Collie Association Open Show 2016
Judge June Fort (Shulune)
Best of Breed FRENCH Breckamore By Design & Best in Show
Best Dog FRENCH Breckamore By Design
Reserve Best Dog -
Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks
Best Bitch HARTLEY Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
Reserve Best Bitch PEACOCK Blamorder Back to the Start for Saraneth
Best Puppy - FRENCH Breckamore Blossom & Best Puppy in Show
Best Veteran
No Entries
Veteran Dog/Bitch
No Entries
No Entries
Special Yearling
Dog (3,0)
1st FRENCH Breckamore By Design
2nd COLE Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn
3rd KINSEY Sturtmoor Khaos of Kasvelyn
Graduate Dog
No Entries
Open Dog
1st Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks
2nd LEACH Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
3rd DENTON Ryecombe Jaffa Jake at Brackenhaye
Puppy Bitch
1st FRENCH Breckamore Blossom
Special Yearling
Bitch (3,1)
1st HARTLEY Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack
2nd THEOBALD Seanua Softly Softly
Post Graduate Bitch
1st SWEENEY Plaisance Blue Belle
2nd Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett
Open Bitch (7,3)
1st PEACOCK Blamorder Back to the Start for Saraneth
2nd GAY Yagane's Lavender Mist
3rd DENTON Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
Res LISTER Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW
VHC RUSSELL Manordeifi Satin Doll of Koczkodan
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge Smooth Collies at their open show, I was very well looked after and enjoyed my day I would also like to thank my steward Sophie Ray who did a sterling job and kept things moving along. And also the exhibiters for entering under me and taking my decisions in a good sporting manner. My only criticism is of some of the exhibits had dirty teeth, but I was very pleased with my main winners. SYD (3) 1 French's Breckmore By Design a Blue, of good size and colour, who stood out in this class and my star of the day, a good clean and well balanced head, nice almond shaped eye, ears bang on top giving a lovely expression, he as a good length of neck into well shaped shoulders, nice deep chest good rear angles, floated round the ring keeping a level top line, at one with his handler, I think this boy will be joining the upper house soon, I was pleased to award him BD BOB and pleased to see him go BIS. 2 Cole's Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn Sable of good size good eye, well set ears nice length of neck good shoulders, good angles moved well pity to meet first im sure they could change places. OD (6) 1 Czyzak's Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks, a lovely rich sable who stood out in this class a nice almond eye well set ears which he used all the time, a good length of neck in to a well laid shoulder good rear angles, moved out well keeping a good top line, pushed hard for top honours RBD. 2 Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus at Hiltarn Blue with good head and eye, good angles moved well. PB (1) French's Breckmore Blossom a sweet very feminine little girl Who stood alone, but she has the most beautiful head and eye, well set ears which she used none stop, a good length of neck into good shoulders lovely rear angles, she moved out so well for a baby, stood and showed like a veteran I was pleased to award her BP BPIB and pleased to see she went on to win BPIS. SYB (3) 1 Hartly's Foxearth Finnish Spirit at Jimjack a lovely tri just loved her make and shape, a nice almond eye, well set ears giving a lovely expression, nice length of neck into well placed shoulders moved well with nice level top line, I was happy to award her BB. BOS. 2 Theobald and Norman's Seanu Softly Softly Rich sable bitch who was feeling the heat today a little unsettled good head and eye moved ok. PGB (3) 1 Sweeney's Plaisance Blue Belle blue of good colour, nice almond eye, ears bang on top which she used well good length of neck in to good shaped shoulders, good angles moved well both ways with level top line. 2 Glover's Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett nice almond eye good ears good neck nice angles moved ok. Another feeling the heat. OB. (8) 1 Peacock's Blamorder Back to the start for Saraneth tri with a lovely shaped eye and well set ears giving desired expression, good length of neck, good shoulders nice front assembly, nice length of back which she kept level on the move, pushed hard for top honours. RBB. 2 Gay's Yagane's Lavender Mist full sized bitch who stood with dignity good eye shape, ears bang on top, good neck and shoulders moved out well keeping a good top line. June Fort *This Report Appeared :* 27/05/2016 Collie Association 8.5.16 Rough Collies. I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge roughs at their recent open show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thanks must also go to my very efficient stewards Val & Vic and to everyone in the kitchen for the lovely lunch. The sun was shining and the showground was fabulous, with large rings and a spacious grass area with plenty room for tents and cages. I was very happy with the overall quality of exhibits and so glad to see that we have managed to breed out the weak rear ends and cow hocks. Temperaments were excellent, great to see happy outgoing dogs enjoying their day. Movement on the whole was really good with only a few moving close behind. I did notice that many exhibits had ears which are too heavy and set too wide apart which spoils the alert expression we are looking for. Thank you for allowing me to handle your dogs and being sporting with my decisions. VD (2,1) 1st Wray's Takhisis High Voltage. Masculine b/m dog who is 9 ½ years young. He stood 4 square and showed non - stop. He has a wealth of coat which is well marbled and a light colour of blue, and has retained a rich tan colour on his face which makes it hard to believe his age! He has a head of good proportions with a good stop, flat skull, dark, almond almond-shaped eye and well-set ears which all combine to give a charming expression. He has a fairly long neck, level topline, well-sprung ribs and a deep chest giving him a nice overall shape. His well-bent stifles and parallel hocks enable him to power around the ring with drive and precision. He looked a picture in the challenge to take RBD over his younger competitors