusk to Dawn Bothways Bijou at Bigglesmere Astrellita Amie
London Collie Club Miss P Hindes Norfield Magic Knight Hiltarn Lucifer Newarp Silver Shooting Star at Jesena Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne
Three Counties Mr A Clarke Newarp Dark Crusader at Jesena Jesena Bohemian Rhapsody Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne Alopex Bluestocking
Blackpool Mr R E Walsh Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Col Mustard of Misstoff Bigglesmeres Amethyst at Melzar Southcombe Summer Gem
City of Birmingham Mrs E J Moores Hiltarn Lucifer Newarp Cat Dancing at Dakotah Astrellita Astrid at Aberhill Astrellita Adele
National Working Breeds Mr K Bullock Hiltarn Lucifer Norfield Magic Knight Newarp Silver Mist Bothways Bijou at Bigglesmere
East of England Mrs R Makepeace Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Hiltarn Glenn Glenmist Silver Filegee of Lewarne Astrellita Adele
Leeds City Mrs J Skyes Sharidon Silver Phantom at Foxearth Col Mustard of Misstoff Lilymead Quintasia Bothways Bijou at Bigglesmere
Welsh Kennel Club Mr H A Jordan Norfield Magic Knight Jaystar Cassius of Tentola Bothways Bijou at Bigglesmere Newarp Silver Mist
LKA Mrs B E Hayward Col Mustard of Misstoff Foxearth Freddie Star at Misstoff Newarp Silver Mist Sunnyhurst Seabreeze