Yorkshire Collie Open Show February 2016
Judge Michelle Fort
Best of Breed Hartley's Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
Best Dog French's Breckamore by Design
Reserve Best Dog Russell's Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan
Best Bitch Hartley's Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
Reserve Best Bitch French's Finnish Touch for Breckamore
Best Puppy -
Best Veteran -
Veteran Dog (1,1)
Puppy Dog (2,2)
Dog (2,1)
1st French's Breckamore by Design
Post Graduate Dog (1,1)
Open Dog (2,0)
1st Russell's Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan
2nd French's Breckamore Blushing Groom
Puppy Bitch (1,1)
Junior Bitch
1st Hartley's Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
Post Graduate Bitch (1,0)
Russell#s Koczkodan Nos Kerenza
Open Bitch (3,1)
1st French's Finnish Touch for Breckamore
2nd Russell's Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczodan
Junior Dog
1st French's Breckmore By Design, very striking well marked b/m of
instant appeal & turned out in the best of order. Quality head, flat
skull, excellent stop, lovely kind but most definite masculine
expression, lovely mouldings, very attentive, topped off by
excellent ever-alert ears, all supported by super well-arched neck,
very good shoulder & depth of chest, strong well-boned legs with
tight feet, body in hardy condition, good rear quarters, bend of
stifle & strong straight hocks, very good thigh muscle, very well
shown & presented, a pleasure to watch on the move. Had no
hesitation awarding him BD.
Open Dog
1st Russell's Foxearth Fashion Guru For Koczkodan, appealing s/w,
good head pattern, well moulded muzzle, good ear carriage, reach of
neck, well boned straight front, level topline held on the move,
well let down rear pasterns, moved out well with handler. RBD.
2nd French's Breckamore Blushing Groom, S/W with lovely ears, eye and expression. Super neck, good shoulders, deep chest and correct topline. Moved well on good legs and tight feet. Very well presented.
Junior Bitch
1st & BOB Hartley Mrs J Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack Super tri
in sparkling condition whose excellent make & shape, plus her most
positive movement won the day. I found her most feminine with a
saucy, sweet expression. Her head was pleasing to go over, balanced,
good skull topped by ever-alert ears, very good neck and shoulder,
good depth of chest, good straight front legs with very tight feet,
in wonderful body & condition, good hindquarters, good stifle, well
muscled thigh, strong short hocks and with structure like that,
could only move as a working dog should. More than pleased to award
her the BB & BOB.
Post Graduate Bitch
1st Russell's Koczkodan Nos Kerenza, Tri colour. Good overall make
and shape. Balanced head, good eye, ears, back skull, well filled in
foreface with a good underjaw. Good reach of neck and length of
back. Good quarters. Moved soundly.
Open Bitch
1st French's Finnish Touch For Breckamore, tri with pleasing head
with nicely placed eye, neat ears and good under jaw, carried on a
well arched neck, correct topline with good angulation front and
rear, moved and co-operated well with handler. 2 Russell's
Manordeifi Satin Doll Of Koczkodan Tri Head handles well, good
length of neck and tail and depth in body, stood four square on good
legs and feet.