British Collie June Open Show 2015
Judge Jane Gay
Best of Breed
Manordeifi Summer Magic
Best Dog
Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
Reserve Best Dog
Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp Aus)
Best Bitch
Manordeifi Summer Magic
Reserve Best Bitch
Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW
Best Puppy
Veteran Dog/Bitch 1,0
1st Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp Aus)
Puppy Dog 1,1
Junior Dog
No Entries
Post Graduate Dog
No Entries
Open Dog 4,3
1st Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn
Puppy Bitch
No Entries
Junior Bitch 2,1
1st Manordeifi Summer Magic
Post Graduate Bitch 2,1
1st Tomalca Buttons 'N' Bows at Manordeifi
Open Bitch 5,3
1st Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW
2nd Manordeifi Silver Dazzler
It was a pleasure to judge at this friendly well run
show, the venue is good and very easy to find. All the judging was outside
in a lovely flat grass ring enabling the dogs to show their movement with
ease. The awards were in agreement with my co-judge. VD/B (1) R.BD. BV.
Lister's Ch. Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp Imp Aus. Lovely 10 year old blue
dog, shown in good coat and condition. Clean moulded head with good stop
and under-jaw. Correct eye shape, size and set, with well placed ears on his
flat skull giving a kind gentle expression. Strong well muscled neck on his
well made body, with good angulation front and rear. Deep well sprung rib
and balanced masculine body shape. Moved well front, rear and in profile.
OD (4,3) 1 BD. RBOB, BOS. Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus At Hiltarn. B/M of
almost 4 years with a beautiful clear blue coat of good texture. Just
beginning to grow into himself he stands with a lovely body shape in
profile, but a little more weight would enhance. Lovely long clean head
with eyes of good shape, size and set, correct stop and flat skull. Ears
well placed and used to show his expression. Good reach of neck and depth of
rib. Moved very well. JB (2,1) 1 BB. BOB. BIS. Moores' Manordeifi Summer
Magic. Tri of just 12 months. Well grown and mature for her age with her
well presented jet black coat gleaming in the sunshine. Very nice balanced
head with dark well set eyes, correct stop and flat skull. Her ears are well
placed and used to advantage to show her very sweet expression. Good reach
of neck on well made body with good depth of rib and length of back. Good
bone & angulation front and rear enabling her to cover the ground very well
with long light strides. PGB (2,1) 1 Moores' Tomalca Buttons 'N' Bows At
Manordeifi. 3 year old in lovely well presented s/w coat. Very pretty
feminine head with the sweetest of expressions. Flat skull and correctly
placed ears used continually. A little finer all round, with good neck,
depth and spring of rib and body shape. Shown in hard condition with good
muscle tone. Nice outline standing, she is a very happy little lady and
this showed in her movement, but once settled into her stride her stride,
she moved well. OB (5,3) 1 RBB. Lister's Manordeifi Miss Daisy At Newarp JW.
Quality Tri of 4 years shown in lovely coat of very good colour, texture and
condition. Very nice head with dark well set eye of correct size. Flat
skull, filled foreface, rounded muzzle and good under-jaw. Lovely body
shape with strong neck, good depth and spring of rib, good shoulder, front
and rear angulation. Good bone and muscle tone. Moved very well with long
easy strides. A very close decision just preferred the ear placement of BB.
2 Moores' Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. Very pretty B/M of 4 years, who was
not that happy to be here today such a shame as she has the most beautiful
head with very sweet eye and expression, flat skull and good ear placement.
Good reach of neck on her well made body, very good front and rear
angulation and length of body. Clear blue coat enhancing her feminine
outline. Moved with enthusiasm but not as positive as 1.
Jane Gay