Eastern Counties Collie Open Show August 2014

Judge Lene Newman


Veteran Dog/Bitch (3,0)
1st Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp (Imp) BD.BV/BOS
2nd Ch Alopex Out of the Blue
3rd Devern Fait a Compli

Junior Dog/Bitch (5,2)
1st Seanua Serendipity RBB
2nd Oakestelle Vivaldi
3rd Oakestelle Indi Rock at Stormsett

Graduate Dog/Bitch (3,3)

Limit Dog/Bitch (4,1)
1st Rycombe Drama Queen
2nd Devern Cascade of Stars
3rd Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn

Open Dog (3,1)
1st Devern Denman RBD
2nd Easy Listening at Seanua

Open Bitch (3,0)
1st Alopex Marionette of Oakestelle BB/BOB/BIS
2nd Manordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp JW
3rd Multi Ch Kangaseuokon Venice (Imp)


Veteran Dog or Bitch (3 entries - 0 absentees)
1st - Lister's Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp, upstanding and very masculine blue merle with outstanding make and shape, well balanced and clean head although a little deep through, pleasant eye and expression, ears a little light, excellent reach of neck, correct shoulder and hind angulation, excellent ribcase and length of body, strong topline, moved very well, although I would like to see a little more animation, Best Dog, BOS.
2nd - Griffiths' Ch Alopex Out of the Blue, very feminine and most attractive blue merle with very good construction, very well balanced head and correct stop, a little fine in foreface, good ears and nice eye, very sound with excellent front and hind angulation which enabled her to move out with reach and drive but would prefer her topline a little firmer on the move.
3rd - Hills' Devern Fate A Compli

Junior Dog or Bitch (5 entries - 2 absentees)
1st - Norman's Seanue Serendipity, a golden sable bitch with excellent conformation and movement and presenting a pleasing overall picture, correct head planes, good ears, good length of neck, well angulated front and back and moved very well from all angles, Res Best Bitch.
2nd - Benton's Oakestelle Vivaldi, tricolour male who I feel needs to mature a little but showing some promise, a very nice balanced and masculine head with a good eye, good ears, good length of neck, adequate angulation front and back, moved quite well.
3rd - Glover's Oakestelle Indie Rock at Stormsett

Graduate Dog or Bitch (3 entries - 3 absentees)

Limit Dog or Bitch (4 entries - 1 absentees)
1st - Norman's Ryecombe Drama Queen, golden sable bitch with excellent overall balance and proportions, correct head planes and a pleasant eye, correct stop, good length of neck and body, good depth of chest, well angulated front and back, moved well although tended to lift her tail a little high.
2nd - Hills' Devern Cascade of Stars, blue merle bitch of good colour, clean and balanced head although a little fine in forface and ears a little light, pleasant eye, very soundly constructed which showed in her effortless movement.
3rd - Leach's Manordeifi Dionysus at Hilltarn

Open Dog (3 entries - 1 absentee)
1st - Hills' Devern Denman, a tricolour dog with a very pleasing head, perfectly balanced and very clean with no depth, parallel head planes, a slight but perceptible stop and he has an appealing eye and expression, reluctant to use his ears but they have the correct tip, adequate length of neck, good length of back, well angulated front and back, good body and bone and moved very well, Res Best Dog.
2nd - Norman's Easy Listening at Seanua, a very masculine golden sable with excellent substance, correct head planes and correct stop, pleasant eye but foreface could be better moulded, excellent ears, his overall shape and balance is very good, moved quite well from all angles.

Open Bitch (3 entries - 0 absentees)
1st - Benton's Alopex Marionette at Oakestelle, a very feminine blue merle of a very good colour, she is a little lightly built overall but very sound, excellent head properties and a flat skull, pleasant eye and excellent ears, she is well developed in body with good length of neck and back and pleasant proportions, well built in body and bone, she moves very soundly and efficiently and interacts with her handler at all times, Best Bitch, BOB.
2nd - Lister's Mandordeifi Miss Daisy at Newarp, a tricolour bitch with excellent conformation and movement, I find her head a little fine in foreface and skull could be flatter, eye a little round, she is beautifully constructed with excellent reach of neck, her shoulder and hind angulation is correct, excellent spring, depth and length of rib, good bone, her movement is sound and true.
3rd - Forbes' Multi Ch Kangasvuokon Venice

Lene Newman