West of England Collie Ass Open Show September 2016
Judge : Maxine Mellish
Best of Breed BENTON & WOOD Ch Oakestelle Vivaldi & Reserve Best in Show
Best Dog BENTON & WOOD Ch Oakestelle Vivaldi
Res Best Dog GAY Yagane Blue Mist
Best Bitch BENTON Oakestelle Venus De Milo
Res Best Bitch SWEENEY Plaisance Blue Belle
Best Veteran BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle & Best Veteran in Show
Best Puppy - DENTON Brackenhaye Fields of Gold & Best Puppy in Show
Veteran Dog
No Entries
Puppy Dog
1st DENTON Brackenhaye Fields of Gold
Special Yearling Dog (1,1)
Limit Dog
No Entries
Open Dog (2,0)
1st BENTON & WOOD Ch Oakestelle Vivaldi
2nd GAY Yagane's Blue Mist
Veteran Bitch (4,2)
1st BENTON Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
2nd GAY Ch Manordeifi Sapphire Mist at Yagane
Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1st DENTON Brackenhaye Shape O'my Heart
2nd BEENEY Brackenhaye When we Dance
Special Yearling Bitch (1)
Limit Bitch (4,2)
1st SWEENEY Plaisance Blue Belle
2nd COATES Seanua Scotch Mist
Open Bitch (5,1)
1st BENTON Oakestelle Venus De Milo
2nd GAY Yagane's Lavender Mist
3rd DENTON Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
Res COATES Alopex Blue Moon
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for the invitation to judge at WECS, my ring steward and to the exhibitors for their support. Collie Smooth:?PD (1) 1 Denton's Brackenhaye Fields of Gold. 7 months old s/w boy with bags of ring presence. He had a lovely outline for one so young and carried himself confidently. Masculine expression, nice almond shaped eye, ears right on top, head is balanced and maturing nicely, with a tight lip line, ample chin and nicely filled foreface. Super reach and length of neck and back, front needs to tighten on the move but plenty of drive from the back. In super condition with plenty of bone and substance. Delighted to award him BPD, BPIB and in agreement with my fellow judge, BPIS. OD (2) 1 Benton & Wood's Ch Oakestelle Vivaldi. 3 year old tri boy in superb form, who excelled on the move. Very masculine expression, well placed correct dark almond shaped eye, flat skull, ears bang on top, well filled muzzle, tight lipline, plenty of chin - giving a very pleasing profile. Excellent reach and arch of neck and correct shoulder placement (several today were straight in the shoulder, which affected front movement). Excellent length of back and hocks well let down. This boy was fit and built to work all day, he covered the ground effortlessly and held a firm topline all the way around the ring. A very worthy winner; BD, BOB and in agreement with my co-judge, also awarded RBIS. 2 Gay's Yagane's Blue Mist. 4 year old b/m boy in good condition, but unlucky to meet 1 in this class. Masculine expression, dark almond shaped eye, flat skull, lower ear set. Slightly shorter neck, good shoulder placement, length of back, ample bend of stifle and good bone. Plenty of drive on the move, fit and sound, this boy is built to work and more than capable. Pleased to award him RBD. VB (4,2a) 1 Benton's Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle. I cannot believe this b/m girl is a veteran, I last judged her as a puppy! She isn't the biggest, but she has a lot to offer. Very feminine eye and expression, blunt wedge in profile, nicely filled foreface with ample chin, tight lip line and a flat skull. Ears bang on top, super reach and arch of neck, correct shoulder placement, good length of back and tail. Hocks well let down and slight rise over loin. Super fit, muscular, balanced throughout and feminine with the most exquisite topline that is simply rock solid on the move. In addition, she absolutely showed her socks off! Her movement is effortless and she has certainly passed that on to her children. BVIB and having called in the referee, Mr Tony Leverton, she was declared BVIS. 2 Gay's Ch Manordeifi Sapphire Mist at Yagane. 10 year old b/m in super form, and I'll admit to 'nit-picking' over toplines with these two veteran ladies, they were so evenly matched. Very feminine expression, lovely dark almond-shaped eye, flat skull, good ear carriage, good length of back and neck, very good shoulder placement. |Good depth and spring of rib, ample loin, hocks well let down. She's fit, so sound on the move and hides her age well - still having full dentition and a perfect scissor bite. Just didn't have the tight topline of the class winner. PB (2) 1 Denton's Brackenhaye Shape O'My Heart. Litter sisters of puppy dog winner, and there's no doubting they are related. This tri girl just had the edge today, very feminine expression, lovely dark, almond-shaped eye. Head is maturing nicely, good ear carriage, blunt wedge, good foreface and chin. Good length of neck and back, ample bone, and a pleasing overall outline. She just had the edge on movement and holding her topline. Pleased to award her BPB. 2 Beeney's Brackenhaye When We Dance. This girl just wasn't quite as mature as her litter sister, but I'm sure it won't be long off. Very feminine, petite with a nicely balanced outline. Head needs to mature, but ears were well set, lovely dark almond-shaped eye, foreface filling nicely, good chin, tight lip line. Good arch and reach of neck, back not quite as long as class winner yet, but shoulders falling into correct position, good spring of rib, and good bend of stifle. Not quite as confident on the move, but it'll all come together soon and she'll give her siblings a run for their money! LB (4;2) 1 Sweeney's Plaisance Blue Belle. This girl excelled in movement, very sound with a solid topline. Super 3 year old b/m, well balanced with a very pleasing outline. Feminine expression, flat skull, excellent ear carriage, blunt wedge, nicely filled foreface, tight lip line and a lovely dark eye. Good reach of neck, back and loin, super shoulder placement, bend of stifle and hocks well let down. Fit, sound and covered the ground easily. 2 Coates' Seanua Scotch Mist. 3 year old s/w girl with ample bone and substance. Flat skull, good ear carriage, nicely placed dark eye, good reach of neck, back and loin, good depth and spring of rib, good bend of stifle with powerful hocks - well let down. A real showgirl, she showed non-stop for her handler. OB (5;1) 1 Benton's Oakestelle Venus De Milo. Litter sister of the BOB winner, quality b/m with real ring presence, who showed non-stop. Very feminine expression, lovely dark eye, flat skull, ears right on top, blunt wedge, tight lip line, super underjaw. Superb length and arch of neck, good shoulder placement, good depth and spring of rib. Muscular loin, lovely bend of stifle, hocks well let down and good length of tail. Very pleasing overall outline and following the family tradition, held her topline on the move. Moved effortlessly and in super condition. Big brother just had that extra sparkle in the challenge, but nonetheless, a worthy winner; BB, RBOB. 2 Gay's Yagane's Lavender Mist. Mature b/m girl with ample bone and substance, giving a pleasing overall outline. Lovely dark eye, good ear set, blunt wedge, flat skull, nicely filled foreface, tight lip line. Good reach of neck, back and loin, ribs well sprung, built to work all day. This girl had the best rear angulation of the day, strong powerful hocks, good bend of stifle and nicely shaped feet. She covered the ground easily, but I just preferred the firmer topline and expression of the class winner. 3 Denton's Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo. 4 Coates' Alopex Blue Moon