West of England Collie August Open Show 2015


Judge Michael Vines




Best of Breed & RBIS Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You

Best Dog Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You
Reserve Best Dog Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn

Best Bitch Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark

Reserve Best Bitch Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse

Best Puppy & BPIS Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn

Best Veteran & BVIS Manordeif Sweet Suzanna





Best of Breed & RBIS Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You

Veteran Dog
1 entry - absent

Puppy Dog (1,0)
1st Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn


Special Yearling Dog (1,0)
1st Sturtmoor Dream of Kasvelyn


Limit Dog (2,0)
1st Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
2nd Ryecombe Jaffa Jake at Brackenhaye

Open Dog (2,1)

1st Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You

Veteran Bitch (4,2)
1st Manordeif Sweet Suzanna

2nd Juniperwood Dream Maker at Blamorder

Puppy Bitch (2,1)
1st Blamorder Just Like Magic

Special Yearling Bitch (3,1)

1st Manordeifi Summer Magic
2nd Blamorder Just Like Magic

Limit Bitch (5,1)
1st Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark

2nd Plaisance Blue Belle
3rd Tomalca Buttons n Bows at Manordeifi
Res Seanua Scotch Mist

Open Bitch (6,2)
1st Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
2nd Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
3rd Alopex Blue Moon

Res Manordeifi Silver Dazzler


 PD 1 Cole's Sturmoor Dream Of Kasvelyn. 9 months old s/w, stunning youngster, well presented, and kept on his toes at all times. Very well developed head piece, even planes, lovely eye shape and colour, moderate stop. Ears well placed and active, strong in neck which was of good length into a excellent top line. His fore hand was so well made with long bone at a very good angle. Fore legs straight into tidy feet. Very good chest proportions, with an acceptable tuck at loin, rear angles correct not over done in any way, strong hock well let down. Gave a good account of himself on the move, which included running true coming and going, and a far reaching side gait with a good follow through. BPD. RBD. BP in Show. YD As puppy dog. LD 1 Leach Manordeifi Dionysus At Hill Tarn. 4 year old merle of very good type, confident and on his toes. Well balanced head, with all the furnishing, eyes very dark, ears well set and active. Neck of moderate length which flowed onto a very firm top line, fore hand good with elbows well tucked in. Under line very good coupled with a very well made hind quarter. Looked smart on the move, sound, but also very buoyant. Showed well and had the coat and colour I so like. Well done. 2 Dentons Ryecombe Jaffa Jake At Brackenhaye. 2 /half years, tri came very close to winner, just spoilt for choice. Loved his rich colour. Strong head very good for bone and substance, just didn't get under way on the move, not really his fault, handler needs to get more involved. OD 1 Hutchings Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You. 6 year old and in his prime, strong well made tri, looked the part, from start to finish, classic male head piece, eye so well set and showing a very calm confident expression, ears on the go and so well set. Strong well muscled neck into high withers and the finest of top line, he didn't disappoint on the fore hand and had a matching rear assembly I so admire in any breed. Shut the door on all the rest when it came to movement, smooth action, powerful accurate side gait. BD and well deserved. Coupled with BOB. And a great RB in Show. BITCHES. VB 1 Moores Manordeifi Sweet Suzanna. 7 years, tri just in the veteran class and looking in peak condition, so feminine, and so well handled, just gave her the time to settle on the move which most find difficult. Strong head without being course, moderate stop, eye very dark. Very keen expression and used her ears to best effect. Powerful in neck and shoulders with both top and under line correct. Feet good, tail set a little high with the tail a little gay at times. Moved with a real sense of purpose, running straight away and coming, her side gait an absolute asset, smooth powerful and very well balanced. Best Veteran. BV in Show. My co judge in total agreement. Well done. 2 Lusty Juniperwood Dream Maker A Blamorder. At 8 year old had a job to keep up but by no way let herself down. Still has a great profile and very good presentation. PB 1 Williams Blamorder Just Like Magic. 9 months old, tri, very rich colouring, but still has some way to go in presentation. Very feminine, good for shape and size with a very well balanced profile, quite loose although, but thats just her age. Just needs to build up her confidence. Smart in head, very good front and rear but as I've said, she needs to firm up. Very sound on the move. Sp Y 1 Moores Manordeifi Summer Magic. 15 month, tri, very good for type with a very attractive head piece, darkest of eye, ears well set. Neck of good length into high withers and a well muscled top line. All angles good with long bones, and a firmness to match. Did well on the move handler just needs to steady down, she lost her balance a few times. Well done. 2 Williams Blamorder Just Like Magic. My nice puppy bitch. Lb 1 Beeney's Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil At Coneypark. 3 year old g/w. The way she moved has stuck in my memory, she has the look of a real worker. S lovely sable, with a neat wedged head, good stop, well placed eyes of good shape and colour. Ears very active even on the move. Neck of good length, fore hand and chest proportions very good. Very good tuck to under line. Very flexible pasterns which gave her such a smooth action on side gait. Rear doesn't get any better. Very very sound. BB. RBOB Well done. 2 Sweeney Plaisance Blue Belle. 2 years old merle, I found her not wanting in any area, attractive girl showing good type, and a confidence missing in some today. Clean well cut head, dark eye of good shape. Very good profile with super level top line, held I might say at all times. Nice angles to shoulder and she kept her elbows well tucked in. Very sound if a little erratic at times. O 1 Hutchings Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse ShCM. 6 year old, mature merle in her prime but up against some stiff competition. Loved her in presentation, had a steady approach and a confidence one expects from the open class. Nice shape to her head with eyes, ears, and stop very good. Impressive well built fore hand, bones long, angles correct. Tidy feet and very roomy chest which had both depth and width. A power house of a rear assembly used to best effect. Sound all round. Gave her a second look in the challenge. 2 Denton's Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo. Stunning g/w at a first glance has it all, I just felt she lost her top line too often during the class. Fab head with eye's, ears, and that reach of neck giving her a real elegant look. All angles very good especially her fore hand. I will say the ground was very uneven in place's which did not help. I'm sure I'll see this one again.