Smooth Collie of GB Open Show 2015
Judge Simon Burton (Glencorrie) Special Classes - Brenda Trundley Critique Below.
BOB Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
BD Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You
RBD Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks (Imp Pol)
BB Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
RBB Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse ShCM RBOB
Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp Rus) NAF TAF
Ch Lilymead Amazing Grace
Minor Puppy Dog
No Entries
Puppy Dog
No Entries
Junior Dog
No Entries
Novice Dog
No Entries
Post Graduate Dog (4,2)
1st Oakestelle Sebastian Bach
2nd Koczkodan Nosblyth
Limit Dog (7,3)
1st Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks (Imp Pol)
2nd Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
3rd Ryecombe Jaffa Jake
Res Foxearth Fashion Guru for Koczkodan
Open Dog (4,2)
1st Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu
2nd Easy Listening at Seanua
Minor Puppy Bitch (1,0)
1st Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp Rus) NAF TAF
Puppy Bitch (2,0)
1st Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp Rus) NAF TAF
Manordeifi Summer Magic
Junior Bitch (2,1)
1st Willowhurst Vanity
Novice Bitch (1,0)
1st Manordeifi Summer Magic
Post Graduate Bitch (6,2)
1st Blamorder Back to the Start for Saraneth
2nd Tomalca Buttons n Bows at Manordeifi
3rd Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett
Koczkodan Nos Kerenza
Limit Bitch (5,2)
1st Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark
2nd Manordeifi Silver Dazzler
Oakestelle Venus de Milo
Open Bitch (10)
1st Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo
2nd Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse ShCM
3rd Juniperwood Just a Dream
Res Jack Mack's Hefin Huw (Imp Deu)
Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle
Veteran Bitch (5,2)
1st Ch Lilymead Amazing Grace
2nd Juniperwood Dream Maker at Blamorder
3rd Ch Foxearth Fluorescene at Molloney ShCM
I was honoured to be invited to judge at the Smooth Collie Club of Great Britain’s Open Show, held back-to-back with the Collie Association’s Open Show and would like to thank the committee for their invitation and for putting on such a well-run and enjoyable show. The weather was perfect and there was a lovely atmosphere with both Clubs working together to the benefit of the exhibitors. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for giving me such a great entry - 49 dogs without CCs was amazing and more than all CC entries over the past twelve months except Crufts. When you take into account that because of the low registration figures for the last quarter of 2014, there were no entries in the first four dog classes (MPD, PD, JD & ND), this was nothing short of astounding. Of course, there were a number of absentees on the day for various reasons and to those unable to come I look forward to judging your dogs in the future and you missed a great day! To those that were there, I’m pleased to say that there was quality as well as quantity and this meant some tight decisions had to be made.
As always, I was looking for that classic Collie outline and type with that
unmistakeable Collie head and sweet expression, the right height to length
proportions and for the dogs to be constructed so that they could still carry
out the job they were bred to do, with a flowing outline held on the move.
I judged purely as I found the dogs on the day, regardless of how I may have
placed them when I have judged them before and some that I have liked and done
well previously did not perform as well as in the past. Others continued to
I had the luxury of a good sized ring and plenty of time and even with the good
entry I was able to really put them through their paces and it would have been
pretty obvious that I place a lot of emphasis on good movement. I make no
apologies for working them hard and yes, it was a warm day but the dogs coped
fine as they should do, although some of the handlers didn’t find it quite so
easy and are now thinking of working on their own fitness!
Type was very varied throughout the entry and I realised early on that it was
pointless expecting to be able to get an even line-up so I concentrated on
finding the dogs that fitted my interpretation of the standard, regardless of
how even the line-up looked. The good thing about the variation is that it means
there are different breeding options available and hopefully dogs can be found
that have the virtues required to improve on what you have.
Movement was generally sound; temperaments were good as I expected; heads and
expressions were mixed and there are some lovely dogs with upper arms that are
still either too short or too straight. Generally though, I felt that it was an
improving picture overall, so a small pat on the back to the breeders amongst
MPD (0,0)
PD (0,0)
JD (0,0)
ND (0,0)
PG (2,2a) 1. Vickery’s Oakestelle Sebastian Bach. Well balanced
22 months tri dog at the lower end of the height range and of finer build but
all in proportion for his size. Particularly good eye shape and placement with
his dam’s lovely ear set and carriage giving a most alert look. Stop just needs
to clear and he drops off a touch over the nose. His front is very good with
lovely angulation which is matched at the rear giving him a lovely flow down the
neck and over the topline. Good feet and coat and moved freely, lightly and with
ease. A neat, athletic looking young dog and still a maturing picture. 2. Bell’s
Koczkodan Nosblyth. Larger 3 years tri male I judged as a puppy and still the
same happy temperament although not liking the planes overhead. Now a more
mature picture with a masculine head and expression, lovely flat skull and
better stop than 1 although 1 has the edge on eye and ear carriage. Good flow
over the topline and depth of body with pleasing angulation at the rear and
length of tail but preferred 1’s excellent front and better reach and balance on
the move. Well muscled and correct coat texture.
LD (7,3) 1. Czyzak’s Cuba Libre Smooth Drinks (Imp Pol).
Impressive, masculine, rich gold sable male of 4 years. This was one of the dogs
I hoped I might get my hands on today and my wish was granted! Yes, it goes
without saying that he is top size and I would prefer him a touch smaller.
However, he is well boned, all in proportion to his size and above all he has
that classic Collie nobility with the dignity and self assurance that I hope to
find in a male. From the ringside I have wondered how I would find his head but
it is not deep through. It has length, strength (no snipeyness here), level
planes, good fill to muzzle, is clean and nicely moulded with a lovely eye and
expression and super ear set and carriage. His proportions height to length are
good, his outline flows, he is beautifully balanced which comes from super
angulation both front and rear with excellent length of neck and a firm topline.
Superb length of tail, good feet and he excels on the move with rhythmical,
easy, ground covering strides. Being such a big boy he still needs time to
mature in body and I felt he could do with a bit more condition but he is fit
and obviously well exercised. In the challenge for BD he just lost his rhythm
slightly and the more mature and finished OD never let up but he hit his stride
again when competing for RBD which it gave me great pleasure to award him. Put
to the right bitches I feel this could be a very useful dog for the breed and I
look forward to seeing the finished article – I loved him. Also awarded Best
Coloured Sable & White. 2. Leach’s Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn. I last
judged this b/m boy back in 2009 as a gawky junior and his critique then read:
‘...has a good head pattern with level planes and a sweet eye. Ear set and
carriage is good. Holds a firm topline and is sound up and down. His b/m coat is
correct for texture, colour and markings. Will undoubtedly mature on..’. All of
which still holds true and now 4 years old, he still hasn’t quite reached his
best but he is nearly there. He showed the best I’ve seen him for his substitute
handler revealing the most lovely, enquiring expression. Still needs a bit more
maturity in body but another fit well muscled boy. Preferred the length of upper
arm and length of stride in front of 1 but he moved freely and accurately,
holding a firm topline and excellent tail carriage. A good honest Smooth of a
lovely type and later awarded him Best Coloured Blue Merle. 3. Denton’s
Ryecombe Jaffa Jake.
OD (2,2) 1. Hutchings Ch Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You. The
second class winner by Ch Sandcastles True Topic and now a worthy title holder,
this 6 years tri male was my BD last time I judged Smooths. Not a flashy dog but
so correct; his proportions, flow of outline and excellent angulation make him a
Smooth to be appreciated for his many virtues. He has a quality head shape with
good length, planes and fill of muzzle, although I preferred the beautiful eye
shape and the tighter ear set of 2. Has enough length of neck which flows into a
textbook front, a firm topline with the correct rise over the loin, a gentle
sweep to the tail and with the benefit of full maturity in body he looked the
finished article today. On move his excellent, balanced angulation really shows
with easy reach in front, effortless drive from the rear and he looks like he
could go on for ever. In good, weather resistant coat and in peak condition, his
handler always had him looking right and he was a willing and attentive showman.
It was a winning performance and I could find nothing to beat him in the males
and so he took a well deserved BD & BOS. In the challenge for RBOB, I preferred
his sister’s eye and expression and he just lost the edge on his concentration
with a substitute handler. 2. Norman & Ratcliffe’s Easy Listening at Seanua. So
pleased to have this 6 years pale gold sable male entered under me. I know how
hard his owner handler has worked on him to get him back to this level of
performance and I was delighted to go over him. He holds an almost elegant
outline with such a classy head with a refined quality about it but losing
nothing in strength. Lovely clean, flat skull with good underjaw, the sweetest
of eyes with ear set and carriage spot on, giving quite a noble expression. Has
a lovely neck and good, well angulated front with super depth of body and length
of ribbing. Good rise over loin, drops a touch steeply over croup to good
tailset and carriage. Preferred 1’s rear angulation and strength of front
pasterns and although he moves with easy reach in front I felt he didn’t have
quite the same balance at the rear and as a consequence not the topline of 1 on
the move. Deservedly considered for RBD but preferred the topline and balance of
the LD moving. However, no doubting that he is a quality, typy male.
VD (2,0) 1. Griffith’s Alopex Matt Finnish. Always a pleasure
to judge the veterans and this was the first time I’ve had hands on this 8½
years old typy tri male. He has a lovely length of head, a sweet eye and
expression and very good ear set and carriage, looking so alertly up at his
owner handler who he obviously adores (and I know full well it is mutual!). So
well constructed with lovely angulation front and rear giving ideal balance. No
part is out of proportion and nothing exaggerated. Never one to give more than
he has to on the move he went fluidly, with good reach and easy propulsion,
still holding his topline and giving an excellent outline. Preferred the body
and coat of the bitch for BV but I know he has been unwell over recent weeks and
I was delighted to see him here and have the opportunity to judge him. 2.
Loader’s Foxearth Flaming Star. What a jolly old gent this 10¾ sable boy is!
Can’t remember having seen him before? Sweet head with a lovely eye and
expression, flat skull, good head planes and super ear set although ears pricked
now. Good neck and front and just enough rear angulation. Coat a little open and
topline not so firm but moves willingly and with obvious enjoyment. Hope he has
many more such fun days out!
MPB (1,0) 1. Forbes Natalain Kilkenny at Willowhurst (Imp Rus)
NAF TAF. Oh, what a scrummy baby! Bright gold sable puppy of 8 months and I
really fell for this one. Has a lovely outline for one so young, beautifully
proportioned and lovely bone. Gorgeous head and sweet expression at this age,
lovely wedge shape, almond eyes set slightly obliquely with an enquiring, gentle
look. Stop is in the right place, head planes good and skull already nice and
flat for her tender years. Has a lengthy neck with good shoulders and upper arm,
nice length of body and a good little rear end with lovely turn of stifle and
tail. Her angulation shows on the move and even at this tender age she has real
reach in front and balanced easy drive at the rear showing a great length of
stride and is so fluid and balanced, holding a lovely topline. With her full
white collar and beautiful colour she is real little looker and a very promising
prospect indeed. Handled steadily and sympathetically, I just hope she grows on
a bit and retains her quality head piece as she matures. Definitely the one the
judge would have taken home and I shall watch her progress with interest. BMPIB,
PB (2,0) 1. Forbes Natalain Kilkenny at
Willowhurst (Imp Rus) NAF TAF. 2. Moores Manordeifi Summer Magic. Larger tri
bitch of 11 months of lovely type now starting to look a bit adolescent and
not the quite the same balance in outline of 1 at the moment. She has a good
length head with correct underjaw and a well placed, sweet eye. Front
construction is good as usual with this breeder/exhibitor and I like her length
of body which already has good depth. I would like her to come up on the leg a
bit to balance out her rear end. Stands over plenty of ground and moves freely
and with verve. Just needed to settle up and down today and watch her tail
carriage and she is still carrying a little puppy fat. One I would like to see
again with a bit more maturity. Later awarded Best Coloured Tricolour.
JB (2,1) 1. Forbes Willowhurst Vanity. This flashy 15 month old
tri bitch reminds me so much of her sire but is a slightly more extreme type.
Has the cleanest of heads with flat skull, good eye shape and position
and a real wedge from above and the side. Her ears are very well set and nicely
tipped but would prefer them less tightly carried as I found her expression a
little intense. She has a good neck, lovely lay of shoulder and a good topline
which flows neatly over the croup. At the moment is slightly over angulated at
the rear and although she creates a balanced profile standing and goes with
great energy and drive on the move, she just lifts her front a touch high and
goes a bit wide behind. Shorter coat type but good sheen and well muscled. Will
be interested to see her with the benefit of maturity.
NB (1,0) 1. Moores Manordeifi Summer Magic.
PGB (6,2) 1. Peacock’s Blamorder Back to the Start for
Saraneth. Very smart 20 months tri bitch, picture marked and in glorious coat
and condition. Super head and expression with flat skull, good planes, eye shape
and position giving a quick, intelligent look. Ears not the smallest but well
set and alertly carried. Has a good lay of shoulder, good neck and flawless
topline, still maturing in body as to be expected and neat over the rear with
sufficient but not excessive turn of stifle. An active and balanced mover with a
quick, energetic but smooth stride and very accurate up and down, just has a
slight tendency to fly her tail which needs watching. A totally unexaggerated
bitch, whose handler really gets the best out of her – not easy when they are an
intense as this one. 2. Moores Tomalca Button’N’Bows at Manordeifi. 3 year old
sable with a lot to like. Lovely head and expression with a gorgeous eye. Skull
flat, planes good although stop a little long. Well placed and carried ears
giving sweet, alert look. Good neck and shoulder but preferred the upper arm of
1. Maturing in body, holds a good topline and liked her strong, well angulated
quarters. Good, rich sable coat. Another energetic mover with great drive, just
preferred the reach in front and balance on the move of 1 but a nice bitch. 3.
Glover’s Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett.
LB (5,2) Beeney’s Ryecombe Jolly Jonquil at Coneypark. Lovely 3
year old sable and a very balanced bitch, well boned but with an air of
refinement which appeals. She has a lovely, moulded head piece with good length,
planes and underjaw, a sweet eye and expression and alert ear set and carriage.
Stop could be cleaner. Loved her front and has good fill of chest and a really
good body – nothing narrow or whippety about this girl. Neat quarters and holds
a lovely topline and moves with great balance, rhythm and freedom which is how I
like it. Slightly out of coat but what was there was of good texture. The sort I
would like to breed from, a good bitch. 2. Moores Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. It
was nip and tuck between 2 and 3 and this was the third second place from me for
this sporting breeder/handler today. No secret that I like this neat 4 year old
b/m bitch having given her a BOB previously. Not quite in that form today and it
was only when she started to settle and concentrate on the final go around that
she clinched this place. Of different type to 1 and she also has a lovely head
and expression with a sweet eye but although her earset is good she only carries
them well when she wants to, unlike 3 who is the picture of alertness and an
excellent showgirl. Would like a little more neck but would look better if she
used what she has! She has an excellent front and the benefit of maturity in
body over 3 and although both have good lay of shoulder I preferred the upperarm
of 2. Has a smooth flow over the topline to a neat rear with those lovely short
rear pasterns. In good coat of lovely colour and once she settled was smooth and
balanced on the move with good length of stride and drive from the rear. If only
she would pull herself up and show herself off she would do so much better.
Lovely to see her again. 3. Benton’s Oakestelle Venus de Milo. Would like to see
the finished article as she is a quality youngster but up against the big girls
OB (10,2) This was a stonker of a class, the class of the day,
full of quality bitches, all of them being green card winners and I thoroughly
enjoyed sorting it out. 1. Denton’s Ch Kevranna Theras Enate Echo. The second
class winner by Ch Foxearth Felix Cited and what a lovely scopey bitch this is!
A stunning, shaded sable of 3½ years who just got better and better as the class
went on. Although top size for a bitch, she is such a lovely shape, her
proportions height to length are spot on and her outline just flows from head to
tail. I loved her head which is a lovely wedge shape with super planes and stop,
clean and moulded through the cheeks and with a beautifully calm, serene
expression from well shaped eyes. Her earset is good and although she can be a
bit lazy with them, when she concentrates and pulls them up the effect is
beautiful. Her neck is of good length which she holds so well with lovely lay of
shoulder and good upperarm although it can appear straighter when she reaches up
fixed on a titbit – something for the handler to watch! She has correct length
of body which is mature, lovely bone down to good feet and her rear angulation
is perfect, finished off with a good length, well carried tail. She has a good,
weatherproof coat of the correct texture, is attractively marked and she moves
freely and easily, with the length of stride her angulation would suggest and so
smoothly it appears almost lazy but at the same time really covers the ground. I
had no hesitation in awarding her the class in front of another favourite of
mine and then BB and BOB. She is truly a classic Collie bitch and I was so
pleased to have my opinion endorsed when she went BIS over the Rough under breed
specialist Penny Sewell. 2. Hutching’s Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse ShCM.
Another by Ch True Topic. Her owner/breeder/handler knows my high opinion of
this lovely b/m bitch, now nearly 6 years old and she was my BOB last time I
judged Smooths, also going on to BIS. Different in type to 1 being a smaller,
neater sort but also with lovely balance and so well made, feminine but well
boned, typy but unexaggerated. Her head and expression are beautiful with level
planes, stop just right and clean through the cheeks. She has such a lovely eye
and scored slightly over 1 with her sweetness of expression. Good underjaw makes
a perfect blunted wedge shape in profile. She was a little more reluctant than 1
to hold her ears tighter today but they are well set and perfectly tipped. Good
length of neck flows into the same smashing front as her brother, she has a
level topline with gentle rise over the loin and equally gentle curve over the
croup to a lovely well angulated rear, with super width of thigh and a well
carried tail. Mature in body, with lovely feet, in tight fitting coat still of
gorgeous silvery blue, well marbled with black and nice tan, she presents a
lovely picture. Her movement is on a par with 1, smooth, balanced, effortless,
totally co-ordinated and just eats up the ground. Today 1 edged in front for me
with that little more height on the leg and the length of head I prefer. Another
classy Collie lady and a deserving RBB & RBOB over her brother. 3. Lusty’s
Juniperwood Just A Dream. It was certainly no disgrace to finish third and
beyond in this strong class. Another top quality bitch.
VB (5,2) 1. French’s Ch Lilymead Amazing Grace. This 10 year
old b/m bitch was my RBB and BV last time I judged Smooths and if anything she
looked even better 2 years on and showed a bomb for her substitute handler. She
is very feminine, nothing is overdone or exaggerated and she has real quality.
I said before that I find her head and expression enchanting and I
still do; everything is perfectly placed with superb ear set and carriage,
lovely eye shape and set, perfectly level planes and placement of stop with good
underjaw; clean through the cheeks and nicely filled in muzzle. Ideal length of
neck into lovely front angulation, mature in body, firm in topline and neat
unexaggerated quarters and perfect set and carriage of tail. She is perfectly
sound and moves with lightness of foot, low reach and easy drive. In tight
fitting coat, well marked but as to be expected, a slightly darker blue now. Not
always an enthusiastic show girl she really stood up and did herself proud and I
was pleased to award her BVB. She scored in body and coat against the VD and
pulled out the stops on the move at just the right minute, clinching BV and the
coveted painting by Jane Howells. Well done. Interesting to note the veterans
were sired by litter brothers; the dog by Ch Moon Walker from Misstoff and the
bitch, Ch Fido Fax to Foxearth. 2. Lusty’s Juniperwood Dream Maker at Blamorder.
Only just into veteran, this 7 years tri is a lovely shape although a little
squarer in proportions compared to 1. She also has a lovely head although of a
different type. Not the exceptional eye shape and ears of 1 but good planes,
stop and underjaw. Well angulated front and rear, holds a good topline and moves
out accurately with easy reach and drive. In good coat of lovely texture and
colour and a switched on show girl, she certainly wouldn’t have looked out of
place in Open. 3. Hutchings Ch Foxearth Fluorescence at Molloney ShCM. Looking
so well for 12 years – lovely to see her again.
BRACE (4,2) Real tough one with two very good
pairs. 1. Lustys. Tricolour mother and daughter pair and like peas in a pod. So
similar in head type, proportions, body shape and length of stride. Looked
super. 2. Bentons. Another mother and daughter pair, this time b/m and also very
similar. The bigger age and maturity gap between these two was more obvious and
their stride pattern wasn’t quite in sync which ultimately made the decision
easier. It was no disgrace to come second!
Sp Classes – P 1 Manordeifi Summer Magical, very nice tri with a jet black coat, she has a good front & is well angulated at the rear, moved with drive, a bitch that could do a day’s work. PG 1 Blamorder Back To The Start for Saraneth, this bitch oozes quality, shown in lively passionately about condition. Not a lot I can say as we bred her dam; 2 Oakstelle Indie Rock at Stormsett, very nice tri bitch, she has a correct front & a good bend of stifle, very well handled, these two could change places many times. O 1 Ch Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse, what can I say about this lovely blue bitch that hasn't already been said, she excels in quality, super head with a lovely expression, I have admired her since I first saw her as a puppy; 2 Alopex Little Summer, this sable is a lovely old fashioned type, she reminds me of an old champion, she has a beautiful balanced head & a sweet expression, she again is correctly made, both these bitches are my type of collie.