Smooth Collies

Crufts Mrs K Jeffries Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Dancerwood Gems Cygnet Sylbecq Fleur de Lys Foxearth Jubilant
Manchester Mr G Robertson Peterblue Rover Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Newarp Silver Moonlight Foxearth Jubilant
WELKS Mr F Mitchell Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Sylbecq Devils Advocate of Lovelawn Astrellita Moonstone Amberhill Candy Floss
Birmingham Dog Show Miss D M young Dancerwood Gems Cygnet Sylbecq Devils Advocate of Lovelawn Astrellita Moonstone Sylbecq Fleur de Lys
Lancs & Ches Collie Mrs V Hickson Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Peterblue Rover Peterblue Robyn Blue Lagoon
Bath Mr W P Turner Sylbecq Devils Advocate of Lovelawn Dancerwood Sun King Astrellita Moonstone Sylbecq Fleur de Lys
SKC Mr H P McLaren Astrellita Pot Black Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Astrellita Moonstone Amberhill Candy Floss
Three Counties Mrs B Hodgetts Sylbecq Lord of the Dance Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Anglefield Sweet Dreams at Hilltarn Amberhill Candy Floss
Blackpool Mrs V C Yates Belindawns Boxcar Barney Astrellita Pot Black at Lemino Sylbecq Snow in the Harvest at Lilymead Amberhill Sweet Sherry
City of Birmingham Mrs G Sutton Astrellita the Silversmith Dancerwood Gems Cygnet Sylbecq Fleur de Lys Amberhill Dark Candy
National Working Breeds Mr R M James Astrellita Pot Black Dancerwood Diamond Edge Astrellita Moonstone Treewood Moonshine
East of England Mrs B Blake Astrellita the Silversmith Sylbecq Draught Guinness at Foxearth Newarp Silver Moonlight Amberhill Sweet Sherry
Welsh Kennel Club Mrs P E Green Sylbecq Lord of the Dance Astrellita Pot Black at Lemino Newarp Silver Moonlight Dancerwood Frivolity
LKA Mrs I Combe Cotsbelle the Look of Love Astrellita the Silversmith Peterblue Robyn Sylbecq Fleur de Lys