London Collie Open Show October 2017


Judge Bob Gay (Yagane)




Best of Breed DENTON Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo & Reserve Best in Show

Best Dog DENTON Brackenhaye Fields of Gold

Reserve Best Dog - BEENEY Coneypark Black Sabbath

Best Bitch DENTON Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo

Reserve Best Bitch BEENEY Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark

Best Puppy - Wynele Sea Captain Garthfield

Best Veteran GRIFFITHS Alopex Little Summer


Veteran Dog/Bitch (3,3)



Puppy Dog/Bitch (1,9)

Wynele Sea Captain Garthfield


Junior (6,3)
1st BEENEY Coneypark Black Sabbath

2nd Wynele Sea Captain Garthfield

3rd  FLOWER Breckamore Butterfingers


Post Graduate Dog (1,0)

1st DENTON Brackenhaye Fields of Gold


Limit Dog (1,0)

1st NORMAN Seanua Signature


Open Dog (1,0)

1st LEACH Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn


Post Graduate Bitch (3,1)
1st BEENEY Brackenhaye When we Dance

2nd DENTON Brackenhaye Shape O'My Heart


Limit Bitch (4,3)

1st NORMAN Ryecombe Drama Queen


Open Bitch (6,2)

1st DENTON Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo

2nd BEENEY Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark

3rd NORMAN Seanua Serendipity

Res GRIFFITHS Alopex Little Summer



Many thanks to the Committee of the London Collie Club for the invitation to judge Smooth Collies at their Open Show on the club's 70th Anniversary and the hospitality on the day. We were blessed with gorgeous autumnal weather which enabled judging to take place outside with a good sized flat ring, just right in which to assess the all important movement of the smooths. A good entry affected by the inevitable absentee rate, but still leaving a quality field present for which I thank all the exhibitors. *P* (1) 1. BP, Tiranti's Wynele Sea Captain Garthfield, 8 month b/m dog of good colour, balanced head with level planes, well placed & shape eye, ears well placed but light. Straight front, good reach of neck, neat feet, depth of rib & length of tail. When settled moved away true. *J* (6, 3) 1. RBD, Beeney's Coneypark Black Sabbath. Upstanding tri dog, masculine but no sign of coarseness. Balanced head with level planes, good tan, dark & well placed eye & ear resulting in a sweet expression. Super overall outline with a well placed shoulder, good reach of neck, depth of rib, bend of stifle, neat feet & correctly set tail. Floated around the ring with good front reach and strong true rear end action. Pushed hard for BD. 2. Tiranti's Wynele Sea Captain Garthfield. 3. Flower's Breckamore Butterfingers. *PGD* (1) 1. BD, BOS and BOSIS Denton's Brackenhaye Fields Of Gold. Quality shaded sable dog. Head balanced with level planes, rounded muzzle, good under jaw, well placed eye & ears all used for the ideal expression. Super outline with a well laid back shoulder, reach of neck & bend of stifle. Well muscled. Moved at the right pace he showed true and driving movement front, rear & in profile with good reach. *LD* (1) 1. Norman's Seanua Signature. S/w dog, masculine head with good stop placement & level planes. Well placed ears used to good effect. Nicely muscled with straight front, good reach of neck, depth of rib, neat feet & tail placement. Moved freely both going away, coming and in profile. *OD *(1) 1. Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus At Hilltarn b/m dog of good colour. Balanced head with level planes, stop & eye placement & shape. Good overall outline from reach of neck, depth of rib, length of back, bend of stifle & tail placement. Moved true front & rear. *PGB *(3, 1) 1. Beeney's Brackenhaye When We Dance. Very feminine tri bitch both in head & body. Lovely expression resulting from a balanced head with flat planes, sweet eye & good ear placement used to good effect. Lovely outline with a straight front, good front & rear angles, length of back, and tail placement. Once in her stride moved well with good front reach & rear end drive. 2. Denton's Brackenhaye Shape O'my Heart. Another nicely shaped tri bitch (litter sister to 1). On the day slightly unsettled, who still did enough to show off her qualities. Balanced head, level planes & sweet eye & expression. Good reach of neck, well laid back shoulder, straight front, depth of rib, length of back & good rear angulation. When settled moved true, front, rear & in profile. *LB* (4, 3) 1 Norman's Ryecombe Drama Queen s/w bitch with a moulded foreface with charming white flash, sweet eye & ears used to good effect for a soft feminine expression. Good reach of neck, straight front & depth of rib & well muscled. Moved with good reach, keeping her level top-line. *OB* (6, 2) What a super class, four lovely bitches. 1. BB, BOB and RBIS. Denton's Ch. Kevranna Theras Enate Echo. Quality shaded s/w bitch, mature & in full bloom. Balanced head, well placed eye & ears, good underjaw, a natural showgirl. Super overall feminine shape with good front & rear angulation, neat feet, straight front & reach of neck. In good hard condition she moved lightly around the ring with good front extension & rear end drive. The complete package. 2. RBB, RBOB. Beeney's Rycombe Jolly Jonquil At Coneypark. Another super shaded s/w bitch with so many of the qualities of 1, who pushed hard for 1st place, with a balanced head with level planes, good under jaw & sweet expression. Lovely outline from her straight front, reach of neck, shoulder placement, depth of rib to rear angulation & tail placement. Well muscled she moved lightly around the ring with correct front extension & rear drive. 3. Norman's Seanua Serendipity