British Collie Open Show 2013

Judge Marianne Benton

BEST OF BREED HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
BEST DOG GRIFFITHS Alopex Matt Finnish
BEST BITCH  HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse
RESERVE BEST BITCH MOORES Manordeifi Silver Dazzler
Veteran (6 Entries) 4 Abs
1st GRIFFITHS Alopex Fine Provence
2nd LISTER Ch Eridor I'm Mr Blu at Newarp

Puppy Dog
No Entries

Junior Dog
No Entries

Post Graduate  (5 Entries) 2 Abs
BOTT McClelland Hot Shot
2nd HOWES Dawcher Dawn's Surprise
3rd COOK Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru

Open Dog (4 Entries)
1st GRIFFITHS Alopex Matt Finnish
2nd HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You
3rd MOORES Manordeifi Shadow Chaser
4th HAYWARD Foxearth Flintab

Puppy Bitch
No Entries
Junior Bitch
1st MOORES Tomalca Buttons'n'Bows at Manordeifi

Post Graduate Bitch
1st MOORES Manordeifi Silver Dazzler
2nd BOTT Kingrock Bethany at Bardonhill

Open Bitch (6 entries - 5 Abs)
1st HUTCHINGS Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse

Veteran Dog or Bitch (6, 4 abs)

1st Griffiths Alopex Fine Provenance. Tri bitch of 7 yrs, Pretty Bitch, head handles well with a good break of stop, very alert with nice tight earset. Would prefer darker eye. Nice length in neck and good shoulders. Would prefer more chest.  Nice length in back and correct angulation in rear. Lacked enthusiasm on the move  but did enough to take this class. BViB

2nd Listers Ch Eridor Im Mr Blu At Newarp. Have given this boy BoB twice in the past, now 8 years old, but today wasn’t his day. He is well made through out, but now a little heavy. Love his long neck and has lovely length in back.  Good angulation front and rear. Lost out on the move.                                                                                                                       

Post Graduate Dog (5, 2 abs)

1st  Botts McClelland Hot Spot. Sable of 2 yrs. Beautiful in foreface, nice in stop, real dark almond shaped eye, good in back skull.  Ear set that was used well but a little light.  Has a nice long neck, good front angulation and nice forechest. Correct length in back to his height ratio. Nice turn in stifle. Moved out in front with good stride but a little wide behind from the rear.  Had correct tail carriage. Well presented.

2nd: Howes Dawcher Dawn’s Surprise. Sable of 3 years, nice wedge shaped head with good muzzle, nice stop. Good dark eyes but ear set a little heavy which distracts from his overall expression.  I liked his overall size and length in back. Needs more body, Good shoulders and well sprung rib. Correct length in tail but carried too high on the move.  Good rear movement but would like more stride in front.

3rd. Cooks Ryecombe Duncan Disorderly at Kimbru

Open Dog ( 4, 0 abs)

1st Griffiths Alopex Matt Finnish . Tri of 6 yrs, absolutely beautiful head, good roundness of muzzle with slight but perceptible stop. Nice dark eye and good tight ears which he used to his advantage today. Loved his well arched neck. Shoulder placement and length in back. Nice turn of stifle and well let down hocks. long tail. Coat nice and harsh, well presented.  Didn’t need to move fast to appreciate his good movement. BD

2nd Hutchings Collidach Molloney Ta Tu You. I love this young tri, Has a nice enough head, well placed stop, would prefer darker eye. I would also prefer tighter ear carriage. Scores on his overall body shape. Well angulated in both front and rear, which enables him to move with real stride and purpose. Love his enthusiasm and showmanship, but when push came to shove I just preferred the head of my BD. Ran him close though. RBD

3rd Moores  Manordeifi Shadow Chaser                                                         

Junior Bitch (1)

1st Moores Tomalca Buttons n Bows at Manordeifi. 12mths old sable, very immature, very pretty head with the sweetest of expressions.  Nice length in neck into good shoulder placement, good length in back. Needs to body up, very unsettled on the move.                                                                                                                                                          

Post Grad Bitch (2.  0 abs)

1st Moores Manordeifi Silver Dazzler. Three year old blue.  Lovely head, good roundness of muzzle, has a well placed stop and nice dark eye, nice ear carriage although a tad heavy tipped. I liked her overall body shape, good reach in neck and great shoulder placement . lovely turn of stifle. Nice length in tail. Needs to settle down in her movement. R BB and RBoB

2nd Botts Kingrock Bethany for Bardonhill. Young Sable, nice in foreface, would like more definition in stop, nice dark eye. Ears are a little light. Nice body shape, elbows need to be tighter which should come when she bodies up,  moved and stood toed in, moved well from the rear though.        

Open Bitch (6, 5 abs)

1st Hutchings Collidach Molloney Fay Mouse.  My star of the day, Scored in all departments. This beautiful coloured blue has a delightful head to handle. Proper wedge shaped head.  Good roundness of muzzle, slight but perceptible stop. Good almond shaped eye obliquely set giving that desired collie expression, ears tipped and used well, to be critical would like to have them tighter. Nice length in neck, correct lay of shoulder, correct length in back with lovely spring of rib. Lovely rise over her loin, well let down in hocks, good angulation in stifle. Covered the ground with ease with great stride out in front and straight from the rear. BB, BoB and with full agreement with my co judge, Best in Show